Danis birthday

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You woke up to someone shifting beside you. You looked over to see mads but she was tossing and turning. You shook her awake and she jumped up with tears starting to fall. You pulled her into your arms. You knew she was having flashbacks by the look she had on her face.
It's okay I'm here you said wiping her tears.
I saw him and relived everything he did to me she said
I looked down at her snuggled into my arms. I felt so sorry for her. I heard the door open slowly. I looked over to see Zach and he mouthed he was going to get Jonah. Not long after Jonah came running into the room. I had mads snuggled up into my lap. She fell back asleep. Jonah picked her up out of my arms and laid down holding onto her. I got up and went to change quickly then did something cute with your hair

 I got up and went to change quickly then did something cute with your hair

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(What you and Mads are wearing)

You walked out after getting ready and noticed mads was awake in jonahs arms

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You walked out after getting ready and noticed mads was awake in jonahs arms. Once she seen you she jumped up and ran over to you.
I saw him again she said whispering
Come here it's okay I said opening my arms for her to fall into. Do you wanna know something tho I pulled alittle looking at her. I wiped her tears while she shook her head. He's not going to hurt anyone anymore, I made sure he will never hurt anyone again. He's gone for a long time I said holding her in my arms. I looked to see Jonah and Zach giving a shocked look. But quickly recovered. They ended up joining our group hug.
Thank you for everything Lani. If it wasn't for becoming your friend and meeting you. I feel like depression would have won. Mads said pulling away
Let's get downstairs to make everyone breakfast. I have a feeling no ones up I said looking at her go freshen up and meet me downstairs she shook her head yes and then you headed downstairs with the boys following. Once you got downstairs, you started making açaí bowls and smoothies. Jonah decided to go wake everyone up. Once mads finished getting ready she came downstairs. She grabbed a smoothies bowl. You laughed alittle noticing the "matching"outfit chose.
Matching today with me mads I asked looking over and her. She shook her head yes. Not long after everyone started coming down.
Happy birthday I said looking to see my brother walking down the stairs. He came over and hugged me which I returned. You looked to see Charli and chase holding hands and you smiled. You were happy. She noticed you looking at her and ran to tackle you in a hug.
Bebe she said
Hi love I said hugging her
I feel we don't spend time together anymore dixie said walking over
I know I feel that too I said
Maybe we can have a girls day tomorrow Avani said
I would be down mads said joining us
So girls day us 5. This should be interesting I said laughing alittle. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Zach smiling down at me.
Please tell me you guys are dating Dani said
Not yet Zach said
I felt alittle sad knowing he hasn't asked. I'm ready and just wanna tell him yes.
Well I give my permission so just date already Dani said along with everyone else agreeing. But he didn't ask he just walked away. Jack ran after him while I was pulled away by the girls to make TikToks. Not long after Zach and Jack joined us but they kept there distance whispering among themselves. I didn't know what to do or say after making TikToks I went upstairs with mads following me.
So she said shutting the door and sitting on my bed. I laid down and stared up at the ceiling.
So I said
You know he loves you right she said laying down beside me
She's right I heard Dixie say coming into the room with the other girls
I know it's just why hasn't he asked I said
Maybe he's waiting for the perfect time Charli said
Okay let's keep her mind off this and make TikToks Avani said pulling me up

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