Time skip

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It's been 5 months since Zach and I broke up. I've been singing my heart away just like Jaden and mads told me too. I haven't seen much of anyone lately. Was sticking to myself. I didn't need distraction with the news I found out recently. Zach wasn't gonna be a dad to just one child now but I hid this. From him and everyone. I hated that I was doing that. I decided it was time to face everyone. I texted our group chat to meet at my house in an hour. I Kiana ready and went to the store to pick up stuff to grab present for them. I knew the gender already but no one needed to know that yet. I grabbed some baby onesies and some gift bags with tissue paper to wrap it in. I didn't text Zach about the meeting but I texted Dixie. We may not be as close but I want her in my life still. She was my best friend. Once I got home I noticed jadens car in my driveway. He's early I thought. I walked inside and seen him sitting on the couch once my door shut he turned around and way staring right at my stomach.
Lani he said getting up and walking towards me how long he asked
I've find out a month after. That's why I closed off Jaden. I'm scared I said starting to crying
Lani no matter what I will always be here for you. Let's get this stuff ready. We have 20 minutes until everyone gets here. He said grabbing the stuff from my hands. Kiana ran up to play in her room.
Jaden I am really scared I'm 19 and pregnant with a 4 year old I said starting to crying more
I know your very scared but I also know no matter what you have family and friends who will love and support you. Now go change into something more comfortable and put my hoodie on to hid the bump for now. Don't stress too much. I'll set these up for you he said walking over and wiping my tears. I grabbed his hoodie and went upstairs and changed into sweatpants. I walked back down and noticed all the presents were ready and everyone was here I adjusted the hoodie so it was alittle baggier at the bottom. I walked over and smiled at my friends and family.
Kiana I hollered. I heard running and soon she was at the top of the stairs. Once she got down I seen the hugest smile on her face
Jacky she said running over to hug him first then following with the rest. I was happy knowing that they accepted her but I'm not so sure how they would feel about my little one. I looked over to see Jaden walking towards me.
It's okay I will always be here he whispered wiping the tears I didn't know I was shedding. I went to grab all the presents and handed them out to everyone then sat next to Jaden.
So they is a surprise in this bag. Just know it's been a secret. I've been scared to say but now I think it's time. Go ahead and open them I said
I was watching everyone opening the presents. I watched my brothers reactions mainly. I seen the shocked and happiness growing all over them and they ran over and tackled me into a gentle hug. I seen everyone else sitting there still stunned
Are you serious Dani asked
I just shook my head yes and pulled up jadens hoodie showing my bump.
I'm so happy for you. Just know no matter what we will always be there for you little sis Christian said I just hugged them again. It was what I needed to hear from these three. I was so scared. Everyone congratulated me expect hunter since he couldnt make it. But I didn't care he has a girlfriend and a life now so it's up to him what he wants to do even if it means not talking to me. I heard the door open and looked over to see Zach wideeyes staring at my stomach.
Ummmm he said. I pulled down my hoodie and looked at him.
What are you doing here I asked
I just seen everyone's car here so I stopped to get the keys for the house. Umm congrats on being pregnant Lani he said
Thanks I said going to huddle into jadens arms. He just wrapped his arms protectively around me.
Thank you by the way Jaden I said looking up at him
Anything for my best friend he said looking down at me with a smile
And thank you everyone for coming that's all I had to say I said walking towards the kitchen
Girls meeting I heard mads say then following me
Bebe Avani said
That's when I just broke down crying. I didn't know what to do. He was here. He knows.
Oh my god! Charli said running over to me
Lani look at us dixie said
But I couldn't I was shaking my breathing was irregular. I started to see black dots and heard muffles.

I just found out I was gonna be an auntie again and I'm beyond happy for Lani. I seen Zach was here so mads yelled girl meeting and we all ran towards where Lani was. I seen her In This state before. I heard everyone say something while I ran over to be there for her. I was trying to talk to her. I yelled for Jaden Dani any of them to help. Jaden was the first one in the kitchen. He ran over and picked her up whispering into her ear. After a few minutes of that I seen her breathing going normal and she was now just crying into his arms. I was glad she had someone like that but I knew she doesn't look at him like that. It's like her brother and she's like his sister but I could see the jealousy washing around on Brandon and Zachs face. She looked at hunter with that face tho. I could see that. I see her looking around and once she laid her eyes on me she jumped out of jadens arms and came over to me and hugged me.
Thank you for trying to help she said with all the girls joining
Anything for you. Boys out now dixie said
Okay Noah said with his hands walking out with everyone following behind besides the girls.
Babe do you wanna talk about this I asked
It's zachs she said I found out shortly after we broke up. I hid this bc I was scared. I lost addison bc of Kiana and I didn't wanna lose anyone because of this child. I decided to keep it a secret. Honestly wasn't going to tell Zach but now he knows. She added
Baby we aren't like addison I said I looked up and noticed Dixie wasn't in the group chat but on her phone must be we were thinking alike. I just held onto Lani. I didn't wanna let her go. Soon after she pushed us away and look towards the door she heard open. I seen her have wide but hurts eyes to see addison walking in

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