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Mads came back down the stairs with my journal and handed to me. I went to the kitchen and pulled out a song I've been working on for a couple days. I knew it would be prefect. I hid my journal in one of my drawers in the kitchen then looked up to see Jaden. I slid the paper over to him then he looked down and started reading it. I see his eyes go wide.
Oh my god! This is amazing Lani he said
Studio I asked
Go ask Dani he said
I ran into the livingroom and seen Dani talking with Bryce. So I go over to them.
I wanna go to your studio I said once I got to them looking at Dani
Okay go get the boys and Kiana I'll meet you there he said. I looked to see mads walking over to me.
Let's make a TikTok before we go she said. We went towards my room and I posted the one I made earlier. I seen Charli Dixie and Avani wanting to come over but I just said no. I laid down in mads lap while she set up for the TikTok. Then Jaden came in to make one as well. I was happy these two were my friends. I heard the door slam open downstairs. I looked at Jaden and mads puzzled then in came three people who I thought were my friends.
You really thought we weren't gonna come. Lani we've know you for years and you chose to have mads and Jaden here. Dixie said. I could see the sadness in charlis eyes
Well atleast they were there for me when Zach cheated on me. I didn't even invited Jaden mads did. I literally texted you guys asking you to come over. But no you were too busy with your significant other while mine fucking cheated on me. I hissed at them. I didn't choose them over you. I texted the entire group chat with us and you guys chose your significant other over me. So I don't wanna hear I chose them over you because now that I'm seeing who my true friends are I'm seeing it's them. They dropped everything to come over. Didn't just asked what's going on. I continue to hiss at them. I could tell Charli and Avani were sad because they knew it was true. While Dixie just stood there shocked
Lani we didn't know what was wrong. We are sorry that we are trying to live a normal life and have a significant other. Not everything is about you. Dixie hissed towards me. This shocked everyone in the room. I looked towards Dixie
Get the fuck out of my house. I don't wanna see you again. Friends are someone who you should count on when you have a bad experience like now. But now I see you as nothing more than a stranger i hissed towards Dixie. She walked out but Charli and Avani stayed.
Why are you still here i hissed towards
Lani we are sorry for not being there for you. I wasn't thinking when I was with chase. Usually you don't text unless you need someone and I put chase before you. I'm so sorry Charli said looking up at me with sad eyes. I could tell Avani felt the same way. But I couldn't forgive them.
Give me some time I said breaking the silence in the room. I gotta go tho. I gotta go record this song before Dani literally comes and drag me out of the house I added getting up and walking out of the room. I went straight to my car and too danis house. I seen mads and jadens car following behind me. I got there and ran right into the studio. I notice Kiana was there along with everyone else.
What did you say to Dixie I heard Noah hiss towards me. I look towards the couch and notice her sitting and crying.
I told her how I felt. Then she said I make everything about myself. When I actually don't. I don't text anyone unless it's important and what happened today was important. Dani did you get a beat for my song I said looking passed them and at him.
Yup go ahead in he said
Okay listen to this song. It will tell you how I felt for months while Zach was becoming distance. I said walking into the studio.

(Play song)

I still hear your voice, tryna rip my world to pieces
But I'm not your toy, you can break and leave there bleeding
The damage is done, moving on if I'm ready or not
But you drag me through mud, here I come now, I'm petty as fuck (I'm petty as fuck)

I hope you never fall in love again
I hope you'll be yourself and lose your friends
I hope they call you out for shit you said
I hope you're miserable until you're dead

I hope you're miserable, oh
So fucking miserable, oh
I hope you're miserable
I hope you're miserable until you're dead

Been keeping your shit to myself
If I said it out loud, you'd be burning in hell
And I can make everybody hate you
Almost as much as you hate yourself
But I won't 'cause (I won't)
I know (I know)
One day it'll come around
But fuck you for now

I hope you never fall in love again
I hope you'll be yourself and lose your friends (lose your friends)
I hope they call you out for shit you said (you said)
I hope you're miserable until you're dead

The damage is done, moving on if I'm ready or not
But you drag me through mud, here I come now, I'm petty as fuck (I'm petty as fuck)

I hope you never fall in love again
I hope you'll be yourself and lose your friends
I hope they call you out for shit you said (you said)
I hope you're miserable until you're dead
I hope you're haunted by all your regrets
I hope they fuck you up inside your head
You know I don't forgive, I don't forget
I hope you're miserable until you're dead

I hope you never fall in love again
I hope you'll be yourself and lose your friends
I hope they call you out for shit you said
I hope you're miserable until you're dead

Once the song ended I looked up to see everyone looking at me jaws dropped expect for Jaden Dani and Mads since they knew the song. I knew they were shocked. I looked towards the door to see Zach.
Dani can we run through that song. I wanna hear it I said setting my head phones down and walking out to sit next to him. He hit play and we all listened to the song.
Damn baby I love it mads said
Thanks. It's a special song for me I said turning around and narrowing my eyes at Zach. What are you doing here i hissed
I heard voices so wanted to know who was here. Then I heard your singing. I'm sorry for hurting you Lani. But it's better this way he said walking away. What does he mean it's better. I got up and ran after him.
What do you mean it's better this way I said once I got close to him.
Lani it's better for me to not be in your life. Yes I love you but there's things you don't know he said shedding a tear
Then tell me. Tell me why you cheated on me i hissed to him
I didn't cheat he said with more tears shedding
I went to a party for an old friend. I had a few to drink next thing I know I was waking up next to Kay he said. I stumbled back into someone's arms and looked up to see Jaden.
So you slept with Kay. I asked
Yes but it meant nothing. Just be happy in the arms of someone else. I'm not a great person. Like I said it's better this way he said wiping the tears that were fallen
Zach there's something else. Your hiding something I said
No I'm not Lani just leave it alone. He said
So if I go to Kay's house. I'm not gonna find some weird secret I said knowing it must have something to do with her.
Fine she's pregnant okay. I'm gonna be a dad. Happy. He said storming off.

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