Time skip

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It's been a few month since I told everyone I was pregnant. No one knew the gender expect for Jaden Charli and Dixie with the addition of Zach. He's been trying to talk to me but I don't answer. I'm closer to my due date so little baby Makana Rae Seavey will be here soon. Jaden has been staying with me everyday now just bc of it. Everyone else has been coming just about everyday besides for Zach and hunter. I've been closer to Brandon and started to develop feelings but they were not as strong as hunter or zachs were but it was getting there. I could honestly say I'm happy. I haven't posted on TikTok or Instagram lately
Jaden I called out to him feeling pain shoot through my stomach
Yeah he said walking over to me
I felt the urge to pee and then a puddle by my feet. I looked down and then over to Jaden with a worried face then pain washing through my body.
I call mads and get her here. Get in the car I'll grab the bag. He said running off with his phone in hand. I hobbled out the door and into the car. He came running in while mads car pulled into the driveway. She ran over gave me a hug then ran into the house and then We were on the way to the hospital. After a 10 minute drive with how fast Jaden was going we were there.
Time skip...
I've been waiting hours to hear about Aolani. She didn't want anyone in there with her. Didn't even want me to call her family. She pushed everyone away again even tho we try to visit she didn't want it. I had to break my way back in and I'm glad. She release her second album and about to release her third. We even decided to sing another song together. I'm happy to have her in my life. She's my little sister my ride or die my everything. I decided it was time to text the group chat

 I decided it was time to text the group chat

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I felt happy they were all on there way. I knew Lani was gonna be mad but they needed to know. It still felt forever since I seen a doctor walk out from where her room is. I heard the door slam open and all of our friends came rushing in. I seen the tears in the girls eyes.
Hey I said standing up
Where's lani Dani said
I was about to answer but then I seen the doctors starting to file out of her room. I quickly walked over to him.
How is she I asked knowing she was still alittle early
She and the baby are healthy. She would like to see you sir if you are Jaden he said
Yes I am Jaden I said looking back at our friends who were waiting patiently to be able to go in. I followed the doctor into her room. I seen her laying on the bed with a beautiful small babygirl in her arms.
Hey she said looking up at me
Hey I said walking over and sitting next to her
Meet Makana Rae Seavey she said looking down. I saw the most beautiful blue eyed baby in her arms
Welcome to the world little one I whispered the kissed her head. So your gonna be mad I added looking at her
I know you called them. I'm happy you did. She said
Okay. I'm gonna go get Dani Tyler and Christian I said
Okay she said looking down happy. I could tell she was hurting bc of Zach. I walked out and the last person I wanted to see tonight was Zach.

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