LA night 3

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After playing the song I looked back  at everyone. Daniel was smiling along with everyone else.
I'm proud of you Jack said squeezing my hand
Thank you I said then looked up to see zachs eyes watching mine and jacks hand. I release the grip I had on jacks hand.
Bebe you are amazing Charli said
Thanks Charli I said getting up and hugging her the other girls joining in.
I'm proud of you lani Jaden said
Show them who's boss Bryce said
Thanks boys I said releasing from the hugs with the girls and hugging them
We need to get you in with our manager. He's going to love you Jonah said
No she's not going through them with our help. I know lani she's gonna wanna be big on her own Dani said
Thanks Dani I said
Welp you ready to release your song Corbyn said
Yeah what one are you gonna release Charli asked
I think f-150 and this song. It's more powerful then anything. I said and then maybe you can help me Dani make my first album i added looking over at him
I would love nothing more to help you lani Dani said
Aolani can we talk alone for a second I heard Zach say
Yeah I said walking over to Zach so we could walk outside. Once we were outside we went over to the rock facing the amazing view. Just like the first night When I first met him.
So I said breaking our silence Between us
Aolani you know I didn't know you had feelings for me. I see why you kept pushing me away and kicked me out when I was talking about another girl. I also want to say I don't like you like that Zach said
Zach it's prefect fine. I'm happy for you I said faking a smile and looking out at the view
Aolani I know that was a fake smile. I really didn't mean to hurt you. Zach said
Zach it's fine okay. Your happy and that's what matters. I said looking over at him then back out at the view
I am happy Aolani he said
I could see out of the corner of my eye him smiling.
I'm glad your happy. Can I be left alone for a little bit I asked
Sure he said getting up and walking towards the door. I heard the door open and shut meaning he was inside. I felt tears starting to fall down my face. I let it all out, the tears I have been holding in, finally all coming out. I was so tired of being hurt. It's been all my life. My model career wasn't the best feeling then josh and now Zach. My life's a mess, I wish I could just pack up and leave again but I promised Dani the night I told him everything that I wouldn't leave again. I heard the door open and quickly wiped my tears away.
Don't you even fake the being okay Lani. I know you wiped tears that were falling I heard Jaden say
Hey Jae I said turning around. He walked over and sat next to me. I laid my head on his chest.
Are you okay jaden asked after a few minutes of silence
I don't know anymore Jae. I just wanna pack up and leave. but I know Dani will be really hurt if I left again. I said
Lani I can see all the pain written on your face. But I wanna tell you don't run away from this problem. Face it head on. Show whoever is hurting you that you are getting stronger every second and show them that this isn't gonna kill you he said holding me tighter
Thank you I said hugging him and breaking down in his arms. We sat like that the next 10 minutes when I heard the door open. I didn't look up to see who is was but I heard his voice.
Is she okay? I heard Zach say
Yeah she's fine just hurting Jaden said
Oh okay. Want me to get Dani Zach asked
No I got her Jaden said
I could tell by the smirk on Jadens face, he was gonna say something.
Looks like someone's jealous I'm holding you Jaden said squeezing my cheeks
No he's not. He has a girl and besides that he doesn't like me I said getting up laughing.
Okay then let's place a bet then Jaden said smirking
What's your bet I said crossing my arms
Kiss me in front of him and see how he reacts. If he walks away or gets sad I win. If he doesn't show any emotions then you win he said standing up
Fine deal. What's the prize I asked
I don't know yet just think of something. I already have my idea Jaden said
Okay I said rolling my eyes and walking away from him
Lani Jaden said running after me once I got into the house. I noticed everyone was in the livingroom talking. I seen Zach looking at me out of the corner on my eyes and heard Jaden finally behind me
Took you forever Bryce said looking at Jaden and I
Yeah we got into a deep conversation and just want to be there for her Jaden said wrapping his arms around me. I looked over to see Zach staring at jadens arms
Told you he whispered into my ear
You didn't win yet I whispered back
You know secrets don't make friends dixie said
What your keeping secrets Charli said jumping up
No never would I said laughing at Charlis reaction. I looked back over to Zach to see him look down
Do you want to do this or not Jaden whispered
I don't know Jaden. This feels so wrong I said looking up at him. But he just pulled me into a kiss. I heard someone get up and walk away and another pair of feet running after whoever got up. I pushed Jaden away
Really I said giving him the death stare
So there is something your hiding Charli yelled
No I'm not hiding anything. Jaden just decided to kiss me I said looking over to where Zach was sitting and notice he was missing along with Jack. I looked back at Jaden to see him smirking
And now I think I won Jaden said
Wait what Dixie said
Ummm girl meeting now I said pulling Avani Dixie Charli and Nessa with me. Once we were away from the boys. I spilled everything to them.
So you made a bet with Jaden to see if Zach would get jealous by you two kissing? Nessa asked
Yeah and now I lost the bet so I have to do whatever Jaden says I said sitting down with my head hanging in my hands
Aolani you know it's not that bad what I was thinking right Jaden said
Don't you understand she wants girl time dixie said trying to push him out of the room but failed
What do you want me to do I asked looking up at him
Ask him out Jaden said then walked away. Little did I know Zach was upstairs asking Kay out

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