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Time skip it's been a couple days **
You are now home. Mads is gonna be sleeping in your room until she gets back on her feet. You were spending time with her and the others getting to know her better. Then you all did tiktoks.
Okay Lani show me the song mads said
Okay let me grab my brother. Girls bring her to the studio. I said heading out of my room with the girls heading out to go to the studio. Once I went to the livingroom. I noticed the boys watching Harry Potter and Daniel along with the other expect Jonah looking bored.
Hey Dani. I need your help. I said
With what he said jumping up
A song I said
Can I come Jack asked
You all can if you want this is just for mads I said Walking towards the studio with all the boys following. I walked inside and seen mads crying. I ran right over to her
What's wrong I said bending down in front of her. She showed me the snapchat nessa sent and it was of her and Jaden kissing.
Okay Dani grab my phone and go live. Mads come with me in the studio. I said
What are we going to do she asked
Sing this song I said handing her the lyrics sheet hit play Dani I said then he started the live
Hey guys so i never really on live. But today I'm here with a special guest. It's the Mads Lewis. She has been going through something that's public which a lot have you seen. I want to sing this song with her. I said looking at who was watching. I noticed Jaden was watching I hope you enjoy.

Play song
My ex boyfriend's got a new girl
And she's nothing like me
I saw her on social media
In a skirt way above the knee... you:
(She's a slut)
I heard she's the one at the party
Making all the news
And she's the one who's getting naughty
In someone else's parents bedroom

Oh no, I didn't think you'd sink so low...

You had it all till you threw me away
And since you're gone I eat pizza everyday
I text my friends saying 'LOL'
But oh well, it's a new day
And I think she's a slut anyway

I heard she cheats on you at the weekends
With a different boy, everytime
That's what the girls tell me when I see them
You should have never left me behind

Oh no, I didn't think you'd sink so low...

You had it all till you threw me away
And since you're gone I eat pizza everyday
I text my friends saying 'LOL'
But oh well, it's a new day
And I think she's a slut anyway

Now I don't mean to be mean, or sound rude
But this girl, yeah your girl has got an attitude
She blocked me on every social she must be anti-social
Or am I being too vocal? All I'm saying is
Don't call me when you see
She's a cheat on your knees
Begging me to come back
Cause I'm so done with that

Oh no, I didn't think you'd sink so low...

You had it all till you threw me away
And since you're gone I eat pizza everyday
I text my friends saying 'LOL'
But oh well, it's a new day
And I think she's a slut anyway
I think she's a slut anyway

Once you both were done. You looked at your comment sections seeing everyone loving the song. You looked over to mads and seen she was smiling.
Thanks guys I'm logging off for now i said ending the stream.
Holy sh** you just roasted him and nessa Charli said
It's what he gets along with her. She shouldn't have done this twice now. I said walking over to mads and pulling her into a hug.
You guys hung out in the studio for awhile. The boys record one of their new songs. You were talking to the girls when josh came running in.
Lani you need to come with me he said wiping some tears
Why I said jumping up
It's Jaden he said
I walked over and pulled him outside.
****warning suicidal ****

What do you mean. I asked
He tried to kill himself. He's at the hospital but he won't see anyone. He wants you he said
I ran into the room and whispered to Dani what was going on grabbed my phone and left with josh. Yes I dislike Jaden but he was my best friend. Once we got to the hospital, I ran inside I seen sway and nessa in the waiting room. Bryce looked up and seen me and pointed to his room. I ran into the room and seen Jaden laying there motionless on the bed. I could see the blank stare on his face looking at me.
Jaden I said walking over to him
Didn't think you'd come he said with a scratchy voice
I didn't think I would either. But I needed too. You were there for me when this happened and no one knew. I said sitting in the chair next to him. Why I asked him
Lani you don't understand. I actually do have feelings for nessa and lost them for mads. He said
Okay and I get that but why do this I said looking at his wrist that was wrapped
I lost my best friend in the entire world. I just wanted to be happy and I thought you would want that as well he said sitting up
I do want you happy but I just don't support nessa. She's ruined so many relationships I said
I know she did. But I can't help what I feel he said
If she makes you happy go for it. But it's going to take me awhile to accept this I said
Lani I can't lose you he said with watery eyes
Jaden I'll always be a call away but you don't need me. You have nessa so be happy I said getting up
Lani just promise to unblock me so I can call you he said
I will I said walking out into the waiting room
Nessa go in I said getting to the waiting room. She jumped up and ran into the room
How is he Bryce asked
Doing fine now I said looking back at his door then walking over to josh. I think it's time we have our little talk I said looking at him.
I think so too he said walking with me
I think I'm starting to fall for you again I said
I think I am too he said Do you want to try again he asked
I would like that I said looking over at him. He pulled me in and kissed my lips. I heard someone clear the throat and looked to see Tayler.
Hey aolani he said
Hey Tayler I said turning around to face him. Josh place his arm around my waist
How are you he asked looking at me then at joshes arm
I'm doing good thanks. I have to get going tho. I gotta get back to the girls and guys I said
Okay it was nice seeing you he said walking away.
That was awkward. But let's go say bye then leave josh said. I went to say bye to everyone then left. Once I got back to the why don't we house and inside. Everyone ran to where I was asking so many questions. Josh stayed and explained everything while I went outside to have some alone time.
I thought I might find you here I heard Zach say
This is my favorite spot I said looking behind me
He sat down next to me it's was silent for a few second before he broke it.
Are you okay he asked
I'll get there. I guess just seeing Jaden like this hurts I said starting to tear up
Lani i know it's going to hurt. I have no Idea what this feels like. But I want you to know no matter what I'm here for you, along with everyone in that house He said
He's right Lani I heard Dani say. I looked behind me and noticed everyone outside looking at us. Josh started walking over to me. I jumped up and ran into his arms.
Guys I've been hiding something. I didn't think I'd have to relive or bring up. But seeing Jaden like this is bringing back memories that I think everyone should know I said pulling away from josh.
I turned around while he wrapped his arms around me.

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