Meeting tayler

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After I ran away with the girls Jaden found us. I thought he would be mad but he wasn't.
Girls get ready Jaden said
Okay I said
You changed into this. Then got into Jadens car with the girls.

So where are we going I asked Jaden To meet someone he said looking at me then back at the road after about a 15 minute drive we pulled up In front a Mansion

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So where are we going I asked Jaden
To meet someone he said looking at me then back at the road after about a 15 minute drive we pulled up In front a Mansion. I looked over at Jaden them out at the mansion. I recognized the front from Somewhere but not sure who's house it was. Once we got out of the car and walked up to the door jaden knock on the door and someone I recognized answered the door
Hey Jaden the guy said
Hey Tayler he said
Hey Avani and nessa the guy said
Hey Tayler they said back.
You must be aolani. The girl who's been all over my fyp and best friends with Charli and Dixie. I'm Tayler. Tayler holder he said holding his hand out for me to shake which I gladly did.
Hi you can call me Lani I said
Well come on inside beautiful he said winking at me and stepping aside. I looked over at the girls and mouth girl talk bathroom. Which they all shook their head yes.
Tayler can you point us to the bathroom I asked
Yeah down the hall first door on your right beautiful he said
The girls and I went towards the bathroom. Once we got to the door we pushed it open and all piled inside.
Did anyone else notice Tayler was flirting with me I asked
Yes but you guys would be so cute together dixie said
I ship but if he hurts you I'll break him Charli said with the other girls agreeing
Okay let's get back out there so they don't think anything Dixie said
I agree I said
After we left I went and sat to Jaden.
Hey bestie I said laying my head on his shoulder
Hey Lani. What did you and the girls talk about he asked
Just some stuff I said looking over at Tayler with a smile.
Lani can we talk a second Tayler asked
Sure I said getting up. I looked at the girls who's all gave me the thumbs up and walked out of the room. Once Tayler and I were alone. He kissed me which I gladly kissed him back.
God your so beautiful he said pulling away.
Wow I wasn't expecting that. But thanks also I wouldn't mind this but I wanna take it slow I said smiling 
I wouldn't mind taking us slow as long as I have you he said wrapping his arm around my waist can I atleast kiss you again he asked
Please do I said pulling him in. We were about to kiss when there was a knock on the door.
Lani your brothers here looking for you I heard Charli say
Okay I'll be out in a second I said kissing Tayler on the lips one last time and walked out of the room with him smiling. We walked to the livingroom where I was met by all the boys.
Your in trouble Jack said smirking.
Aolani Rose Seavey and Charli Grace Damelio i heard Bryce say
Oh shit I said stepping back towards Tayler. I looked over to see Charli back up towards Jaden. We're in trouble I'm mouthed to her and she shook her head yes.
What the hell did I tell you about posting videos like that. Bryce said stepping forward. Dani pushed him back behind him and whispered to him which made him stop.
Lani I get that you're 18 and all but it's not showing a good influence. Especially since both of you have a lot of younger girls following you Dani said stepping forward.
And I'm me Dani. I'm tired of letting people control me let me live my life. I said
I felt an arm wrapping around my waist. I looked down to see it was taylers arm. I looked over to Jaden and seen he was giving me the thumbs. I looked over to the boys who were all shocked.
Wow tay you got a good girl on your hands jaden said smirking
Oh I know Tayler said smirking
I looked over to where Zach was standing and seen he had a girl holding his hand. That must have been Kay. I looked over to Charli.
TikTok Bebe Charli asked
Always I said trying to wiggle out of taylers arms
Nope not happening until you give me something he said holding onto my waist
Okay I said rolling my eyes and turning around to give him a peak on the cheek. Better I added
Much and I'm getting TikToks first Charli he said looking over to her

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