Time skip

15 0 0

It's been a few years since I seen anyone. I moved out of LA. I couldnt stay there and raise my kids. They needed a place away from drama. Daniel and the boys still come a lot. Gabbie still is always coming to see me with Lavender. Christina and Corbyn broke up along with Tate and Jonah. I don't see them much anymore. Kiana is now 7 and Makana is now 3 along with Lavender. I was happy to see them both growing up with friends around there age and no drama.
Mommy I heard Kiana calling me. I looked up from cooking dinner to see her walking in with her sister.
Yes baby I said
When's Dani coming she asked
I don't know want me to call him? I asked
Yes please I miss him Jack Corbyn and Jonah she said I even miss everyone else. She said with a sad face.
You mean you miss sway Zach hunter Brandon Joey Jacob and the girls I said
Yes mommy I haven't seen most of them since I was little and Makana was a baby she said
Okay I'll see what I can do I said
I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat.

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Must be everyone forgot what this weekend is

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Must be everyone forgot what this weekend is. I looked over to see my girls still standing there. I can't believe some of them forgot this day so much. Especially since Kiana is now gonna be 8 now. I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat without the people who weren't coming and forgot.

I still couldn't believe they did after everything

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I still couldn't believe they did after everything. I heard my phone go off and looked to see

 I heard my phone go off and looked to see

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I was happy to make new friends

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I was happy to make new friends. I looked over to see my girls in the livingroom playing. I heard a knock on the door so I turned the stove on low and opened it up to see
Hey chase said
What are you doing here I said pulling him in a hug
Well I figured since hype and I were in town we'd come early even tho tomorrow is Friday so everyone else will be coming he said looking over his shoulder. I seen someone I haven't seen in so long. I ran and jumped into her arms.
Oh my god Bebe Charli said
I can't believe your here. I thought you were gonna come tomorrow with Dixie I said
You don't think your best friend has some tricks up her sleeves she said putting me down and opening the car door. Then I was tackled into a hug dixie I said crushing into a hug. After a minute of hugging I heard my name being paged.
Mommy Kiana said
Yes baby I said turning to face her once she seen Charli and Dixie she ran and jumped into there arms. I seen Makana wobbling out.
Hey babe come here I said opening my arms up. She came up and put her arms up
Uppy she said
I gladly picked her up. She placed her head on my shoulder. I looked to see Kiana dragging Dixie and Charli into the house and chase smiling. Then looked around and seen the rest of his friends.
Hi I'm aolani and this little one here is Makana and the one dragging Charli and Dixie is Kiana I said
I'm Thomas the guy who was really buff said
I'm Mia the girl in his arms
I'm kouvr the girls next to Mia said
And you must be Kouvrs boyfriend I added noticing his arm around her. He rolled his eyes at that comment which made me laugh alittle
I'm Alex yes he said
I'm nick and this is ryland the two other guys said
It's nice to meet you let's get inside bc I'm pretty sure Kiana is trying to do make up I said rolling my eyes alittle bit
Lani can I talk to you for a second chase said
Yeah we can go to the studio and talk let me just lay Makana down for a nap I said make yourselves at home remotes on the nightstand by the couch in the livingroom I said pointing towards the livingroom then walking upstairs to place Makana down on her bed. I walked out and back down the stairs to see chase standing by the stairs. I nodded my head so he can follow me. We walked into my studio and sat down on my couch.
What's going on I asked
Charli and I broke up he said
Why I asked
She said we are better off as friends but it hurts so much he said putting his head down
Listen people come in and out of your life but you gotta remember family is forever. I consider you a brother to me and those girls love there uncle chase I said
He smiled alittle bit and I started trying to cheer him up. After awhile I walked out and noticed dinner was ready but I didn't make enough for everyone.
So I didn't expect guest only the girls and I for dinner I said
It's okay we can Uber eats or Grubhub something Thomas said
What did you make chase asked
My chili I said smirking
Goddamnit I love your chili. I knew I should of said something he said whining
Is it really that good nick said laughing alittle
Yes it's absolutely amazing he said
Well maybe you best friend just teased you. She always makes enough especially knowing you were gonna come tomorrow so you would have wanted it I said smirking
You devil he said starting to run after me. I just ran back into the kitchen which he cornered me and started tickling me
Okay I give I'm sorry but it's almost ready. Get the bowls for me and cut the bread I said pushing him away
Fine he said rolling his eyes
Don't roll your eyes at me or you won't get any I said
Okay I'm sorry he said
Wow she has chase on a leash I head nick say
I know I find this funny before Makana was born he still did everything she said. He was afraid of her I heard Charli say
I'm not afraid of her he said starting to turn around. I just had to look at him and he went back to cutting the bread
Definitely not afraid Ryland said
Oh he definitely is. I said smirking

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