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***time skip***
You have been taking things slow with Zach for the past couple months and only kissed 3 times. Your 19 birthday was today and tomorrow was Dani so you decided to go home the night before yours to be at your moms house. Mads came with you guys. You began to wake up and see mads was still laying on bed scrolling through her phone.
Happy birthday she said feeling me move Then looking down at me
Thank you mads i said getting up and hugging her
Get up and ready we are making a TikTok she said pushing the blanket off her and getting up. I heard the door slam open and someone jumping on top of me.
Happy birthday Bebe I heard Charli say
Thanks love i said movin alittle to hug her
I pushed Charli gently off and got up to get dressed. I made TikToks
With mads and Charli then walked downstairs. I seen balloons everywhere and my family downstairs with my friends.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY everyone screamed
Thanks I said smiling at everyone. I looked around and seen all the work they have put into today. I felt arms wrap around me and looked up to see Zach.
Happy birthday beautiful he said
Thank you handsome I said turning around and hugging him. You turned back around and noticed not everyone was here. Jaden was missing.
I know your looking for him. He will be here. He got held up Bryce said now go get a bathing suit on we are having a pool party he added
The girls and I went upstairs to change. I grabbed my phone and noticed everyone wishing me a happy birthday.
Thank you girls so much I said
Bebe when are you gonna release your album. It's been months Avani asked
I just gotta finish one song and record then Going to have Dani edit it so I can. I said tying my bathing suit. We walked back downstairs and I noticed Zach and I were matching. Which the girls giggled about. The guys all turned around and I noticed Zach eyed me up and down.
Take a picture it will last longer I smirked. The girls starting laughing while zachs cheeks turned bright pink. You could tell he was bushing. I looked over to see Josh walking in the door with Jaden and nessa I rolled my eyes and finished walking down the stairs and over to Zach.
Hey I said placing my hands around his neck
Well hello beautiful birthday girl he said bending down to kiss my cheek.
Nope she's mine Charli said pulling me away for Zach.
Really char I groaned at her
Yes really now TikToks before you go to him she said. We went outside by the pool. I was watching nessa and Jaden closely, I could tell mads was too. I was laying on one of the tanning beds when my sun was blocked. I looked up to see Zach.
Now it's my turn to steal you he smirked pulling me up. He set up his phone for a tiktok.
We will make another one later he said winking towards me. He showed me the sound and I smirked knowing exactly what I was going to do. You looked over to see mads talking with Jonah.
Mads Jonah come here I said setting up my phone after filming the TikTok Zach wrapped his arms around my waist. I look to see everyone walking over to us.
You know even tho I hate seeing my best friend with my sister. I gotta say I'm happy she found someone I know would treat her right Dani said
I'm agreeing with Dani. Lani you seem so much happier. But if he breaks your heart he won't be breathing Charli said
Lani I heard a voice beside me I looked over to see nessa looking at me. I looked behind her to see Jaden smiling.
I'm so sorry for everything I put you through. She added looking over to Charli and Mads I'm sorry too both of you as well. I know this isn't gonna just be a forgiveness type of thing. But I really am sorry and I'm extremely sorry to you mads. I didn't mean for my feelings for Jaden. They kinda of just happen. I hope one day we can forgive one another and move on. She said with a sad smile. I looked over to see everyone looking at us three. I pulled out of zachs and grabbed the girls to walk away from the group to talk.
So do you think the apology is genuine I asked once we were alittle bit away from the group.
Lani, she was my best friend before what happened with Jaden. I can see she actually is sorry but I don't know mads said
Mads I see where you are coming from let's just try to give her one last chance. But that would be it. You don't have to talk to her much and anyways I saw you and Jonah I said smirking looking over towards the group that was watching us
Shut up Lani she said blushing alittle
Just don't hurt him I said
I won't even tho I don't know what we are she said
Let's get back over I said walking towards the group with the girls following behind. Mads went over towards Jonah and he wrapped his arm around her waist. Zach pulled me into his arm while Charli was looking at the door with wide eyes. Everyone turned towards the door looking to see who she saw. When we did we all saw it was.......

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