Brandon likes me?

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(Play song)
After the song ended I looked over to Jaden smiling then out to all my family and friends. Everyone had a shocked face because I never really hit the high notes I did tonight. I never had my best friend by my side either. It felt amazing singing with Jaden. I just ran and jumped into his arms smiling with some tears falling.
Lani he groaned I swear your gonna be the death of me he added smiling
Atleast you'll die at the hands of you best friend I said smirking. I got out of his arms and placed a hand on my stomach. I felt her kicking and smiling. Jaden placed a hand on my stomach as well and smiled.
Do you know the gender he whispered. I didn't verbally answer and just shook my head yes. I gently brought his ear down and whispered. I seen a smile on his face. He was happy to have another little niece around. He already spoils Kiana but I'm happy that he's in her life. I'm happy he's back in my life. In a short year of being in la my life took a 180. I have my 4 year old daughter and another one on the way. Someone clearing there throat broke my concentration. I turned around to see all my friends staring at Jaden and I with confused looks and Brandon hunter and Zach with a jealous look. Not sure why they are jealous.
Lani can we talk I heard mads asked
Yeah I said walking out of the booth and pull her into one of the rooms downstairs.
Is there something between you and Jaden she asked
No he's like a brother to me. We already had a talk about this when you guys were together. I said
I was just confused. You guys look like you loved each other in there she said
I laughed at the statement
I do love Jaden just not that way he's my best friend. My partner in crime and my ride or die. I said
After I said that to mads I heard light footsteps running around and crying. I ran towards kianas room and seen her huddled in a corner hiding I seen Megan in her room. I just ran and placed her in my arms.
I could see marks on her arms and I was pissed I got up and placed her on my hips still holding onto her. I wasn't even thinking about anything I just was hurt to see my daughter hurt. I didn't like the feeling she was giving me in my own house.

I still fall on my face sometimes and I
Can't color inside the lines 'cause
I'm perfectly incomplete
I'm still working on my masterpiece and I
I wanna hang with the greatest gotta
Way to go, but it's worth the wait, no
You haven't seen the best of me
I'm still working on my masterpiece and I
I still fall on my face sometimes and I
Can't color inside the lines 'cause
I'm perfectly incomplete
I'm still working on my masterpiece
Masterpiece, masterpiece
I still fall on my face sometimes and I
Can't color inside the lines 'cause
I'm perfectly incomplete
I'm still working on my masterpiece and I
I wanna hang with the greatest gotta
Way to go, but it's worth the wait, no
You haven't seen the best of me
I'm still working on my masterpiece and I
After singing to her I felt her starting to calm down in my arms.
What are you doing in my daughters room I asked
I'm sorry I heard moving around so was gonna check on her. She said
Baby what happened to your arms I said looking down and Kiana. She just pointed her finger over towards Megan.
Wanna explain why my daughter is pointing at you for her arms. You have no right coming into her room. She's not your responsibility. If you heard her you should have came and got me or my brother. You don't have the right just to come into my daughter room. I said
Lani stop I heard hunter say
Get out and take her with you I said looking up at him. I had tears starting to fall down my eyes. I failed at protecting her. She was my responsibility and I failed her. I looked behind and seen Dani and Brandon. They pushed hunter and Megan out of the way and ran towards me. Dani took Kiana out of my arms and I dropped to the floor crying.
Lani I know what your thinking. Your not a failure to her. You gave her an amazing life. You gave us a another reason to push in life. Brandon said holding onto me. But I still felt like a failure. Hunter didn't say anything he just left with Megan. I couldn't believe he picked her over me.
Okay how about this. I'll call mom to see if she will watch Kiana. You need to loosen up. Let us show your not a fuck up. Let us show you how much you changed our life Dani said
Like a party Dani you do realize I'm underage with a child. It will make me look like a failure and a bad role model I said
It will be a party but not just anyone. Only our close friends he said
I'll be there Brandon said wiping my tears can I talk to you he added
Yeah give us a second Dani and I'll give you my answer I said still looking into Brandon's eyes.
Lani there's something I need to tell you he said
What is it? I asked
The reason why Hunters with Megan he said
Okay I said
We both like you more than a friend. He decided to move on but obviously he picked a really shitty girl. He said that I could have you all I wanted. He said
I was stunned by this news. Both of the Rowland's brother liked me and I couldn't believe these two hot guys have liked me.
Lani we've both like you for years. Right after the time we met you he added
Wait so you both liked me and didn't say anything I said
We were both scared when we met you and became friends you were always around Dominic and his friends. Then we were gonna tell you after but we lost contact with you. So we just kept it to ourselves. He said
Brandon the thing is I like you both and I'm still trying to find out myself I said
Whatever you choose. I'm always gonna be here for you he said

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