Hold on

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(Play song)

⚠️⚠️trigger warnin⚠️ ⚠️
I didn't wanna stay in that room anymore. I felt like I was being judge so I ran out of the room. I heard someone coming after me but i didn't stop. I ran upstairs and into my room. I heard a song playing and someone singing in my room but I stayed in the bathroom until I heard the one part I love. He was in here with me.

Oh, hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
Let's paint the sky
So let's paint the sky

I walked and began to sing with him.

It's time to start remembering dreams
Lift your eyes, see the things unseen
Remember who you wanna be
Let the light hit your eyes
Let out the beauty that's been trapped inside
Let them know that you're not gonna hide
Hey up there your arms open wide, spread your wings and fly
But the sun is always there to shine
The clouds don't own the sky

Oh, hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
Let's paint the sky

Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
Let's paint the sky

Oh, hold on, oh, hold on, oh hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on, oh, hold on, oh hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
So let's paint the sky
I felt the tears starting to fall down my face staring at him. He chase after me. I looked to see Joey standing at the door watching just in case he needed to protect me. But i wasn't scared of Jaden. I would never be. I looked back at Jaden.
Aolani, I'm so sorry for dropping you. I didn't notice what I was doing until it was too late. I miss you so much and I know that this apology won't do much but I really am sorry for everything I caused you. All the pain and everything he said
I wanted to forgive him all of them but I couldn't. They all hurt me so bad this time. I just walked out of the room but before I could Joey grabbed me to face Jaden. I seen the tears starting to roll down his face. He was starting to dig at his arms and I could tell he wanted to do something but he was trying to stop himself. I ran over to him and pull his hand away from his arm. I just pulled him into my arms. Which is where he broke down crying. I knew he felt the pain I did for months. I felt guilty for causing this to him.
Jaden I said barely above a whisper
Lani I'm so sorry. He said crying harder
Jaden you know I love you more than anything your my partner in crime my ride or die my rockstar. I'm just hurting you gotta give me a few days. Please promise me you won't do anything. I said
Lani you were the one keeping me from doing it even if we were talking. You were always on my mind. I can't promise anything. He said still crying
I looked towards Joey who got the hint and walked away.
Jaden I said lifting his head up to look at me I wanna show you something and please don't feel guilty I said pulling up my sleeves.
Please don't show me. It's gonna make me feel guilty to where I'll be back in the er. He said wiping his tears
Jaden I will always love you. You know I can never stay mad at you long but I just need time. It's been hard for me. I lost Zach then hunter then Brandon then you. I then lost everyone at sway and even Tayler. The girls stopped talking once they all got into a relationship and after mads and Jonah split ways I lost her. I only had Jonah Dani Jack and Corbyn I said looking at him in the eyes
I'm he began to say but I cut him off
I know your sorry Jaden just give me until atleast this weekend I said (it's Wednesday)
Okay he said getting up and walking out of the room. I just sat on the floor thinking.

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