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Joey I heard Jaden asked
Hey boys he said I noticed she snuggled deeper into his arms.
What are you doing here Bryce asked
I came because Lani needed someone. He said gently pushing her hair behind her ear. I'm gonna take her upstairs he added getting up
Okay I said holding frannys hand. I was scared of losing Lani. She's my everything once he was up the stairs, I looked over to Jacob then back at everyone else.
What are you doing here I asked trying to contain my emotions.
Corbyn texted me and I texted the group chat Bryce said
Okay but that doesn't explain why your here. You guys abandoned my sister when she needed you the most. I said starting to get pissed. I felt Franny squeezed my hand.
We didn't mean too Jaden said
Yeah you didn't mean too. But you don't see how much she's hurting. You didn't see what I seen. You didnt hear what I heard. If you did I knew you would feel the guilt wash over. I said finally meeting their eyes. I looked over to see the other pissed. Then heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Is she okay now I asked getting up.
Yeah she's fine. She's gonna sleep a bit. I told her I'd stay until she got up. With hearing everything I felt bad for not reaching out. Joey said
It's not your fault Joey. She was struggling and no one could see. I'm honestly glad she texted you to come over I said
It's nothing Daniel. I will always be here for her. She was my internet best friend and now she's my best friend. I would do anything just to protect her he said
Thank you I said hugging him
Your welcome he said hugging me back. We heard someone clear there throat and looked back to see everyone staring at us beside who knew.
Is someone gonna tell us what's going on Charli asked
If Lani wants you to know then she will tell you. I said walking back into the living room. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looking to see my sister.
Lani what are you doing up I asked
I can't sleep. Where's joey? She asked
Livingroom I said
Lani I heard hunter say but she just ran. We followed her in and I seen her in his arms shaking and him calming her down. I'm glad she has him in her life. He will be here rock.

I heard them all talking while coming into the livingroom trying to figure out what's going on. But I buried my head into joeys chest until I snapped. I couldn't take them being here anymore.
YOU WANNA KNOW WHY IM NOT TALKING TO YOU GUYS AND WHY THEY ARE ALL PISSED AT YOU. ITS BECAUSE YOU GUYS DROPPED ME AND I STARTED CUTTING I hollered. I ran out and into the studio. I shut and locked the door and pulled out my phone. I heard people banging but didn't open the door.
I texted Joey and told him where my key was and to make sure no one else got in. (play song) I walked to my journal and pulled out a song then played the sound I had.

Guess I'm still not in the grave
Pretty far from the cage you left me
Like I said, I'm not afraid
But for a minute, I was lost and empty
And I admit that I was scared as hell
Of the things that I might do to myself
But now I'm happy
Yeah, I'm happy, I'm happy now

But seriously, yo
I'm happy that you're, you're finally happy
You just have to, you know, follow your heart
And be with the people who feel right to your soul
You know, 'cause all the people who say stuff, they don't matter
You know that, they don't know the real you
They don't know what's really going on

Daniel Seaveys SisterWhere stories live. Discover now