Music video

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After spending time with everyone but Gabbie Tate and Christina decided to leave. Which I was glad about. I didn't want anyone else. Franny didn't wanna stay. The girls and I got to talking about my music video that's coming out. Christina was excited to see Corbyn in this. I decided to post a TikTok of the song.
So Lani are you excited. This is the first music video your releasing from your recent album gabbie said
I'm very excited. I have posted a few but this one is gonna be more personal bc it's about Zach and it's showing some truth behind everything I said
What do you mean Christina asked
It's gonna show what happened when I wasn't around. It's gonna show how it was always Kay and never me. He didn't care about my feelings I said
You do know Zach really does love you tate said
He can say he loves me but he chose Kay. He chose to be with her when she found out she was pregnant. Even when he found out I was pregnant. He chose her. Yes I did push him away but I'm happier by myself. I need to focus on my girls more then a man I said looking out the window. I noticed the dark sky's coming. I always loved the rain.
Lani Zach really does love you. Whenever he's around all he talks about how he fucked up and wishes he didn't tate said
If he did he wouldn't have done what he did. He wouldn't have went and cheated on me with Kay and he wouldn't have left me for her. I get that he got her pregnant but it was his choice to leave and he did I said sighing
I love you Lani but maybe sit down and listen to him gabbie said
I don't wanna sit down and listen to him that's the thing. Because no matter how much I try all I think about is the past and how much he hurt me. I said
I get that Lani but just try seeing what he wants. He is Makanas father Christina said
You know he never texts to check up or ask about her I said turning to face them
He says he's tried but you never answer gabbie said with a questioning look
Nope I said pulling up my phone and showing my text message.
Oh my god! Why would he lie about that gabbie said
He wants to try making me look like the bad guy which I'm not. Im working hard with music and music videos while juggling two kids. I said
Wow they said
All I could think about is why would Zach lie.
I'm gonna do something I said grabbing my phone
What are you doing gabbie asked
Confronting Zach. I don't care if he's with Kay or not it needs to be addressed I said
Do it tate said

 I don't care if he's with Kay or not it needs to be addressed I said Do it tate said

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And done I said setting my phone back down.
I looked over to the girls and it's almost midnight. Which means my music video will be release. Christina decided to pull up the video for the countdown. I was nervous. I didn't know how well this was gonna do. I was scared how everyone would react. The only one who knew this whole video was Corbyn and I. I felt someone grabbed my hand and I looked to see Gabbie she gave me a soft smile which I gave one back. I looked at the countdown And noticed a few more second. Now it's time for everyone to watch my music video.

after the video ended I looked over at the girls. I seen all of there shocked looks.
He really did that with the texting Gabbie asked
Yes that's why I won't be with him anymore. He cheated and I didn't know until I decided to go through his phone and seen that. I said
Baby we are sorry for trying to push you to talk to him tate  said
It's okay you didn't know but now you do and so does the whole world. I mean they probably won't know who it's about but atleast my close friends do. I said
Okay let's get some sleep gabbie said
Yes but first pictures Christina said

 I said Okay let's get some sleep gabbie said Yes but first pictures Christina said

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You were scrolling through your phone on TikToks and you noticed a fan made a video

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You were scrolling through your phone on TikToks and you noticed a fan made a video. You do miss Charli and Dixie more then anything. Then you noticed one with all the girls.

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