Little seavey

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Author note: I changed your child to being a girl. I edited it already so it's changed from boy to girl

After talking to Charli. We walked outside the bathroom only to be met by Chase and Zach.
Not right now Charli said pushing them away only to be pushed back in front of them. I was looking into zachs eyes when his turned to worry while he was studying my face. But I didn't give in while his eyes were pleading me to tell him what was going on. I looked over to see chase upset with charli so you pushed him away and grabbed Charli and ran to your room. You pushed all the guys out and locked your door. You slide down the door which charli came and sat next to you. You could hear the guy knocking on the door. But you only wanted one person. You looked over to Charli and she could tell.
I'll get him and get the guys to leave you be right now. If you want tell the girls she said getting up and pulling you with her. She walked you over to the bed where Dixie and mads moved closer to me. I just was watching Charli walking out the door to but all the guys just pushed themselves inside. My head focused on my lap after seeing them come inside. I heard someone walking towards me and kneeled down in front of me. I looked up to see Jaden.
Hun what's going on he asked focusing on my watery eyes. I looked over to see Dani Christian and Tyler starting to walk over. I just grabbed Jaden and whispered into his ear what happened. By the look on his face I could tell he was shocked. He just pulled me into a hug.
Bebe I heard Avani say moving closer to me. I felt Jaden shake his head no indicating not now. I just starting silently crying into his arms.
Hun I'll be here along with Charli but why don't you tell all your friends and family what's going on. I'll sit right next to you and not leave your side Jaden said pulling away and wiping your tears
Okay you managed to crook out
Jaden sat down beside you while Charli was on the other side holding your hands in hers. So there's something I've been hiding from you guys. I didn't think I would have to share it until later on in life but I have to now. I added looking up and around at everyone.
It's okay all of us are here to listen to you Charli said rubbing my hands
After the rape I had. I ended up pregnant. I didn't know what to do so I told mom that I was leaving for modeling. That why you guys didn't hear from me for months. I was struggling a lot. 9 months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl which I ended up giving up for adoption. The adopted parents and I both agreed I would take her in if anything ever happened to them so she didn't go into a different home. An hour or 2 ago. I got a message saying her adopted parents were in a car accident and died on Impact. She is almost 4 now and I get if some of you don't wanna be here for me anymore but I need you guys to know I didn't know what to do. So I ran and hide her from the world for so long. I have to go and pick her up in a little bit I said looking up and them. I saw everyone with a shocked expression on their face. I could see my brothers processing this all. It was silent until Dani spoke up
Lani I love you and will always stick by you but why didn't you tell us sooner he asked
I was afraid. But I'm gonna head out so I can make it to pick her up I said getting up and grabbing my keys
I'll go with I heard Zach say
Same I heard Charli say
The rest will wait here for you to return Tyler said hugging me
Thank you I love you all I said
And with that, we walked out of my room and out of the house. It was quiet after we got in the car and started driving.
Lani I heard Charli say
Yes I responded to her
I just got a text apparently addison let with no explanation she said
It's okay I knew it was gonna happen to someone. I honestly didn't think it would be addison but if she's not gonna support my child then there's no point of trying to be friends I said
I understand love anyways when is our house gonna be ready she asked
I'm not sure I will have to call and talk to the realtor tomorrow I said pulling into a parking spot
Your leaving I heard Zach say
I'm moving into my own place zach it's gonna be to coward at your guys house now. Charli and Dixie are coming with mads is getting her own place. I said looking over at him
Lani we can make it work please don't leave he said looking back with hurt eyes
I'm gonna be 5 minutes up the road. I won't be far also I'm pretty sure once I tell Dani. He will be coming over a lot I said laughing alittle bit
Lani can I ask you something in private he asked
Of course. Char can you give us a second I asked looking back at her
Of course what does she look like I'll watch out for her she asked. I handed her my phone with a recent picture of her and she got out.
Lani, there is something I wanna talk to you about. Today when they asked if we were dating. I could see the hurt that ran across your face when I said not yet and walked away. I'm scared to get into another relationship but the past few months with you have been nothing but the best he said looking out the window the boys all talked me up today and I was planning something more romantic but I couldn't wait so Aolani Rose Seavey will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend he added looking back at me.

What should her daughter name be. Nalani (nah-LAH-nee) or kiana (key-AN-ah)

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