Another time skip

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(Play song)
Trigger warning⚠️⚠️⚠️
It's been 5 months since I had Makana. Everyone has been visiting. I haven't seen Zach since Jaden asked if I wanted to see him when he came. I let him meet his daughter but after that. He dropped out of my world and was back with Kay. I see them posting family pictures all the time. I haven't announced I was pregnant or gave birth.  I've been struggling with depression pretty bad. I took up cutting again but no one knew. It's just been hard. Brandon has a girlfriend now and Jaden is talking to someone so I'm alone in my house a lot besides for the occasional visits. I decided I needed to let my feelings out so decided to text one person. He was my internet best friend for years and he lives in LA but I never told him.

He was coming over with a friend luckily Christian took Kiana and Makana to spend time with them which I knew would be a spoil them day and then take them out for dinner

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He was coming over with a friend luckily Christian took Kiana and Makana to spend time with them which I knew would be a spoil them day and then take them out for dinner. I packed her diaper bag and even extra clothes since he said he will take them to moms today to stay the night. I was lost in thought for awhile until I heard a knock at my door. I looked down and notice I was in a hoodie and sweatpants. I walked over and open the door and long behold my internet best friend Joey Birlem and his friend. I opened the door for them to come in once he was inside I pulled him into a hug and broke down crying. He wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back gently. I needed this. He lifted me up and brought me to the livingroom and sat down on the couch with me buried into his lap. After a bit I pulled away and looked at him.
What's going on he asked gently wiping the tears with his hand
I'm spiraling again I said with my voice cracking
Do you mean your cutting again he asked gently. I just shook my head.
Tell me whats been going on. From start to ending then let see the cuts and I'll clean them for you. He said
That's when I just started pouring all my emotions and everything that happened. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I could tell he was shocked when I told him my feelings about hunter and Brandon since he knew them and was even shocked when I said I had something with Tayler. I felt a weight lift off my shoulder and was crying. He pulled me back into his chest.
Love I'm so sorry this is all happening to you. But don't think I didn't forget you when we stopped talking. I was always worried about you and I'm very proud of those albums you wrote. But you gotta know I know you love of them but you need to let whoever you need go. Don't keep pushing for something if nothing is gonna happen. I know seeing them with other people hurts but it's life. You gotta focus on yourself. Make yourself happy and I will be with you every step of the way. He said holding me tight into his arms. I heard the front door open and looked over to see the why don't we boys walking in with girls. Once they looked over and seen my face. They ran over towards me. My brother was the first one over
What's wrong he asked
Nothing I'm fine I said I felt Joey squeeze my arm. I looked at him and I seen in his eyes for me to tell them.
Hey can I have you guys sit down. I gotta tell you something I said still looking at Joey. I looked over to his friend who I still haven't gotten his name yet smiling then back at Joey who was giving me a comforting smile.
If you want you can stay seated in my lap just for comfort he whispered
I'll be fine. It's just gonna be hard I whispered back climbing out of his lap and sitting next to him. I seen all the boys giving questioning looks to who he was but just focused back on me.
Lani what's going on Corbyn asked
There's something I've been hiding since after Makana was born I said looking at the boys. I've been cutting for the past few month. My depression was starting to take over again. I said looking down and fiddling with my fingers. Joey placed his hand on top of mine. I looked over to see him smiling and his eyes telling me to continue. I haven't been doing to well. With everything going on. I fell for hunter awhile ago along with Brandon. I just lost contact with them then Zach came and it kept my mind off of them. Then I lost all three of them to girls who are prettier. It made me feel useless. Then Jaden stopped talking to me. I started losing people I was close too. I don't see sway or Tayler anymore. I barely see any of the girls. It's always just you guys I said still looking into joeys eyes. I felt tears starting to fall again which he quickly wiped away. He placed his hand into mine.
Lani why didn't you tell us Jonah said
I was so scared of being judge I said
We would never judge you. You are our family through thick and thin. Dani said
You are like a sister to all of us Jack said
And we will never leave. If they did they are fake friends. Corbyn said
I finally looked over at them and seen the teary eyes they had. I finally opened up and it felt great. I felt my hand being squeezed I looked over to Joey.
Let's go check your arm. He said
He got up and pulled me up with him. I walked him into the kitchen and pulled up my sleeves.
Joey I didn't just cut here I whispered looking at him.
Do you want me to clean these and have your brother come help with the rest. He asked. I just shook my head then he began to clean my arms. After a bit my arms were cleaned and all bandaged up and he walked out to get Dani. Once Dani came in he ran over and hugged me tightly.
Lani I love you. Please if you ever feel that way again tell me. I would never judge you. He said pulling away.
I will I said
Let's get the others cleaned. He said it was in a different area and you wanted me to clean he said
Yeah I said getting uo off the counter. I pulled down my sweatpants too show my leg.
Oh my god Dani whispered. I knew they were bad on my leg. But he helped me back on the counter and began cleaning my legs and bandages them up. I got down and pulled my sweatpants back on. He pulled me out to the livingroom where I seen Joey and his friend talking with the boys and girls hanging on there laps. I noticed mads wasn't with Jonah but a different girl was.
Lani Joey said opening his arm. I just walked over and placed myself back in his arms. I felt safe and protected. I looked at his friend.
I'm Jacob by the way he whispered
Nice to meet you I whispered back
I heard the door open again and looked up to see sway followed by everyone else even Zach hunter and Brandon. I just snuggled deeper into Joey. I didn't want to deal with anyone. I closed my eyes while he was rubbing my back. I felt at peace.

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