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I saw my old friend someone who I spent a couple months with after Bryce got with her. I was still hurting from the day she walked out on me when I told them all I had a daughter.
Lani she said
What are you doing here I asked
I'm here to talk. It's been months and I'm here to explain she said. I looked over to Jaden who wanted to come over and protect me but I just shook my head no at him then gesture addison to follow me. We went outside and sat on the lawn chairs I have.
So I said looking at her
Lani I'm sorry for walking out on you. I was just so shocked from the news I needed to leave. I love you more than anything and I lost you. She said
Addison when you walked I felt my heart break. I didn't think it would be you out of everyone to walk. I thought it would have been one of the boys. But it was you. It broke me to where I push people away. I said looking over at her
I know Dixie and Charli kept me updated in what's been going on. Even told me about your guys fight. I get that you are mad at them for what they did but you gotta understand we don't know how to react to this change in life. She said
You do know that those girls put there significant other over me when Zach cheated on me. Then Dixie had the nerve to say it all about me when I never text anyone unless it's important. I said
Yes Lani I do understand that. But do you think she was just mad that you had mads and Jaden here. She's been your best friend for years and you told her to forget about it when asked what's going on. She said
I didn't wanna text About it tho. Mads knew bc of Jonah. Mads called Jaden. If it wasn't for them dropping everything and coming over. I wouldn't have poured my heart into a song and I wouldn't be here today. They stopped my demons inside my head for showing I said
I understand but just talk to her. It's for the best just like your talking to me. Lani we all love you so much and nothing will ever change that and I'm sorry for leaving. Please forgive me she said
I will always forgive you addison. You basically were my other half when I had to deal with sway. It was us against the sway boys I said smiling and looking over at her
I love you Lani she said pulling me into a hug which I gracefully return.
Lani I heard Dixie say
Talk to her addison said
Okay I said back
Dix can we talk I said to her
Yeah I've been wanting to talk to you she said
Addison got up and went inside and Dixie took addisons spot.
Lani I'm so sorry for everything she started to say
Dix I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't tell you what was going on. I literally was trying to have you guys drop you significant other for me. We got in a huge fight just bc of it. I told you that you were a stranger to me when your not. You have been my best friend for years and you felt like I replaced you with Jaden and Mads. But you gotta understand. Jonah told mads what was going on and she dropped everything to come over then called Jaden on the way. If it wasn't for them my demons would have won and I wouldn't have won my battle against them. you Charli and Avani all said you were with you significant other while mine was cheating. I just needed you guys. I said
Lan I'm so sorry. I didn't know what was going on. I thought you just wanted to hang out then when I saw that TikTok after the message I knew something was wrong and came right away. We both said words we didn't mean and I'm so sorry for what I said. I love you more than anything. You are my other half along with Charlis. We couldn't replace you with Noah or chase. She said
She's right Lan Charli said walking over to us we could never replace you with them. You have been with us through everything. You have been with us since our parents decided to stay home while we went and toured the world and being famous on TikTok. You helped us get through all the hate and you have been the one staying strong for us when we could see it slowly breaking you. Charli said
We still can still see your breaking slowly. Scared of what could happen now. But let me tell you something no matter who walks in and out of your life we will always be there. Forever and always Dixie said
Together forever I said
To death do us part Charli said
We came up with that saying when we first became friend they still remembered it but that's when I broke down crying. I couldn't be strong for them anymore. They could see it. They just wrapped there arms around me
Can I play you guys something I asked looking at them
Of course dix said
Okay follow me I said walking in ignoring everyone and going towards my studio I had built in here. I sat down and pulled up the song I wrote this when we stopped talking. I added hitting play (play song)
How can this happen? How can this be?
There is no ending, there is no peace
The darkness is so close
The light so quickly goes
And now it's all gone
Now it's all gone
Oooooo, how the darkness keeps its grip?
Oooooo, How?, how'd it come to this?
How'd it come to this?
How'd it come to this?
Will you hear me when I speak?
Do you feel the pain with me?
I've tried to be so strong
I thought that hope would come
But you're not here
Oooooo, oh, the darkness keeps it's grip
Oooooo, oh, how'd it come to this?
Oh, please come back
Please come back
Please come back
Please come back
To me
Oooo, oh, the darkness keeps it's grip
Oooo, oh, how'd it come to this?
How'd it come to this?
How'd it come to this?

You did make TikToks with the girls and addison

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