Zach and Hunter are back

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I was honestly happy with these girls and the boys who have stayed to talk to me. I couldn't believe how small my friend group has become but I guess friends come and go. But I can feel these ones are gonna be my forever. The girls still try talking to me along with sway but I don't answer anyone beside Jaden. I can't seem to forgive them. Yes they all walked out when I needed them the most even Jaden but Jaden has been there for me through thick and thin. I could never stay mad at him long. Him and Daniel are the only reason I am here. The song I wrote wasn't for just Dani it was for Jaden too.
Jaden can I talk to you for a second alone I asked
Sure he said getting up and pulling me with him and we walked into the kitchen
What's up he asked
You remember that song I was singing to Dani I asked looking up and meeting his eyes
Of course I do. It's a very powerful song and I'm happy you expressed that feeling into a song he said
The thing is I didn't write it just about Dani I said turning around. I felt the tears falling down my face. I wrote it for you too. You and Dani are the reason I kept fighting before the girls. I kept thinking of how bad it would hurt you and him. I added finally looking at him.
Lani I'm happy you wrote that song. I honestly love it and I'm happy you wrote it about Dani and I but look out into that livingroom all those people out there beside for the why don't we boys are always gonna be there. I'm sure even the girls and sway will be. Just open up alittle bit more. I know they hurt you but they have been in your life as long as I have been. Even Charli and Dixie been there longer then I have. He said
I felt the tug at my heart when he mentioned them. I felt hurt from what they did but I knew he was right I should talk to them. I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat with Dixie and Charli in it.

After texting Come over they said they were on their way

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After texting Come over they said they were on their way. I decided to text the whole group chat

 I decided to text the whole group chat

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Everyone said they were on their way. I was nervous. I walked back into the livingroom.
So they are all coming over? Gabbie asked
Yeah I said looking back at Jaden
You do know that you texted the group chat with Zach and hunter joey said
Yeah I know I said  looking back at them. I heard the door open and looked over to see Charli and Dixie.
Together forever I said
Forever and always Charli said
To death do us part dixie said.
I ran over and met them half way for a hug. It felt nice being in there arms again. I started breaking down crying.
I'm so sorry for pushing you guys away I said
Bebe it's okay. We know what we did hurt you and you needed time dixie said
We love you no matter what Charli said
I heard the door open again and looked up to see everyone even Zach and hunter. I looked eyes with Bryce. I ran and jumped into his arms which he gladly wrapped his arms around me.
God I missed my "sister" he said
I missed you too I said climbing out of his arms. I looked around to see everyone looking down.
I missed you all and I'm sorry for pushing you all away I said
I looked to see everyone looking at me. This was what I wanted but still overwhelming to me. I felt someone arm wrapped around me and looked up and seen Joey.
It's okay I'm here he whispered.
I looked back out at everyone and seen them all looking at me.
I forgive you I said
And that was what started my future with them.

(You guys made TikToks. It's on @whydontweatories1 tiktok)

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