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After kissing Tayler, you turned to see everyone looking at you two.
Lani I'm so happy to see that smile again Dani said
I agree with him. I haven't really seen you smile much in the past week. Jack said
Tayler, I'm gonna warn you. If you hurt her. Your dead Charli said with Dixie and Avani agreeing with her.
Girls I trust he's not going to pull a josh or a you know who I said
Wait who's you know who Corbyn asked
It's for the girls to know and the guys to never find out Charli said sticking out her tongue.
God your childish I said shaking my head laughing.
But you love me Charli said
Always I said
Everyone starting talking and getting to know Tayler along with everyone else who was in the compound that just arrived home. I looked over to see Zach still staring at me but I just looked away because I'm happier now. I'm getting over him. I decided to go outside for a minute for a breather.
Hey Tay I'm stepping outside for second I said kissing his cheek
Okay I'll be here he said looking down at me.
I started walking to the door when I heard footsteps starting to follow me but I just shrugged it off and went outside. I sat down on the patio couch Tayler had outside. I felt someone sit next to me and looked over to see Jaden.
Are you okay? He asked.
I don't know anymore I said looking out at the sunset.
Are you happy he asked
I am it's just seeing Zach with another girl hurts. I wanna move on and I'm happy with Tayler but it's just something about Zach draws me back towards him. I said
Lani it's okay. I'm gonna tell you, I was in love with someone until I came to la. I was with her for 2 years then Found out she cheated on me. I didn't think I would move on until I met mads. He said placing his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder looking out still at the view.
How long did it take to move on I asked
It took me a year. Now I'm talking to someone who I see a future with. He said.
I'm glad your happy. But we can't tell her about that thing you did a couple nights ago. She would hate me and I don't want that. I haven't even met her yet. I said
Hey lan... I heard Tayler starting to say while walking out. He stopped right in his tracks looking at Jaden and I.
Tayler this isn't what it looks like I said starting to get up.
Well it looks like my best friend and the girl I liked all cozied up with one another he said pissed
I'm telling you it's not what it looks like I said walking towards him but he just kept backing away from me. I stopped walking towards him which made him stop.
I don't wanna see you anymore. Clearly there's something between you and Jaden. Does mads even know Tayler said
No there's nothing going on. You clearly are not understanding a friendship. Jaden has been there for me a long time. He's been there for me through every single time I cried. He's been there for every single anxiety attack that has happened. But you clearly can't see we are just friends. I'm leaving and don't try to stop me. I don't want someone who's thinks I'm cheating on them with my best friend. I said running out with tears starting to fall. I called an Uber and once they pulled up I left. I seen the door open with Dani and Corbyn runnin out. They looked at the car and seen me leaving. They tried to run after me but I didn't stop. I went back to the why don't we house. Once I got back I ran inside and up to my room and lock the door. I made some sad TikToks then grabbed my journal to start writing. I just met Tayler yes but he actually made me happy. I grabbed my small piano that Dani bought me.
(Play song)
I started to play slow beat for the song.
I found a guy, told me I was a star
He held the door held my hand in the dark
And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face
Does he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved
And there's one more boy, he's from my past
We fell in love but it didn't last
'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away
And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway
And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you
All I want is love that lasts
Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
But shouldn't that be enough for me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh
And I miss the days
When I was young and naive
I thought the perfect guy would come and find me
Now happy ever after it don't come so easily
All I want is love that lasts
Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me, oh
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
And all I want is for that to be okay
After I finished I heard a knock at the door. I opened up to see Dani standing there with Corbyn.
What happened Dani asked
I don't think there with be a Taolani I said walking back to sit on my bed. I turned my phone off from recording.
Why Corbyn asked
He actually seemed happy Dani added
He walked out when Jaden and I were talking to one another about everything. He was telling me how he had a girl he was talking too. Then I laid my head on his shoulder which was I'm a friend way and Tayler flipped out I said sitting back against my bed frame.
Lani if he can't see that and sees something different then he isn't worth it. You know everyone will be here for you. Corbyn said
Thanks boys I said hugging them. I heard my door open and the girls along with josh and Bryce walked in.
Hey Bebe Charli said cuddling up with me along with Dixie.
Hey I said
Lani question. We're you singing before we came in. Corbyn questioned smirking
A new song dixie said excited
Dani always told me to put my feelings into music so yes I did. I said grabbing my phone and hitting play.

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