Hold on

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Josh your probably wondering why Jaden only wanted to see me and it's a simple answer. The first time you "cheated on me" I was in the position jaden was. The night I called him he raced to be with me and didn't tell anyone I said pulling up my other sleeve so they could see the one scar I was hiding. I tried to kill myself. I looked to see everyone staring at the vertical scar I had up my arm.
I sung a song for her that night I heard Jaden say
I turned around to see him walking in with the other boys.
That he did and it was the most powerful song I ever heard. Every night I listen to it I said looking back at everyone
Sing it for me Lani. Sing it to me like I did for you I heard Jaden say
I looked at everyone seeing them wanting to hear it. So I turned to josh
It's okay I'm right here he said.
(Play song)
You've been on this road too long
Hearing music but it's not your song
Wanna scream but your voice is gone
Days trapped inside your head
Can't look up 'cause your world is down
Walking miles, staring at the ground
All alone inside the crowd
Letting pockets hold your hand
But the sun is always there to shine
The clouds block out the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
Let's paint the sky
So let's paint the sky
It's time to start remembering dreams
Lift your eyes, see the things unseen
Remember who you wanna be
Let the light hit your eyes
Let out the beauty that's been trapped inside
Let them know that you're not gonna hide
Hey up there your arms open wide, spread your wings and fly
But the sun is always there to shine
The clouds don't own the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
Let's paint the sky
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
Let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on, oh, hold on, oh hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
Oh, hold on, oh, hold on, oh hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
So let's paint the sky

After finishing the song I felt tears starting to fall down my face. I heard someone walking over towards me and pulling me into a hug. I smelt jadens cologne, I accepted the hug and hugged him back. I felt tears falling onto my shoulder. I pulled away too see Jaden crying. I heard more people walking over and looked up to see the girls with mads and nessa.
Love I can see the pain in your eyes. I know you miss him mads said looking between Jaden and I. I felt arms wrapped around my waist and looked up to see josh.
She's right babe. I can see it josh said
Wait babe I heard Charli say. I seen her push through and stand in front of me. You hid something from me again she said looking at me
I was gonna tell you all at the right time. I said looking around at everyone. I looked over to see his head hanging low and seen him walking away. I seen Jack going after him. I wanted too but I was stopped by josh.
Come on let's make TikToks he said
Okay I said looking towards Zach and Jack then turning around to face josh

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