This is the end for now

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I was watching as Kiana walked across that stage to get her diploma. I could believe my daughter was graduating all ready. I seen her hugging her boyfriend as soon as she got off stage. I seen the smiles on both of there faces. I'm proud of honestly both of them graduating and moving on into a better life. As for Makana, Zach has been trying to get joint custody but because Makana said what she said to the lawyer he lost his case. She doesn't know who he is and I feel like she never will. As for me I've been dating someone who's been in both of my girls life's for 15 years and in my life for 19 years. I was honestly happy. I never would have thought as him more then a friend but I did start to fall in love with him. I looked beside me and seen him looking so proud and Makana standing beside him looking proud at her big sister.

Time skip until after every name was called.

I was in his arms while Makana was talking to Dani. I seen my daughter running up to us. I pulled away and pulled her into a hug.
I'm so proud Kiana he said
Thanks Jaden she said
I'm proud. Too baby I said
Thanks mama she said pulling away and hugging Jaden. I looked at her boyfriend and smiled
I'm proud of you too Jace I said hugging him
Thanks Lani he said
Your welcome sweetheart. Take care of her for me and don't forget to call or text me. Make sure you come visit I said
We will he said
It's gonna be weird Kiana said walking back over
What is I asked
I'm not gonna have you or Jaden around unless I come and visit. I'm not gonna have Makana or lav coming into my room to talk about problems. Not gonna have my crazy uncles around to annoy me. She said smiling at the memories
We are always gonna be a call away I said hugging her again.
I will miss you mom. I'll call when we land she said
Okay baby go have fun make me proud I said
I will she said walking away hand and hand with jace. I turned around and seen Jaden looking at me. I leaned in and kissed him.
Gosh again Makana said
Never will get old I said pulling away and looking at her
Nope it won't he said wrapping his arms around me. I seen in the distance Kiana was talking to the other boys and I even seen Zach showed up with Kay on his arms with his kids standing beside her. I looked over and noticed Makana was staring
Not nice to stare I said quickly looking at her
I get that I didn't know him as a dad and grew up with Jaden as my dad but it still hurts. He was supposed to be my dad she said quickly glancing at me then back at him
I know it hurts but just think you have someone who's gonna keep being there for you I said
I know and I'm happier with him I just wish I could have known him she said
I know I do too I said
Let's get out of here. Dani tell the boys to meet at the house Jaden said
Okay he said walking over to him. Jaden placed his hand in my lower back while we walked to the car. He opened the door for both Makana and I then went to the driver side to head home.

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