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I was talking with the girls for awhile and we decided to make some TikToks. I was getting the courage to ask Zach out. The girls finally talked me into it. I was walking up to his room when I stopped at his door and listened to him
Okay I'll see you later babe. Remember date tomorrow at 7pm then going to stay the night I heard him say. I didn't hear the other end of the conversation. I started to walk away from his door when it swung open to a smiling Zach. I just put my head down and walked away to go back to the girls. I heard him call my name but I didn't response. Once I was in the room I broke down crying. All the girls jumped up and ran over to me.
What's wrong nessa asked
I could barely catch my breath to talk. Avani raced out of the room to find Dani or Jaden. I was in nessa and dixies arms while Charli was sitting in front of me wiping my tears. I heard the door open and someone rush over to me. I smelt jadens cologne and he picked me up then started to rub my back.
Deep breaths. Follow my breathing and heartbeat he said trying to calm me down but it wasn't working
Get Dani now Jaden said. The girls all ran to find Dani while Jaden stayed with me. Everything was starting to get really blurry. I heard the door burst open again and someone taking me out of jadens arms.
I'm here I heard Dani say. I snuggled into his arms. Copy me he said place my hand on his chest. Breath in 3 he added out 3 he finished. After a bit I calmed down. I looked around to see everyone with a worried face and the why don't we boys stand in the doorway.
Char will you get her water Dani asked
Yeah she said walking out of the room to get me water. I looked over to Dixie
Can you grab my meds I asked her with a scratchy voice
Of course she said going to my purse to grab my anxiety pills. Once she got them she handed the bottle to me but I was shaking to bad to open them so she did. She placed one into my hand and char handed me my water. I took my pill and looked at everyone who was in the room.
Thank you Jae for trying to help I said lookin over to him. I was still snuggled into Danis arms
I will always help. Your my best friend and I know it's going to be hard for you. I'm so sorry that I didn't calm you down he said kneeling down to me and wiping tears away
Jae you tried your best. You have always been here for me when I had these and I appreciate your effort. I'm so sorry for interrupting whatever you guys were doing tho. I also appreciate you girls. Thank you for everything I said looking over at Dixie Charli Avani and nessa
Bebe we are here for you no matter what dixie said with the girls agreeing
Lani when did this start Dani asked
I was diagnosed with anxiety 3 years ago. I just didn't know it was this bad. The meds are supposed to help but I haven't really been taking them I said pulling away from Dani and starting to get up.
Lani is there anything else you'd hiding Corbyn asked
No there's not you know everything I said. I walked into the bathroom I had in my room to wash my face. I didn't tell them everything. I looked in the doorway to see Dixie and Charli followed me.
We know you didn't tell them everything Charli whispered looking down at my wrists that were covered by a hoodie
I'm not going to tell them. If Dani finds out he will blame this on him bc he wasn't there to protect me I whispered back. I walked out of the bathroom to see everyone sitting around and talking. I looked over at Zach who was staring at me. I pulled on the sleeves on the hoodie and went to sit down next to Dani. I looked over at everyone that was in my room supporting me. My eyes fell on nessa who I think was catching on to why I wear hoodies but didn't say anything.
I'm fine now you guys can go if you like. I said looking at the boys
Lani if this happens again we wanna be there for you Corbyn said
There won't be a next time. I think it was just too much building up. But if it does happen. I'll call you right away. I said everyone came and hugged me but the girls. The guys ended up all leaving to hang out while the girls and I hung out, watched movies and made TikToks. I ended up changing into my pjs and had a sleep over with them

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