'I Want The Truth'

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What they had told you seemed a bit fishy, but you had no choice but to go along with what they were saying. "Do you need anything Y/n?" Asked Lolbit, followed by Baby who had another question. "Do you need us to help you up?" You shook your head, looking at her with a smile. "I'm alright guys, no need to fuss over me." "We just need to know if you're okay." Said Ballora. 'What does she mean by "we need to know"? What do they know that I don't?' You thought to yourself. "I think I just need to go to bed. I've had a long day." You mumbled, standing up. "We can help you-" "I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." You smiled once more. Making your way to the room you had to stay in, you stopped in your tracks to see someone standing there messing with wires and fuses. You immediately hid behind a corner, watching the person struggle to do their task. "Just a little bit more, and then she'll be gone." They said. You looked closer at the person, recognizing it as your friend Aaron. But why would he be here? It didn't make sense. "She'll be gone soon.." He kept mumbling. Who's "she"? The only girls you knew were Baby and Ballora, alongside the Minireena's and Bidybab's. Did he want to dismantle them? But why would he? "Go back.." A little girl's voice spoke, making you look around only to find her standing behind you. "What are you doing here?" You whispered, crouching down to her level. "You have to go Y/n, he'll kill you when he finds you. You have to go!" The British girl tried pulling you away, successfully doing so when you listened to her out of fear. You ran with her, not even understanding where you were going to yet you continued to run. "Where are we going?" You asked. "Outside. He wont like it when you take his car." She had replied. Okay, this girl's sneaky though. "Wait, what?" "You're taking his car." She repeated herself, looking up at you with a wide grin. Such a sweet face for pure evil. You like this kid already. Once you had gotten outside, she led you over to a small green car and got into the passenger side. You didn't question her and shrugged it off, hopping into the car and starting it up. "Who leaves their keys in the ignition? like, seriously." You shook your head, quickly driving away from the building. Once the building was more than out of sight, the girl looked up at you. "You can slow down." She said. Nodding, you proceeded to slow the car down. "What's your name?" You asked her. "Elizabeth Afton. I know who you are, and it's for a reason Miss Y/n. I know you were thinking about it." Elizabeth said. "I don't quite understand what's going on. Why did you say that Aaron was going to kill me? He's the one that saved me from Foxy." She shook her head, looking at you with a sad expression. "No. He's the one that set Funtime Foxy off. He tried to kill you, and he'll try again." "I knew something was wrong with him." You sadly said. "I'm sorry. I know you've met my brother, is he alright?" She asked. "Yeah, for the most part. He's kind of weird looking, forgive me for saying that, but he's a...Purple guy." You answered. "Like Daddy turned into." "He said that too. Was your Father Purple too?" Elizabeth nodded, looking back to the road. "After me and Christopher, Daddy started to kill and eventually turned Purple. Michael got scooped, and that's the reason for his color change." "Elizabeth, you seem to know everything that goes on here." "Yeah?" "I want the truth. I want to know why I'm so important, and I want to know why I have a messed up life." She stayed silent for a moment before she placed her small hand on your arm. "I sadly can't tell you Miss Y/n, but I can tell you that you need to stay away from that man. I never knew him myself, but he's my cousin. Aaron Schmidt is his full name, Daddy said he was always a bad man. I understand why now, and I hope you do too." "Wait, so he's your cousin?" You asked, actually shocked that she's related to him. "Yeah. He's Mommy's sister's child, which makes us cousins. Right?" "Right. It's just kind of shocking, y'know? You're so sweet, and he's apparently a murderer. It doesn't match." "Thank you." She smiled. "Take a left please." "So we actually have a destination?" "Yes we do." It stayed silent for the rest of the ride, eventually pulling up to a burned down building and hopping out of the car. "Why are we here Elizabeth?" You asked, looking around the gloomy place. "We're here to pick up someone." She cheerfully said, skipping along the cracked pavement. This place really was creepy, probably because it was still night but whatever. It's still creepy nonetheless. You followed Elizabeth to what seemed to be a corner to the building, seeing an old green Rabbit suit slumped against what remains of a wall. "DADDY!" She called out, running up to the suit to engulf it in a hug. At first you thought it was sad, until it actually hugged her back and spoke to her. "Hello Elizabeth, I'm glad you're back again." It glanced up at you, almost seeming like it was giving you a wicked smile. "And I'm glad you've brought a friend. Who's this lovely young Lady, hmm?" It asked, voice deep with a British accent. "This is Y/n!" She said, motioning towards you. "My, so you're the one she's been talking about? I'm a bit shocked. You weren't what I was expecting." "What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, keeping your guard up just in case. I'm sorry, but that thing was freaking you the f out. "I imagined you differently, of course. What'd you think I meant?" His question went unanswered, making him chuckle. "I'm William Afton, Elizabeth's Father." He frowned after his introduction. "I assume Michael's not back home yet?" "He's in a cage." You replied. 
"Did that freak get to him? I knew I should've burned it." He mumbled the last part. "Ennard? Yeah." "Daddy, are you going to come with us now?" Elizabeth asked him. "Of course I am. Let me get up now." She hopped off of him, watching him stand up with pained groans before going over to hold his hand. "I may be dead, but this thing still hurts." He said, looking over to you. "Are you going to trust me yet? If Lizzy didn't think you would, why would she bring you to me?" You looked away for a second, looking back to him when you made your decision. "I trust you Mr. Afton."

(Well, that's the second time I've ever updated at an earlier date but I feel good about it. Sorry for mistakes, but I hope you enjoyed! Aaron always was a bit weird to me too, but that's because I created him so it makes sense.)

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