Strange Feelings

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(It's...Been a long while, I've noticed. I apologize for not updating when I should've, but there's a lot of things going on at home so I've been caught up in said things. But hey! Don't be sad about my failures in not giving you what you want! I shall make two more chapters after this one in order to make up for the things I didn't do! Sound fun, eh? Of course it is! Also, thank you all for giving this book some love. I honestly didn't think it would've worked out-Onto the chapter-)

"Are you okay?" Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you stared into Foxy's yellow eyes, failing to respond to the Animatronic. "Y/n?" You finally snapped back into reality upon the mention of your name, closing your slightly open mouth as quickly as you could. "I asked if you were okay?" "I-I am...I think.." He chuckled. "You think? That's not a very good response." Your face had turned red from embarrassment, making you look away in attempts to hide your face. "W-Well one day you'll know what I'm talking about!" You defended yourself, crossing your arms. "Yeah, we'll see about that." At that point you realized everyone's attention was focused on you, most still in a panicked state, and some failing to outwardly express their emotions. You proceeded to cough some more, giving your friends a thumbs up to tell them you were fine. "Listen...I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to scare you or do anything like that, I-I just wanted you to forgive me.." You looked back at him with a slight frown, feeling bad for everything you had caused in the past 24 hours. But why should you feel bad for being a person? There's no reason to apologize for being you.(Seriously, don't be sorry for being you. Screw everyone else that tells you "no". Go and be you my dear child-) "Foxy, It's okay. I-I forgive you, but..I...I don't know if it'll happen again." You said. Foxy was confused. What did you mean by that? Were you talking about the bite? "Y/n, I....Thank you.." He gently hugged you, being careful to not trigger you like he did last time. "That's nice and all, but are you seriously going to kiss a robot?" Your eye twitched. "Can you shut up for two hours please? I'm tired of hearing your dumb voice. And we were TRYING to have a nice little cliché moment, but you ruined it." You glared at William who only shrugged. "So?" You were going to strangle him. Just-Straight up strangle him. "At least have your little make out session when I'm out of the room, I don't want to metaphorically puke on the floor." "Get out." You mumbled, rubbing your forehead in attempts to ease the ever growing headache. "No, I think I want to stay here and annoy you some more." If he had an actual mouth, I'm pretty sure he'd be smirking right now. "Don't you have another person to annoy?" He shook his head. "She's a bit busy at the moment, so I'm stuck with you."(If it wasn't obvious already, I am a simp for William. Judge me if you will, but I'm still simping for the guy-) You groaned, completely giving up. A few moments of silence passed, thoughts swirling around your head before it clicked. Everyone in this room was dead. Excluding you and Henry of course, with the other exception of Funtime Foxy who's a robot, but everyone was dead. Great! You were hanging out with a bunch of dead people! You can now cross that off your bucket list! "Well, she just figured it out." Henry said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Yay! You get smart points!" Christopher clapped. "That..Just makes me feel dumb." "It's alright, Lizzy's dumb so don't feel bad!" "Excuse me?! I am not!" "Yes you are!" "Nuh uh!" "Yes huh!" "Kids, stop fighting. And give Y/n an apology." "Sorry Y/n." Chris and Elizabeth mumbled, looking down at the ground. "I'm not sure how to feel about that, honestly. And Foxy, can I get up please?" You asked. "Oh! Yeah, sorry." He laughed nervously, helping you stand. Your legs were a bit jelly like at first but you steadied yourself, smiling happily for a reason you didn't know. Elizabeth coughed, batting her eyelashes as she looked up at you. "Oh yeah. Thank you for saving me." "You're welcome!" She giggled. "Y/n, I think it's about time to go to sleep. You must be tired." Henry told you, giving you a kind smile. "He's right. You really should head to bed now." "Since when did you care?" William huffed, crossing his arms. "Don't worry about it kid, it doesn't matter." You smiled at him, patting his arm. "Thank you." "Hey, don't make me mushy. I'm already a corpse, I don't need more squishy-ness." "Goodbye guys." You waved to the two Men, hugging the kids before they all left. "I see you made a few new friends." Foxy spoke, making you laugh. "Yeah, I guess I did. They're a strange bunch of dead people, but they make for good company. Just like you do." You unconsciously admitted, immediately regretting your decision on even opening your mouth. "You think so?" He asked, voice laced with surprise. "I-I do.." Your face was turning red. "Well, in that case I really should say that you do too!" You felt like your heart just stopped. Please check your pulse, I don't want to be responsible for your death. "Thank you. I r-really should get to bed now, g-good night Foxy." You waved to him before rushing out and heading to your room that Lolbit had shared with you, lying down on your makeshift bed with a huff. "I'm not okay with any of this...I have feelings for a robotic Fox. Y/n, what is wrong with you? Do you understand what you're saying right now? You just admitted to liking a huge hunk of metal! You need therapy!.....Great. I'm talking to myself now. Good job, self. You have completed a task you never wanted to do in the first place." You sighed, resting your arm over your your eyes. You wondered if he felt the same, but then again, he's just an Animatronic. But...He does have feelings. Don't you remember? You argued with an employee when you were a child. It may have been a new location, but you still connected with the entertainers. Keep in mind that they still care, because you grew up believing that. "Why does this happen? I could've fallen in love with a normal guy, but no! I just had to like a tin can! Am I just desperate?" You shook your head to rid the thought from your brain, turning on your side before closing your eyes. Tomorrow is another day, I suppose.

(Sorry for any mistakes, BUT WAIT! I have something to ask you! However, since I'm such a jerk and won't get to the point, I'mma make you wait. So, hope you enjoyed this short thing and are excited for the other two chapters I'll be doing today.

Sincerely- Your Dumb Author)

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