Is This Jealousy?

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"What?" Foxy snapped at Baby. She leaned back slightly, her expression contorting from confusion to shock. "What's your damage Foxy? It was just a question." He huffed, turning away from her. "He looked wrong to me. I think he's a weird guy. Not to mention he was getting close to you guys, I could tell you were uncomfortable." Silence enveloped the group, almost ringing in your ears painfully as heavy tension mixed through the already thick atmosphere. "So," You started with a nervous chuckle, catching the attention of the others in the room. "Is anybody going talk about the name Lolbit chose?" No one said anything for a few moments. "Yeah, what made you think of Larry?" Baby asked Lolbit. "It was the first thing I thought of, be quiet." He huffed. "There's like, a million different names that start with the letter 'L'." She snorted. "Shut it, Baby." Baby rolled her eyes at him, standing from her seat and walking away into another room. You thought maybe you should've called her back, tried to explain the situation. "Foxy Dear, I appreciate your concern, but-" "But what, Ballora?" "Okay, knock it off, dude. Literally everyone's just trying to talk to you normally, and all you're doing is just getting upset with them. Let it go." Lolbit defended Ballora, turning his Brothers' attention onto him. "Are you saying I should just not care? Is that it?" Lolbit scoffed, shooting up from the couch and grabbing Balloras' hand to help her up as well. "I don't know what's wrong with you, but you seriously need to cut it out." He lead Ballora off to where Baby had gone, leaving only you and Foxy alone. "Foxy-" "What?!" Your eyes widened as he stared at you with an almost enraged expression, feeling the tears form in your eyes. He shook his head, storming out of the house completely abandoning you in the living room. Your gaze fell to the floor as you began to mess around with your hands, the tears finally spilling from your e/c eyes. 'What'd I do wrong?' You thought to yourself. 'I just wanted to ask a question.' You shook your head as a way to stop your thoughts, wiping your eyes with the back of your s/c hand. "There's no use in crying." You spoke aloud. Despite your efforts in talking yourself out of it, your heart felt like it ached in a way you couldn't describe. Why was he jealous? Wasn't he once before? Perhaps you shouldn't dwell on it for too long. There was no point in thinking about something so stupid. Something you couldn't help. It was best to just get over it, and leave it all be. "He'll come around eventually." Ballora spoke, resting her hand on Lolbits' shoulder. "Yeah right. Eventually is going to end up years from now. Whatever's up with him, he needs to cut it out." Baby hummed in agreement, twirling around a random string she had found. "I second that. Wasn't he jealous of this guy before?" She asked. "I'm pretty sure. It's been a while though, and I have the memory of a pea." Lolbit scrunched his nose up in disgust. "I hate peas." "But they're good for you." Ballora replied, pointing her finger in the air to get her point across. "Yeah, yeah." "We'll just have to wait for him to apologize when he's ready." "But that'll literally take ages. You really think he's just going to snap back and apologize right away?" Baby stopped twirling the string, pressing her ear against the door as she heard the muffled voices of you and Foxy. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I should've given you a chance to speak." "Are you kidding me?" She mumbled. "It's okay. I'm not that bothered by it. You were just..Upset." You replied to him. "She's seriously forgiving him?" Lolbit joined in. "Do you forgive me?" You unconsciously pressed your hand to your leg, taking a moment to respond. "Yeah. I do forgive you." Baby and Lolbit exchanged glances, both rolling their eyes in somewhat annoyance as they pushed away from the door. Ballora shook her head, resting her fingertips on her forehead. She turned around, walking towards a desk where a Blue notebook sat. She picked up the small book, grabbing the pen off of the desk as well before exiting the room. She had walked to her own, shutting the door behind her and proceeded towards her bed. Ballora sat down, flipping open the book to a blank page and letting herself write down words without much thought behind it. She'd been writing in here ever since she became human, immediately filling out the first journal she had and halfway filling this one out in the span of only a few days. Most of her first journal was about her being trapped underground, but it changed to concerned entry's about you. Which is what she was writing about now. Ballora cared for you, just like a Mother would. Which is what she also worried about. You thought of her more like a Mother than a friend, and she could see it too. During one of your episodes, you had referred to her as 'Mommy'. You had said stranger things other than that. Anything like that, she wrote down. She had every time you had an episode like that. And it was quite often, though you couldn't remember any of it. It was all a dream to you, and they made sure it was. Ballora made that decision herself. She didn't want you to remember all of the things that had happened during your childhood. She realized she was frowning by the time she finished, shaking her head once more as she closed the book up. "Another one?" Ballora sighed. "Yes. I'm afraid so." She picked up the small child, sitting her in her lap. "But why? Why does she keep having these nightmares?" "They were scary things that happened to her." She undid the sloppy pigtails the small Girl tied herself, running her fingers through her Blonde hair. "Oh. But what about Funtime Foxy? Doesn't he help it?" As she re-tied her pigtails into neater ties, Ballora had frowned deeper. "No. He seems to make it worse." As much as she liked seeing you and Foxy together, she also knew that he bothered you, whether or not you knew about it. The accident bothered you still. She had figured it was Aaron who had tampered with him, but even still. Being around Foxy had made you worse. "What if he left? Would she get better?" She thought for a moment before responding. "I don't know, Minnie. I don't think I can separate them." She giggled. "They like each other too much." Minnie cocked her head to the side, watching as Ballora furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "But maybe that's the problem."

( :) Hi. Look at me updating. Nice, right? Yeah. Mistakes? Probably, but I'm sorry if there are any. ;) See that? I'm winking virtually. I want you to take a nice long think about what Ballora's talking about. Oh, don't worry. It's totally not going down hill from here. ;) ;) Lol-

Sincerely, A Person Who Tries Updating But Can't Because Of Doctors Appointments-)

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