Back To How We Were

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You were currently sitting on the hotel bed, staring down at the floor as you finished up your explanation. "So you don't remember anything at all?" Lolbit asked you. You shook your head. "No. The last thing I really remember is accepting Foxys apology." "Y/n, that was ages ago. Are..Are you sure?" Foxy asked you, his voice a light whisper. "Unfortunately, I am. I'm one hundred percent sure. And I'm sorry..I didn't listen.." He placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you a kind reassuring smile. "Oh, which reminds me." You suddenly remembered your original questioning thought, turning towards the taller Male whom in which stood off to the side with his arms crossed. "I forgot to ask your name." He was silent for a moment before opening his mouth to respond. "You don't know who that is?" Lolbit dramatically gasped. "It's the great, amazing Sir Funtime Freddy!" Foxy finished, motioning towards him. "Oh, please." Freddy grinned, unable to keep his stone cold expression up much longer. "He was late as usual." Baby playfully rolled her eyes as Freddy stuck his tongue out at her. "Better late than never! Don't be a party pooper!" "Uhm, helloooo? Did you forget about us or something?" You looked down at the Girl as she stomped her foot on the floor angrily. "I'm sorry. What's your name?" You apologized. "I'm Bonnet! And thiiiiiis is Bon Bon~" She hugged the Blue haired Boys arm with a smile, Bon Bons look of disgust going unnoticed by her. "Bonnet, please stop. You're making me uncomfortable." He whined. She didn't listen, however. "It's nice to meet you guys." Your small smile soon turned to a frown. "I just wish we could've had more of a proper introduction." "Yeah." The room went awkwardly silent after that. What were you to say? No matter how many times you apologized to them, you could never apologize enough. It wasn't good enough for you. But they accepted it, and everything's fine now. With Marcus dead-Your heart sank into the pit of your stomach. You killed him. YOU killed him. Noticing the blood soaked shirt that lay in your lap, you made a decision to finally go back home. You were lucky enough for Foxy to offer his jacket to you temporarily. "Guys, why don't we go home?" You suggested, watching everyone's faces light up. "That'd be lovely, Y/n." Ballora accepted for the group, offering a smile to you which you returned with your own. "Finally. A better shower." Baby sighed, throwing her head back dramatically. "Better shower? No, better beds!" Lolbit argued, earning a glare from the Red head. "Better friendship." Foxy whispered to you, staring into your e/c eyes. His face was much closer than you remembered it being, but you didn't mind. Neither did the blush that crept onto your cheeks it seems.

As everyone finished gathering up their things, Freddy pulled you aside, making sure no one was listening in. "Hey, I'm sorry for beating you up. I was just really angry about what you..Did. I understand now that you didn't mean it. So...Neither did I, okay?" You smiled up at him, giving a little nod as he tried avoiding eye contact. "It's okay, Freddy. I understand. Friends protect each other." Freddy wondered how you were so forgiving of him, even when he badly hurt you. Nobody knew why, actually. "Come on you two! We've got places to be!" Foxy happily tugged you both away and out the door, catching up to the group already ahead of you. "Are you okay, Foxy?" You giggled.  "I'm better than a Monkey in a tree with a bunch of bananas!" He grinned back at you. Now where have you heard that before. 'He's still the same.' You caught yourself thinking, shaking your head as you listened to his excited ramblings about all the things he's done that was 'cool'. The time passed you all by as you walked home, laughing about stories and jokes you'd all made, just overall enjoying each others company. Even Freddy started to warm up to the childish conversation you initiated until you finally arrived to your destination. "COMFY BEDS, HERE I COME!" Lolbit shouted, running through the door first, followed by Baby who did the same. "FORGET THE BEDS, FLEABAG, I WANT THE SHOWER!" "THE HECK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" You rolled your eyes, sitting down on the couch after everyone entered before you. "I see that's still normal." "Nothing really changed for the time you were gone." Ballora shrugged, holding back a chuckle as Baby whacked Lolbit over the head with shampoo bottle. You had no trouble voicing your entertainment. "Hey Y/n, can I use your phone?" Baby suddenly stopped to ask. "Hm? Oh, sure." Grabbing your phone off of the coffee table, you swiftly unlocked it, frowning upon seeing what you last left it on. Deleting the contact first, you handed your cell phone away. "Thanks. I just need to call someone real quick, then I'll hand it back." Flashing you a quick smile, Baby walked off to a more secluded area of the house to make her call. "Do you think I can borrow the car tomorrow?" "What? No way, Lolbit! You don't even know how to drive!" You replied. "Yeah, but, I need to get to work tomorrow." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, giving him a puzzled look before finally coming to a conclusion. "Oh, right. I should've guessed already. My bad. Look, I'll drive you tomorrow since I am in no way going to allow you to get yourself in a car wreck." "Pfft, whatever. I could totally drive myself. Anyways, I'll be sleeping if you need me. You three can bunk with me for tonight." Lolbit motioned to Freddy, Bon Bon and Bonnet. "Yeah, not going to happen either. You hog the bed." Foxy interjected. "You can use my room, I don't mind." "Thanks, Foxy." Freddy responded, allowing Lolbit to show them to their temporary room. Minutes passed by, and soon everyone had headed off to bed. Baby of course returned your phone before taking off. Foxy sat down beside you, startling you in a jump. "You aren't going to bed?" You asked. You offered your room up to him, assuring him that you were content sleeping on the couch. "I don't think I can." "Have you even tried?" You snickered. "No, because I know I won't be able to. I've missed you too much." Your expression softened, unconsciously lifting your hand to cup his cheek. His vibrant Yellow eyes widened, turning his head to look over at you in shock. The heavy blush that dusted his pale cheeks was hard to miss, even in the dark. No words were spoken. He began to lean in slowly, you copied him. The gap between the two of you grew smaller and smaller until finally, you and Foxys lips connected. The kiss hadn't lasted long, but it was long enough to make you dizzy. Parting from you slightly, Foxy looked into your eyes lovingly before smashing his lips back onto yours. You accepted him, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands tangled themselves in your h/l hair. It felt like it could go on forever, like you could kiss until the end of time. You wished it could've. You desperately wanted it to. What felt like years, you finally parted. In just a barely audible whisper, Foxy spoke to you. "I Love You." He didn't even need to say anything. You already understood by his actions. "I love you too." You whispered back. This was it. This was the Man you were going to Marry.

(HE SAID THE THING, GUYS! Really trying to rack my brain for more inspiration, but darn. It's hard, you know? I'm trying to find inspiration for this little note too, lol- But, now that Foxy admitted his feelings and pretty much made out with you, the world is now a better place. :)

Sincerely, I Could Literally Chuck This 8-Bit Baby Figure At Somebody And They'd Get Seriously Injured That's How Sharp She Is-)

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