Feels Like Burning

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"Tch, of course she runs away." The Male scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Come on, let's head back." Everyone followed, all but Foxy whom in which stood there chewing his lower lip in thought. "Hey, you coming?" Lolbit questioned, nodding to the group who stopped to wait. Foxy suddenly took off the way you came, running as fast as he could with tears win his vibrant Yellow orbs. "Foxy!" They called for him, shouted for his return. But he didn't listen to them. He just wanted to find you. To accept your apology. "Y/n!" But when he couldn't find you, he began to worry. He found a phone on the ground, reaching down to pick up the unfamiliar object. Looking at the screen, he observed a colored dot flashing, staring at it in confusion. "What were you thinking?" Baby scolded, trying to catch her breath as she peered over his shoulder. Her expression of anger faltered when she saw the screen, straightening her back as she looked to Lolbit. "Don't tell me..." He mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. "We need to go get her." Foxy made it abundantly clear that he had every intention of saving you by running off first, not bothering to wait for the others, knowing they'll eventually catch up to him.

Waking with a groan, you struggled to open your eyes, finally succeeding after a minute or so. You observed your surroundings, though you couldn't see anything. You felt like you recognized the smell of the room, however. You just couldn't quite place your finger on it. You realized you were tied up to a chair, making way for an agitated sigh. How'd you always manage to end up in situations like this? It was like someone was dictating your every move, forcing you into dramatic, dangerous situations like this.(UHH-)No matter. You hadn't the time to be thinking like that. You had to find a way out of this mess. Struggling was no use, you soon found out the hard way. You searched the darkness for anything as soon as your e/c eyes adjusted. Perhaps there was something you could've used? Nothing that useful to you. Nor was it close to your chair anyways. The sounds of footsteps starting down the creaky staircase behind you alerted you to someone else's presence, looking ahead of you blankly as you waited. "Why couldn't you just stay?" You weren't surprised upon the reveal. "All of this," Marcus motioned to the room. "Could've been easily avoided if you just stayed put like you were supposed to." "All of this could've been avoided if I hadn't met you." You spat, glaring at him intensely as he brought over another chair to sit on it backwards. "Oh, stop. You were having fun." He rolled his eyes. "I don't even remember anything. But I can assure you, that wasn't fun in the slightest." He chuckled, leaning his head on his arms. "I adore you. Truly. You're quite tough." Marcus started to gently rub at his eye, a frown slipping onto his face. "But I don't like that little stunt you pulled earlier." "I did." His frown deepened. "Sadistic, much?" Shaking his head, he rid the thought from his mind. "Whatever. I'll excuse that mistake for now. But I am upset about you tossing the ring away. Do you even know how expensive that was?" "Probably more expensive than you were at the orphanage. Your 'Parents' probably got you for a dirt cheap price." He looked offended by your words. "That's not very nice." "Get over it." You realized the bonds weren't tied properly, trying your hardest to work them off in a subtle fashion. "You know, I'm very thankful I got to know you better. You're a very sweet person, Y/n. Very, sweet. Pretty too." You scrunched your nose up in disgust. "I just wish we could've spent more time together while you weren't tied to a chair." Letting out another chuckle, Marcus bit his bottom lip while he stared at you with a dreamy expression. "Truly a shame, but you're still beautiful either way." It was silent for a moment before he spoke up again. "When you started to mention your friends after all this time, I got a bit temperamental. I really am sorry." He reached out to caress your swollen cheek. You reeled back away from him. "Unfortunately, it snapped you out of your loving trance. I knew you wouldn't love me normally, so I came up with a super secret recipe to ensure your love for me. And it worked." He laughed, outstretching his arms. "It was the best thing to ever happen to me. Aside meeting you, of course." You were almost to releasing your hands. 'Just a little more.' You thought to yourself. "I'm sure that you'll come around soon enough and realize that I'm not so bad after all." "You punched me in the face, and hit me over the head twice now. Not to mention, you kidnapped me for your own sick reasons. You're crazy, Marcus. I'll never love you." "Never say never, my dearest N/n. There's always room for improvement." "Don't call me that." "How about this," He stood from the chair he was sitting on, turning the lamp on that stood in the furthest corner. You squinted, not used to the artificial light. "I'll treat you perfectly, get you anything you want, hail you as my Queen while you get everything you desire, only if you stay here with me. Sound good?" "No chance." Marcus frowned. "I don't think that's a very good answer." He plucked a syringe from his pocket, twirling it around as the liquids inside sloshed against the plastic walls. "Maybe I can change your mind. Are you afraid of needles?" The ropes slid from your wrists, falling to the floor without much noise. Marcus didn't notice, thankfully. "You see, I whipped this up just before I came down here. Just a few chemicals is all. Ones that don't have much of a reaction with each other. And if I slip this into your bloodstream, you'll obviously die. So, again," He pointed the needle towards you. "Which will it be?" You only looked at him, glancing behind him to find your perfect excuse. You nodded to the lamp behind him. "The outlet's sparking." "What?" He whipped his head around in a panic, giving you the perfect opportunity to stand up. Quickly grabbing the chair after you stood, you swung it at his face, hearing the crunch of his bones and possibly the chair breaking from the impact. He cried out in pain, stumbling to the side as the syringe clattered to the floor. Grabbing the bottle you spotted earlier, you smashed the bottom against the wall, turning around just in time to dodge Marcus' attack. You let him get closer to you before plunging the sharp glass into his neck as deep as you could. The blood sprayed all over your shirt as he fell to the ground, gargling his own life force as it slowly slipped from him. Picking up the syringe, you inserted it into his arm, just in case he decided to live, emptying the fluids into his veins. You saw your warped reflection in the bottle, noticing how your face was completely clean. Maybe there was a few spatters, but it was mostly blood free. "Oh gosh.." Your eyes widened slightly. "I-I just killed a Man.." You weren't as bothered, but it was just the realization kicking in from what you had just done. You stared at the group in shock as they clambered down the stairs, pausing in their tracks to stare as well. Foxy suddenly dashed towards you, his hands cupping your cheeks as he smashed his lips onto yours. Your face burned as if it was on fire, your knees going weak, threatening to buckle as you could only try and process what was happening. He pulled away, too soon for your liking, the tears flooding down his pale cheeks as he gave you a lopsided grin. "Thank heavens you're all right!" He managed to speak without stutter, squeezing you in an embrace. You immediately wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Foxy...I'm so sorry.." You whispered. "I-It's okay, I-I forgive you!" He was quick to reply. "Just...Please don't get kidnapped again.." You managed to laugh. "I'll try not to." Baby sped towards the both of you with tears of her own, joining in on the hug. Lolbit and Ballora followed after with Betty and Minnie as well, all joyous for the fact you were finally back to your sentence. It doesn't change the fact that your face still feels like burning.

(IT'S HAPPENING GUYS. YOU AND FOXY JUST SMOOCHED. Man, feels good to get that out. Marcus is dead, and now we forget about his nasty corpse, and be done with the jokes. They were still funny though-

Sincerely, I'm Literally Half An Inch Taller Than Funtime Foxys Canon Height-)

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