Day Six-

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(Let me just, yeet you into the story. Ready? Three, two, one-)

You stared ahead at the metallic Fox who returned your blank stare, the sound of a deep agitated sigh filling the awkward silence. "Can you just SPEAK already? I'd rather be rotting alone than supervising you children!" William groaned, once again being plunged into silence. "I will dismantle the both of you if you don't start talking right now." It was sort of odd how calm he spoke, but I'll let that slide. "When-....When would you have told me?" You asked, voice quiet and shaky. Funtime Foxy was obviously confused, raising an eyebrow at your question. "You already know how much I care for you as a friend, so why ask?" Friend. That's a load of crap. Despite wanting to push things further, you bit your tongue and played along. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said something as stupid as that. And I'm sorry for leaving you. I was just angry, and things have been rough lately." You admitted. "Thanks, but I should apologize better than you." You giggled slightly at his response. "I shouldn't have gotten so jealous and shut you out. I just thought you were going to leave, and I didn't want to lose you.." You busted out into laughter, clutching your aching stomach. "I can't leave, remember? I promised!" You laughed some more. "O-Oh..." He quietly spoke, shrinking down in embarrassment. "And besides, me and Marc don't like each other in that way, so you don't have to worry about that." Finally calming down, you smiled sweetly at Foxy who just stared back shyly, your blush seeming to go unnoticed thankfully. "Are you both done yet? Good. I'm leaving now, so don't try and stop me." William crawled through the vent as he mumbled to himself, making you roll your eyes before looking back to the Fox. "So...Wanna play tag?" You smiled once more, shifting where you stood. "Aw, heck yeah!" He jumped around in excitement, hitting his head on the edge of his stage. "Are you okay?" You worriedly asked, your hands hovering over his arm as though you were afraid to touch him. "Yep! I'm better than a dog with a bone!" 'This is just like before-' You thought, laughing aloud before running off to start the game. It was the most fun you've had in days. However, not all good things last. You began to think of what Ennard had told you, sadness filling the pit of your stomach as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You pushed the feeling back the best you could, trying to enjoy the moment while it lasted. The others eventually joined in, all giggling and laughing aloud with glee as people chased and ran. It truly was fun. When everyone decided it was time to stop you told them you were going to stroll around the Pizzeria-Or..The...Bunker? The place is underground man, you get what I mean. You took a deep breath and entered the eerie room, letting yourself frown and hug yourself unconsciously. "Ooooooh, welcome back! What're you doing here?" Ennard spoke from the ceiling, untangling himself from the wires and pipes to greet you properly. "...." You remained silent, your tears dripping from you e/c eyes and onto the cold concrete. "It's tomorrow." Michael simply responded, giving you a sympathetic glance. "Hey! Shut up, Eggs! I totally knew what was wrong!" Mike rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "What're you going to do?" "Nothing..There's nothing I can do.." You sadly replied. Ennard sighed, crawling down in front of you to place his wired hand on your leg. "It's alright buddy. When they leave, they'll come back! Don't cry now!" You knew he was lying, but you only nodded. He remained silent for a moment, glancing at Michael who nodded to him before speaking to you again. "I'm leaving too." He spoke, making you practically snap your neck to look up at him with wide eyes. "W-What..?" "Look, I don't really have a choice. I-I..I really don't want to. It seems scary, and I'm afraid of what happens after...But hey! You won't have to listen to my late night rambling anymore!" He laughed sadly. You sobbed, flinging yourself into his arms and hugging him tightly. "Don't go!" You cried out, finally letting all your held back emotions spill out. Ennard awkwardly pet your hair, looking to Michael for help, yet he only shook his head in response. "It's okay...Even if I leave, you'll never get rid of me. I'll always nag you about stuff even when I'm a robotic ghost, do you understand?" You only continued to sob. That's alright, he wasn't expecting a response anyways. Michael, on the other hand, sadly watched you cry your heart out. He felt the pain of losing the people you loved, having experienced it himself when he was younger. He knew what you were going through. You had eventually fell asleep, unaware of the conversation that had started right after. "Do you think she'll move on?" Ennard questioned, being careful to keep his voice even and quiet. "No. She's too attached to them." "You're so blunt, it's amazingly cool!" He angrily replied, finally standing up to go and place you in bed. On the way, Ennard thought of all the choices he had, shaking his head when he realized his end was inevitable. He placed you down on your makeshift bed, waiting a moment before leaving slowly. "Tomorrow is another day. HAH! I stole his voice line!" He laughed, crawling onto the ceiling to be more comfortable.

(Hi! So...Sorry for any mistakes, and for how late it is, but here you go anyways. I decided to be a big dummy and make the decision to post a video tomorrow on TikTok. Yeah...So just to warn you, I ain't that good with makeup, but my ultimate goal is to make somebody smile and to be an inspiration. Here's my screenshot I took an hour before I started writing this-

 Here's my screenshot I took an hour before I started writing this-

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Here you are. Not gonna lie, I'm nervous as heck. Uhm...So I'll post tomorrow if you're interested. Sorry again, and I hope you enjoyed!

Sincerely- A Nervous Person Who's Cat's Birthday Was Today)

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