'What Am I Doing?'

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Days had passed since that strange encounter you had with that little Girl at the park, though of course, you hadn't remembered any of it. The only thing on your mind was the worm you had deemed to be attractive. You spent all of your time on him. All of your wasted, and worthless time. It wouldn't have been worthless on someone else more important. "Hey, uhm, Y/n?" Marcus caught your attention from the lake, focusing it on him instead. "Yeah?" "You and I both know that we're really close, and uhh.." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small velvety box. "I wanted to give this to you." He opened it up, revealing a beautiful ring that sparkled in the sun. You gasped slightly, tears pricking the corners of your e/c eyes. "Oh my gosh.." You barely managed to whisper out, a grin slipping onto your face. "It's so beautiful.." He smiled, taking your left hand in his as he slipped the ring on your ring finger, just how he would if he proposed to you. "Just like you are, Y/n L/n." A few minutes of silence passed you by, suddenly starting up another conversation. "There was this guy I once knew, I don't remember his name, or what he looked like, but all I know is that he was really sweet." You started. Marcus looked at you with a blank expression, his previous smile now faded into nothing. "Really?" He wasn't interested, that much I can tell. You didn't, however, too caught up in thought. "Yeah. He was so funny too. He always knew how to make me laugh even when I was sad." "Y/n, that's nice and all, but-" "I do know that he had a Brother, a twin, maybe, and they'd always fight with each other." You laughed. "Y/n-" "It may have gotten too much too quickly, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Especially F-" "Enough!" Marcus raised his hand, slapping you harshly across the face as he seethed with anger. "Oh my gosh, Y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-" He rambled on and on about his apology, but that was the least of your concerns. Where were you? You looked around slowly, observing your surroundings carefully. Your eyes finally landed on Marcus, a feeling of disgust filling your stomach. "M-Marcus?" You called out, stopping him from continuing further. "Yes?" He acted concerned for you. You shook your head, trying to wrap your mind around the situation. "Where are my friends?" You asked, unsure of yourself still. "Your..Friends?" The tone of his voice was one of disgust, disappointment. He sighed. "I saw Bailey at a drugstore once, but-" "Thanks." You quickly stood to your feet, but your first couple steps hadn't lasted very long when you fell to the ground, your vision cutting away to darkness.

You woke with a groan, trying to rub your head to ease the pain, only to find yourself in restraints of some kind. "Wha-.." You couldn't finish your question. "Oh! You're awake!" Marcus called out in relief, giving you a sweet smile. "You tripped over a tree root and busted your head pretty hard. I hope you don't mind, but I took you back to my place." You clearly remember him hitting you in the back of the head. "Oh, thank you, Marcus." But you played along. You tried not to show your discomfort as he helped you out of the blanket burrito, giving him the best of your forced smiles. "You were out for quite a while." He nervously chuckled. "It's actually getting late, and I don't want you going back home just yet. Not after what happened." You shook your head, sitting up all the way. "It's okay, I'll be fine. Besides, I forgot my phone back at home." "I mean, I don't mind if you stayed overnight." He pushed, stepping closer to you as you stood from the couch. "No, it's fine. I really should get going." Turning around, you walked towards the front door with every intention of leaving. Just as you reached out for the doorknob, Marcus grabbed you by the wrist. "Wait," He started. You looked back at him, staring at him as you awaited his follow up. He only responded by tightening his grip. You looked to your right, spotting a bottle of air freshener and picking it up. "Is this a new scent?" You asked, preparing yourself. He loosened his grip slightly. "U-Uh, yeah, actually. It's pretty nice." "Really? I don't think you'll like it after this." You sprayed the chemical into his eyes, hearing him shout in pain as he immediately let go to tend to his burning retinas. Now was your chance. You dashed out the door, running off to who knows where, refusing to look back. You needed to get away. That Man disgusted you. Finally noticing the ring on your finger, you resisted the urge to throw up, you yanked it off of your finger, timing your throw correctly so it'd drop down a sewer grate. Just where it belonged. You ran as far as your legs could take you, finally collapsing on the ground as you wailed loudly. "I'm sorry!" You managed to sob out, repeating your apology with much regret. The crunching footsteps of the Male in front of you echoed in your ears, though you barely heard it through your sobs. You fell to the side as a sharp pain shot through your ribs, your hands flying to the affected area habitually. "I've heard the stories about you. You abandoned them for a Guy you barely even liked previously!" You took another blow to the stomach. "How dare you come crawling back with a pathetic apology! You made Foxy wish to be scooped! Over a Guy!" You deserved to be punished for your mistakes. You allowed the Man to kick you repeatedly, though he stopped by the request of a familiar voice. "S-Stop!" You finally opened your eyes, watching with blurry vision as he turned around to face the shorter Male. "Why should I after what she's put you through? She deserves it." "But-..." "You still feel for her, don't you?" ..... "You do." He huffed, backing away from you, though he still glared. "I-It's okay..." You started, struggling to stand back up. "I deserve this..." You stood to your feet, your knees shaking as you straightened out. "But please listen to me when I tell you," Drawing a breath in, you wiped your eyes with your arm. "I don't remember a thing." "You expect us to believe that?" He snarled. "No. But I at least wanted you to listen." You looked to the ground in disappointment, a shadow most likely casting over your face. It was silent for minutes on end, all judgmental eyes casted on you with glares piercing through your skull. Nobody said a word. "I...I should go.." You kept walking forward, dead set on not looking back. There was a small area of woods not too far from where you stood currently, deciding to retreat there. You slowly sped up your pace, ending with you jogging into the small wooded area, out of sight from your friends. You stopped not too far into the space, screaming out a sob as you looked to the sky, the tears re-streaming down your s/c cheeks. You kept sobbing loudly, even if your voice was more than hoarse. It wasn't long before all went Black again, the back of your head probably bruised by now from the hard hits it'd taken. You just wondered if you'd done the right thing?

(HOLY FUDGE, MARCUS SHOWS HOW MUCH OF A PATHETIC DUDE HE IS! :0 Lol, instead of Marcus Bail, he Marcus Failed. Don't mind me, just ugly laughing at that-But at least we know Foxy still feels for you. ;7

Sincerely, Confused_Pwotato-)

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