Quite A Fright

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"Ooh, what about this one?" Baby held up a movie case to you, giving you a grin as you slightly smiled with uncertainty. "Are you sure, Baby? This one's a bit too spooky." She puffed her cheeks out. "Not too scary for me! I bet you didn't even finish the movie!" You felt as if you had been stabbed in the kidney. "S-So what if I didn't finish the movie? I-I had things to do, it was a school night!" You defended, although...You had defended falsely. "Pfft-I knew it! Don't be like that, Y/n. I know that deep, deep down you have some sort of bravery in you." She smirked at you before walking away with the movie in hand, leaving you with your mouth agape. "So much for my argument." You sighed. "Have you chosen anything Ballora?" She shook her head. "I have not. Perhaps we could watch just Baby's movie tonight? I think it'd be fun." She suggested. "Yeah, for the Boys." You pointed to the Twins. "That just means I'll have to suffer.." "Oh, it'll be fine." She opened her eyes momentarily, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sure you'll have Foxy to lean on." She gave you a wink before walking off. Your face burned a deep Red, your e/c eyes widening in shock as your frame stiffened with tension. You couldn't believe what she just said to you. You hadn't the will to move anymore, and you were more than unsure if you were still breathing or not. Shaking your head, you just decided to grab yourself a drink and sit down on the couch. In a flustered state, mind you. "How many times are you going to accuse me of whacking you in the face after escaping the location?" Baby groaned, messing around with the TV stand. "You did! You kicked me in the face, and then shoved me to the side so you could go first!" "In all fairness Foxy, I thought you were some creature trying to attack me in the dark." "It was light enough to see!" "Oh yeah," She turned around. "I guess you and monstrous, ugly creatures are too similar to differentiate." She shrugged, turning back around to the electronics. Foxy huffed, crossing his arms as he slouched in his seat. "It's okay Foxy, I think you look fine." "We all know you do, Y/n." You almost choked on your drink as you quickly sat up, your wide e/c eyes trained on the back of Baby's head. "What?" You mumbled, coughing slightly. "Nothing. I just sneezed." She suddenly paused. "But I've never sneezed before..." You hadn't caught what she said, turning to Lolbit who snickered to himself. "Is this some sort of inside joke I should know about?" "No!" Foxy raised an eyebrow at your behavior. "I-I mean-Uhh-No." You smiled at him nervously, scooting away from him slowly but surely. "Riiiight. Good to know." It had gone silent after he spoke. No one was sure of what to say, or they merely waited for someone else to speak before them. But it was still silent. And even if there was conversation, you wouldn't have noticed anyway. You were in a trance, just blankly staring off into the distance, or a wall really. You didn't entirely know if you were thinking or not, you just stared. "Maybe you should talk to him?" You blinked. 'What?' Your thoughts never made it out of your mouth, but you could clearly hear yourself speaking. "Talk. To. Him. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Not another one, that's for sure." You turned to look at who was speaking to you, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. 'Who..?' It was then you realized you were in a different environment. Your surroundings were oddly..Glitched. Multiple memories of places you'd been had merged together, or simply overlapped. The flashing gave you a headache. "Oh, you'll get over it. If I could, than you can too. Now," The figure leaned against a panel. "Are you ready to listen now, or what?" You shook your head, trying to process what you were witnessing. 'Is this real?' You looked down to your hands. "Real as could be! This place is quite a sight, eh? It's a mixture of everything you've seen, or more importantly, the significance of those places to you. Like that, for example," The figure pointed to a shaky image of an indoor pool, pixelated and distorted. "That's the first pool you had gone to with your friends, yeah? Ah. Pauline was a bit of a brat, pulling your hair the way she did." You only stared in disbelief. "What? Do I have something on my face? I bet it was the chicken I had earlier. I should've known not to put too much hot sauce on it." 'Where am I?' "Ugh! Didn't I just explain to you?" It slouched over. 'Can you read my mind?' "What do you think I've been doing for the past three minutes? You can't speak. Opening your mouth is dangerous, so that's why I made a super cool rule to keep it shut. You know, to preserve all the oxygen you can." Your eyes widened, a look of slight horror on your face. Laughter echoed in the empty and glitched space. "The look on your face is priceless! Aha, I'm just jokin' around. But seriously," You swallowed hard as the space around you darkened. "It is dangerous to open your mouth. Some people made it out alive, while others weren't so fortunate to see natural light again." 'What happened to them?' You hesitated to think. "They upset me. And by making the rule, I can control their thoughts better. Because before, no one liked to think before speaking. Whereas now they have no choice. Pretty clever, eh?" You weren't sure how to respond. 'But who are you?' The figure shrugged. "I'm many things. More commonly known as "Ink Bunny". A child called me that. She was a delight to have around." The faulty walls brightened back up. "Or, you could be like that one teen who called me "the final boss". I apparently give "boss vibes" to the younger generation. Call me whatever you want, just as long as its in my totally cool and not angry at all category." The inky figure looked down at its wrist, slapping a hand on its head. "Yikes! Its past your stay!" You were suddenly being pushed to a glitchy Black door, slowly opening the closer you got. "My sincere apologies, the time just slipped away from me! As do all things." Just before you made it through the door, you turned around to face the figure one last time as it spoke. "Oh, and say hi to the creator for me." 'Wha-' "See you later!" You were kicked the rest of the way through the door, blinking a few times as you looked around. You were back in the living room. 'What a bizarre daydream.' You thought to yourself, shrugging the eerie feeling off as you stood up from the couch. "Hey Y/n, the oven went off." Lolbit spoke as he passed by. You understood what he had meant, walking into the kitchen to place the dinner you had prepared a few minutes ago into the oven. But deep down, you couldn't understand why you had all the memories of doing things you've never even done. "Okay. Now that that's done, I can set up all the blankets and all the pillows." You smiled to yourself, walking into another room to grab what you needed. By the time you had finished the oven timer had gone off, and in a hurry to quiet the persistent beeping you rushed into the kitchen and practically slammed your hand on the off button. "Thank you." You evenly distributed the food to each plate respectively, calling everyone for dinner and walking out to the living room to start  your movie night. "Is everyone ready?" You asked, your stomach filling with dread despite your cheerful expression. "Are you ready, Y/n?" Baby redirected the question towards you in which you ignored and began shutting all the windows. "What kind of soda did you get?" Foxy asked his twin. "I got grape. So far, it tastes pretty good. What about you?" "Well I got cream. It's very...Soft. Wanna trade for a sec?" "Sure." Lolbit shrugged, switching glasses with Foxy. You thought of them as children in kindergarten who'd trade lunches from time to time. In other more simpler words, you thought it was cute. Finally after you shut the last light off and sat down next to the two, you started up the movie with hesitation. Not too much hesitation though. You wouldn't want anyone else thinking you were some baby. Halfway through the movie after you all finished your dinner, you began to feel nervous. "This is where it gets real spooky..." You whispered. "You're just overreacting." Baby waved you off, her eyes glued to the screen as she leaned closer in anticipation. She suddenly screamed, diving under her blanket as she shook. "It's just a Black screen." Lolbit spoke in a monotone voice. "Huh. It was just Foxy's reflection." "Hey!" "Shh!" You all watched the screen intently, some more than others, but I digress. You and Baby screamed in fear as something popped out the the basement, clutching onto Foxy as Baby covered her face. Ballora looked at you and let out a small and quiet laugh, turning back towards the TV with a smile. She had unfortunately predicted your actions.

(Hi. I'm talking to a blank screen here, thankfully. My problems have gone on for far too long, and I've taken a break that no one really deserved because this makes people happy for a reason I still can't comprehend even though I've gotten answers. NOT THAT ANYONE'S ANSWERD ME. Of course, I'm still by myself. Completely alone. No one's reading this right now. Yeah. :) I'm sorry for mistakes, unfortunately non-dark mode screen, and I hope you enjoyed.

Sincerely, I'm Not Telling You Where I Got My Exotic Butters Pillow Because That Would Ruin The Secret. P.S, It's On Amazon, I'm Not That Heartless :)- )

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