Sweet Laughter

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(Oh boy, I sure do hope none of my readers see this. This is totally not supposed to be out yet. I sure do hope this doesn't get out somehow-)

Baby had begun scarfing down her food, mumbling incoherent words as she talked with her mouth full. It was...Messy, to say the least. Bits and pieces of pancake, bacon and egg littering the table, syrup and butter spilling over the edge of the plate. Everyone looked at her with concern as she ate like a wild animal, Ballora almost afraid to catch her attention. "Uhm, Baby, you should really-" She hissed, spitting food out of her mouth only slightly. Ballora wiped her face free of chewed food, sitting back in her chair silently. No one else dared to say a word to her, all just silently, and most certainly, neatly eating their own set of food. By the time you had taken two bites of your own, Baby sat back with a grin plastered on her round face, completely satisfied with the mess she had just created. "You guys aren't done yet?" She asked, disbelief evident in her light voice. "You idiot." Foxy rolled his eyes, choking on his food as if karma really hated him for what he'd said. "You deserved that." She mumbled, looking around in curiosity soon after. "So," You started. "Are you going to realize there was a fork right next to you?" You asked with a slight smile, pointing towards the thin metal beside Baby's plate. She looked down, her face flushing Red as she realized her mistake. "U-Uhh-Yeah. I knew that was there." She looked away as if confidant, though you knew better than to trust that look. You giggled, shaking your head before taking another bite. "It's fine." You had said. Baby smiled shyly, not bothering to look back at the group, too embarrassed to. It remained silent for a little while, nobody wishing to fill the silence, or they simply hadn't known what to say. It might've been both, perhaps. It was silent all until Baby began to hiccup. "What's happening?" She asked, her sentence at the end pausing for another loud and violent hiccup. "I"M DYING!" She began to cry, trying to wipe her tears with sticky hands. "Oh gosh, Baby's dying?!" Foxy began to freak out. "WHAT DO WE DO?!" Lolbit had started tugging at his hair, both him and Foxy standing to pace around the table. "Guys," You spoke, watching the three cry loudly as you heard Ballora sigh beside you. "Guys." No one responded. "Everyone calm down!" They paused, looking to you whom in which calmly smiled. "Baby, You're not dying. You just have the hiccups." "Wh-What's that?" She asked with hesitation, afraid of the answer you'd give. "It's when you eat, or drink too fast." You explained, watching as she relaxed. "So I'm not going to die?" You shook your head. The three sighed in relief, falling into uncomfortable silence. "I feel dumb." Foxy spoke first, followed by Lolbit. "You should." "Hey!" He turned to his twin. "You thought the same as me!" "Yeah, well I wasn't an idiot!" "You were more of an idiot than I was!" Why you-" "BOYS! ENOUGH!" The two Male's shrunk under Baby's harsh gaze, slinking back to their chairs to finish their breakfast. "Thanks, Y/n!" She cheerfully thanked you, her hands sticking to each other thanks to the syrup gluing them together. "I knew those lessons would come in handy some day." You smiled at her, crossing your arms as she danced happily in her seat. You remembered when you taught Baby how to shut the two up, smiling warmly at the fond memory. "Oh, right," Foxy turned towards Ballora. "Is it alright to speak with you?" She only nodded, excusing themselves from the table as they walked to another room. "What is it you needed?" She asked, holding her hands in front of her politely. "When I put Y/n to bed, it's like my face started..Burning, y'know? We're not Animatronics anymore, so it's not like I'm overheating or anything." He explained. "And you want to know what it is?" He nodded, looking out at you whom in which laughed aloud to a joke someone had made. Your laugh never sounded more angelic than it had now, filling Foxy's stomach with butterflies. "Now I just feel sick.." He shook his head, his face turning a dark shade of Red the more he looked at you. Ballora smiled, placing her hand on his shoulder after following his gaze. "Foxy, I think you're in love." She giggled as he whipped his head back around to look at her with wide, Yellow eyes. "I-I-In love? I-I'm not in l-love!" He defended, being hushed slightly. "What's happening is, you're blushing. Blushing happens when you're embarrassed, shy, or when you like someone a lot. And you feel sick because you have butterflies in your stomach." He looked at her in horror. "Not like that. That's just what they call it when you're nervous, or again, you really like someone." Ballora seemed to know more about human behavior than he thought, shaking it off when he began to wonder how she knew this much already. She had only learned for the sake of her friends, though. "You won't tell anyone, will you?" Foxy asked, his voice hushed as she just laughed slightly. "Of course not. I'm not like Lolbit." He sighed in relief. With a nod of appreciation, Foxy walked back out to go check out what all the commotion was about. "Hey, what'd I miss?" He asked, hands behind his head as he glanced down at you. "Oh, nothing! Baby just made a joke because Lolbit apparently bit his tongue!" You spoke through you're laughter. "I said that's why his name's Lolbit. Because Lol-BIT his tongue." Baby sat triumphantly in her seat as you began to laugh harder, the mentioned Male crossing his arms as he slumped over. "It's not funny!" He said, glaring at Foxy who joined in on the laughter. "Well, I mean, it kind of IS funny." He spoke. "NO IT'S NOT!" Lolbit groaned, resting his head against the table in defeat. Once the laughter had died down, your head perked up upon remembering something you forgot to mention. "Oh yeah! Foxy, follow me, I forgot to show you something!" You stood from your chair and grabbed his hand, leading him away from the group with a grin. Foxy only stared down at your hand in silence, his face, once again, burning from the blush that coated his cheeks. 'Maybe I like this feeling..' He thought, a small smile of his own tugging at his lips.

(Hi, totally not here audience. Now that I can spill my secrets without ANYONE knowing it, I can ask a random question directed towards the people that won't be reading this, because there are no people here. So, give me one reason, oh endless pit of book, why you're still here? What makes this so interesting? And also before I forget, I'm totally tempted to call myself trash yet again, JUST to see what you'd respond with. You know who you are. NOT THAT ANYONE'S READING THIS, I MEAN- Sorry for mistakes, but this isn't going into the public yet so,

Sincerely- Someone Who Isn't Ready To Publish this Chapter Ye-)

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