A 'Fun' Game

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"GET UP!" You screamed as your body left the ground, feeling no soul where it should've been when you made contact with the floor. "I hate you..." You mumbled, letting the tears flow from your eyes and onto the soft blanket you were lying on. "Yeah, yeah, whatever-It's time to get up, you lazy potato!" Lolbit yelled once more, dragging your limp body into the control module. "I'm not a lazy potatoooo..." You whined, failing to pull your leg out of his grasp. "Stop your whining. It's game night, baby!" "I know." Circus Baby replied, sitting on the ground next to you. "I wasn't talking to you, you clown. It's a saying." "What did you just call me?" She asked, face plates twitching in annoyance. "It's true! You are a clown!" "Let's not start anything now." Ballora spoke up, making herself known from the other side of the "circle". You sat up, giving the two girls a small wave. "Hello Y/n Dear, are you feeling okay today?" "Yeah, I guess so. That one over there woke me up in the worst way possible." You pointed to Lolbit. "I'm terribly sorry for his behavior. But it's nice to know you're alright." "Y/n!" You were tackled to the ground by Funtime Foxy who was only a blur at the moment. And you just sat up too. :( "Morning Foxy." You said, voice muffled by the fact you were being squished by him. "It's been such a long time since I've done that! I missed the times we've had together!" "Foxy..You're squishing me.." "Oops, sorry." He chuckled nervously, helping you sit up before sitting next to you. Extremely close, mind you. "Game time!" Lolbit shouted, slamming down a hat on the floor. "FIRST-We play truth or dare!" He said. Baby raised her hand. "But why can't the audience choose?" She asked. "Because, Circus Baby, there are some people who wouldn't agree." She nodded, seeming to understand where he was getting at. You were dumbfounded though. Were you missing something here? The answer is: Yes. You were indeed missing something, but that was the point. "OKAY! Who wants to go first?" "I suppose I will." Ballora said. "Lolbit, truth or dare?" "Dare! I ain't a wuss!" "I dare you to be quiet for two minutes after you ask your question." Dang. ".....Is it too late to pick truth?" She just stared at him(despite her eyes being closed), making him sigh sadly. "Fine...Foxy, truth or dare?" Funtime Foxy hummed, looking up in thought before looking back at his brother. "Truth." "Is it true you have a crush on someone in this room?" It went silent. "I...Y-Yeah-But I'm not telling who it is!" He admitted. Ah, yes. This was all going according to plan, except for the fact that you were now sad. He's got a crush, of course he does! But there's that chance it could be you. Right? "Baby, truth or dare?" "Truth?" She said as if she was unsure about her decisions. "Is it true that you sometimes get into the freezers and search for ice cream?" "Maybe." She shrugged, obviously admitting to her actions. "No wonder why it was always out of order..." He mumbled. "Y/n, truth or dare?" Baby asked you. "Huh? Oh. Dare, I guess." "Kiss that bucket over there." Now. I'm pretty sure you thought I was talking about Funtime Foxy, but since I ain't doing that extremely overused scenario, Baby pointed to a bucket in the corner. You're welcome. :) "Eh, why not?" So you got up and picked up the bucket, and you kissed it. "You're...Not bothered by it?" Lolbit asked. "No. I used to kiss my toys before I went to bed, so this isn't anything new." You sat back down with a yawn, attempting to keep your eyes open for as long as you could. "Ballora, truth or dare?" "Truth." She quickly responded. "Is it true that you're blind?" I'm sorry, you just wanted to know. "In a sense. It would help if I open my eyes though." She giggled. "NEXT game! Guess the song!" "Can't we play charades or something?" "No, Baby Dear. Even his actions would be too loud." Ballora replied. You rested your head on Foxy's shoulder. "Oh come on guys! I'm not THAT bad!" "Are too! You kept me up last week with your glass breaking voice! I had to repair my window myself! Get some singing lessons!" "You're one to talk!" "NO. I was made to sing, and was blessed with a beautiful voice, unlike SOMEONE I know!" "Shut up Baby! Nobody even asked you to judge my singing!" "Because nobody lived through it!" "You take that back!" "No! I have every right to outwardly voice my opinion!" "Uh, guys?" Foxy tried getting their attention. "Ballora, help me out!" "Sorry Lolbit, Baby has a point with everything she had just stated." "Guys." "See? I told you!" "SHHH! Y/n's sleeping." Foxy finally pointed out the fact that you had passed out with your head on his shoulder. "Oh...I guess maybe I should've let her sleep more." Lolbit nervously laughed. "One hour of sleep isn't a good thing. Go get your rabies shot already." Baby is now throwing out weird insults, but that's okay. Let her roast the Fox. Funtime Foxy picked you up and brought you to your room, placing you down on the blanket you had cried on earlier. He covered your body with the second blanket that was thrown across the room, freezing in place when you started to stir. He sighed in relief when you didn't wake up, leaving you to peacefully sleep in a cozy blanket to head back to Funtime Auditorium. That game sure was...Fun in a way.

(So, Did you enjoy it? That's a nice answer, whatever it is. Sorry for mistakes, and-Oh. You're waiting for me to ask you the question? Hmm...About that..Yeah, I'm making you wait more. Sorry! :D

Sincerely- Your Still Dumb Author)

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