Dumb Car Rides

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(Hey guys, and welcome back to this book that updates randomly. I believe we are almost to the halfway point, so be excited for that! Actually, feel whatever you want about it. But onto what I was going to say-Thank you all for the support on the book. I know it's not a lot of reads and stuff like that, but it means a lot to me. So I'd like to sincerely thank you all for letting me get this far. But enough of my rambling, you all are waiting for the chapter to begin! Have fun~!)

You sighed in annoyance, honestly regretting even waking up that morning as you listened to the giant Rabbit go on and on about who knows what at this point. "-And then that's how I met my demise. Any questions?" "Yeah. Do you ever shut up?" You spat. "I beg your pardon?" "You're annoying me. I have a headache that was caused by you, so thanks for that." "Oh suck it up. You're stuck with me for a long time, so get used to it. At least I'm not like that Brown haired chick. I thought I'd never make it out.."(Ah, self roasting~) You muttered things under your breath as he continued to talk, taking a few moments of coughing as you laughed before starting up again. A few minutes passed and you failed to notice how the car had gotten silent, finally realizing it you looked back to see if Afton was still there. Quietly letting out a sigh of relief you glued your eyes back onto the road, feeling your eye twitch when he opened his mouth. "Why are you so angry? It's not like something died in your car." "No, but you're certainly dead and in my car so I count it. No matter how good air fresheners could be, it will never make me forget your existence." He placed his hand over where his heart would've been, gasping dramatically as Elizabeth giggled. "I'm offended. Didn't you ever teach yourself good manners?" He asked, making you glance back at him. "How'd you know about that?" You asked him. "My sweet Princess told me. And besides, I always knew something was wrong with you back then." You shook your head in attempts to get rid of the scared feeling that slowly crept it's way into your system, trying to ignore the deep chuckles that emerged from William's throat. You tried your best to stay focused on the road the best you could, but your vision started to slowly blur until it all went black.

Where were you? Oh yeah, this is your Mom's house. You looked around for the Woman as you held a piece of paper close to your chest, finally spotting her at the dining table with a White and Orange stick between her lips. Walking up to her with a small smile, you tugged on her sweater sleeve making her look down at you with a frown. "What do you want?" She harshly asked. "I made a cool drawing, do you want to see?" "Go and show your friends, I'm very busy." She shooed you off before going back to talking to the unfamiliar Man who sat across from her, ignoring your small coughs when she allowed smoke to fill your tiny lungs. You nodded after recovering from your coughing fit, slipping your yellow shoes on and exiting the house. You had to have walked for at least seven minutes before you spotted three boys at the park and running up to them with excitement. "Hello guys!" You said, giving two of them hugs and leaving the other one out. You assumed he was too old for your hugs, so that's why you never did. "Hello Y/n! What's that?" Aaron pointed to the paper you were holding, getting a warm smile from you. "I made this drawing for Mommy, but she told me she was too busy and to show you guys!" You showed them the picture you made, feeling proud of yourself when their jaws dropped. "Wow! That's amazing Y/n!" Bryan complimented, eyes practically sparkling as he went over the drawing once more. "What do you think about it Wilp?"(Don't question the nickname please, I tried very hard to think like a child again...) The older Male looked down at you, giving you a quick smile as soon as he saw the drawing. "It's very nice." His smooth British voice reached your ears, making you smile before-

"OI! Keep your eyes on the road you insane Woman!" William yelled, grabbing the steering wheel and quickly turning it to swerve the car away from a tree. "S-Sorry Wilp..." You mumbled, failing to notice what you had said as Afton stopped to glance at you. "You're..Fine." He leaned back into his seat, looking over at Elizabeth as to silently discuss what was currently happening. You snapped back into reality as soon as you gripped the steering wheel once more, blinking a couple of times before furrowing your eyebrows. "When did we get here?" You asked, more confusion washing over you as they exchanged nervous glances. "You zoned out for a bit." They said in unison. "O..kay? You guys are weird." "Stop the car please." You did as Elizabeth said, getting out of the car as soon as they did. "We're...In a graveyard. Why exactly are we in a graveyard out of all places?" "Shut up for a second Y/n." You huffed and crossed your arms after William spoke, quickly following after the two as they navigated through the foggy area. "Can you please answer m-" "I told you to shut up." Anger slowly built up inside of you as you continued to follow the two, stopping in front of an unmarked grave. "He's not here Daddy." "I know Lizzy. I may have an idea of where he could be though." Chills suddenly went down your spine as the urge of wanting to look behind you took over your body, trying to remember what happens in horror movies as to not do exactly that. However your body betrayed you as you slowly turned your head to look behind you, screaming in fear when you saw a child's face in front of yours. The boy laughed as you fell backwards, pointing at you as tears of joy streamed down his cheeks. "You're so funny! I didn't think you'd scream that loudly!" He flew down to you, White feathers escaping his wings as he did so. "I'm Christopher! You can call me Chris or C.C if you want!" Christopher giggled as you stared at him with wide eyes, some of the blood that pooled from his head dripping down on the ground. "Chris! Don't scare Y/n like that!" Elizabeth scolded him. "What's the point of not scaring people? It's boring!" "So? Does it look like I care?" They started calling each other names and before you knew it, you were stood up on your feet. "Please do forgive them, it's been a while since they've seen each other. He may seem a bit scary, but I assure you Christopher means no harm." William explained to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Alright Y/n, let's get going now." Chris said, pushing you towards the car. "She can walk by herself you know!" "Oh shut up you Clown!" "Daddy! Chris called me a Clown!" "Chris, don't call your Sister a Clown." The four of you got into the car, the two kids buckling their seatbelts as you did the same. "But Daddy! Earlier she called me a dumb Bear!" "Because you are, dumb Bear!" "Lizzy, don't call your Brother a dumb Bear." "HA! Suck it Elizabeth!" "Christopher Afton!" "What? You let Michael say it!" "He's much older than you!" "Age shouldn't matter!" "Well it does anyways!" Oh boy...

(Hi again. Sorry for any mistakes in this chapter, I really did try to fix what I could see. Also, I realized that my Christopher design is WAAAY too similar to somebody else's. So if you mention that, just keep in mind that it was a complete accident and I'm not trying to steal people's stuff. Thanks again for the support, and I hope you liked the chapter! Oh yeah! Before I forget, I'm willing to do a non plot related chapter if you guys are willing to request! Since I don't want people to feel left out, I'll want you to throw in some ideas as to include everyone who wants to request. I hope you understand what I meant by that, I'm really bad at explaining things. But anyways, thank you and I'll attempt to work on another project until then!)

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