Nails Stained Pink

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You lead Foxy up to your room, letting him go to speed over to your dresser. "Uhm, wha-" "Shh!" You shushed him, hearing him huff as you dug through a small f/c box. "Bingo!" You called out, holding up a glass bottle with pride. "I've had this nail polish for a while now, and I didn't know what to do with it. It's not exactly my shade." You gave him a goofy smile, watching his eyes light up upon seeing the object that rested comfortably in your palm. "I want it." He mumbled. "Huh? What?" You didn't understand what he had said. "Gimme gimme!" He reached out for the bottle, pouting when you snatched it away from him. "Not so fast, buddy! You can wait 'till we get back to the table!" He nodded, disappointed. "Good." You started walking away, laughing slightly as he followed close behind with impatience. Before you could say anything, Foxy dashed for the table, almost falling over as he sat down. You thought it was cute. "Do you want to do it yourself?" You asked, sitting down beside him more calmly. "You do it." He responded rather quickly. "Do what?" Lolbit asked, his eyebrow raised as he leaned back with his arms behind his head. "Nails." You unscrewed the cap, wiping off the excess before grabbing Foxy's hand. Lolbit scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You're such a Girl." "You're one to talk. You paint your nails as much as I do!" Lolbit's face started to turn a dark Red, sitting up straight and looking around at everyone in panic. "I-I do not! W-Why on e-earth would you make such horrid assumptions of me?!" "You're nails are always Orange or Purple." Baby spoke in a monotone voice, her head rested in the palm of her hand. "I-I-I-" He struggled to find the words to retaliate against her, instead sitting in silence with a Red face. "That's what I thought." Foxy's tail flicked as if it would add flare to his sentence. Wait-Tail? "When did you get that?" You pointed to his bushy White and Pink tail, feeling a strong urge to start petting it. "Huh?" He looked behind him, staring in amazement as the ball of fluff moved elegantly. "Whoa! I didn't know I could do that!" He laughed. "Lolbit has ears." Ballora notified the group, all eyes turning to the silent Male who shifted under their gaze. "He does!" Baby shouted with glee, observing his twitching Fox ears with wide Green eyes. "How on earth is this logical?" You asked, watching Foxy's tail disappear before your eyes. "It isn't." Ballora responded first before Baby. "But it's cool!" Lolbit yelled at her as she reached over to touch his fluffy ears, a tail of his own popping into existence. "I got it!" You interrupted their bickering. "It happens when you get angry! Somehow, it creates a weird reaction, and then POOF! You now have those!" "Interesting. Lolbit, Dear, try calming down. See how it works." For once, he was willing to listen. "Yeah, okay, cool. Can you do my nails now?" Foxy whined, making you laugh. "Of course, Foxy." You coated his nails with the bright Pink polish, taking your time with each for he wanted them to be flawless. "Looking good so far." Baby commented, leaning over the table to watch you work. "Why thank you." She smiled. "Do you have Red?" She asked you. "I don't think so, no." "Not even Green? Green would do." You shook your head, hearing her sigh in disappointment. "That's okay." You felt a little bad for her. "I can always head to the store to get some?" Her head perked up, a hopeful expression on her face. "Really?" "Yep." Foxy lifted his unpainted hand on the table, looking at his other with glee. "Ooh! Can we get outfits too? and shoes?" Ballora chuckled at her behavior, folding her arms over the other neatly. "I'm sure Y/n would take you, but not right now." She turned towards you. "Now that you mention it, wouldn't people strike us as strange? We don't exactly fit in." She raised a fair questioned. "Hmm..Some people would think that, yes, but in these times almost everyone dyes their hair all kinds of crazy colors." You explained, trying your hardest to focus on his nails. "But what about my eyes? They aren't exactly normal." Lolbit expressed his own concerns. "Contacts. But Ballora is right. I think we should wait a while to go out, just so you can get comfortable." Baby sighed sadly. "It's okay, I understand." Foxy grinned, shaking his legs excitedly as you finished up the last of his nails. "And I'm all done." "Yes!" He looked down at his hands intently, watching them as if it was all a dream. You laughed, patting his shoulder. "You're welcome." Foxy hugged you suddenly, squeezing you slightly as he made sure not to ruin your clothes. "Thank you so, so, so, SO much, Y/n! This means so much to me!" You're face flushed a deep Red as you awkwardly hugged back. "A-Anytime.." You noticed Ballora giving you a sweet and understanding smile, almost like when a Mother would smile at her child. You looked away quickly. Foxy finally let go after a few more seconds of a breathless hug, grinning down at you happily. You only smiled at him slightly, unsure of what to do or say. "Do you have any movies we could watch?" Baby gasped upon remembering her question. "O-Oh, uhh, yeah. Yeah." You snapped back into reality, standing from the table to go search for your movie collection. You felt your heart racing in your chest, your mind filling with jumbled up thoughts, some you couldn't quite understand. 'Why is this happening?' You thought to yourself, grabbing the case of movies you had hid inside a closet and eventually forgot about. 'What do I even do?' You really had no clue why you had been feeling this way. "Your nails are going to be stained Pink for a long while, you know that, right?" Lolbit asked his twin. "Why do you think I did this? It's fabulous!" You rolled your eyes playfully as you set the case on the table. "I've got the movies for you. Just pick out anything that interests you." Baby nodded, rummaging through the case with Ballora to pick out anything they deemed as interesting while the two twins actually had a normal conversation that didn't involve an argument. Shocking, I know. 

(Wow, how'd that get there?

Sincerely, A Spring Bonnie Enthusiast-)

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