This Is Awkward..

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You stretched with a groan, sitting up from your comfortable bed only to find the other side empty. You peeked down over the edge of the bed, just to find Foxy curled up on a little makeshift bed. It seems he didn't listen to you. Getting out of bed, you wandered your way into the bathroom, feeling as if you were forgetting something important. You couldn't quite place your finger on what, though. It seemed to just slip away from you. Doing what needed to be done, and finishing up in the bathroom, you found your way into the kitchen, quickly spotting Lolbit and Baby as they conversed with each other. "Morning guys." You greeted, ending your sentence in a yawn. "Morning, Y/n. Foxy didn't hog the entire bed, did he?" Lolbit questioned you, offering up a sympathetic look. You shook your head, to his surprise. "Actually, he slept on the floor. He made up his own little bed." "I'm quite shocked." Baby spoke. "I think he might have some kind of mental illness.." Lolbit muttered beneath his breath, biting his lower lip in feigned concern. "Yeah, you could say that." Baby laughed. The doorbell rang out, catching the attention of the three of you. "I'll get it." Lolbit offered, walking out to see who was at the front door. "So," Baby started, glancing around before leaning in slightly. "I know it wasn't any of my business, and I shouldn't have been snooping, but," She drew a breath in before continuing. "I'm proud of you." What she had said to you would've normally confused you, but knowing that you and Foxy confessed to each other made this situation take a sharp turn. That's right. You confessed. With your face turning a dark shade of Red, you tried your hardest to avoid eye contact with her as you began to giggle nervously. "I-I, uhh..Uhm-" "It's okay. You don't need to say anything. But I promise not to tell anyone." Holding out her pinky finger, you hesitantly linked yours with hers, sealing her promise for good. "Bailey, your Boyfriend is here!" Lolbit called out from the front door, causing Baby's face to Redden as well. "Well, my ride's here. And for the record, Corey is not my Boyfriend. Don't let Lolbit give you the wrong idea." Without another word, Baby left you by yourself. She seemed flustered as she left. "Hey, Y/n. You promised me a ride yesterday." Lolbit tore you away from your thoughts. "I did, didn't I? I'll get my keys, then." You had some trouble trying to remember where you left your keys at, spending a good bit of time searching for them. "Aha!" You stood triumphantly with your keys in hand, quickly speeding your way back to the front door to meet back up with Lolbit. "Found 'em." You announced, holding the door open for Lolbit. Getting into the drivers seat, you waited for him to get into the passengers side before starting the car. It had been silent for a minute or two before you decided to strike up a conversation with him. "So," You started, glancing over at him briefly. "Is work good?" "....." Never once turning his head away from the window, he didn't even respond to you. "Right...Sorry." You mumbled, resisting the urge to look down in shame. Checking the directions Lolbit had wrote down on a piece of paper, you gave yourself a little nod as you pulled in to the parking lot. "Have-" Quickly unbuckling his seatbelt, Lolbit opened the car door and hopped out, fixing his work visor as he did. "-Fun..." Resting back in your seat, you let out a rather depressed sigh. Is this really what you should've expected right after what you've done? No matter. Other things must be done rather than just sit and wallow in your own self-pity. Making your way back to the house, you tried your hardest not to think about it, so instead, you focused entirely on the road, and a few tunes that had been stuck in your head for quite a while. And before you knew it, you were back home. Freddy had been in the front playing tag with Bonnet and Bon Bon it had seemed, putting a smile on your face. Walking past them as to not interrupt their game, you slid past the front door to be faced with Ballora who had both Minnie and Betty in her arms. "Oh! Hello Ballora. Where are you guys off to?" You greeted, followed by a question. "We're off to the park." She smiled softly. "Yeah!" Betty threw her fist in the air, making you and Ballora chuckle. "You guys have fun, then." Excusing herself, she slipped past you and out the door, agreeing to let Freddy and the other two come along with her. You sighed once again, closing the door after watching them walk off down the sidewalk. Of course. This is how it'd always turn out. You should've known. "Is something wrong?" You jumped upon hearing a familiar groggy voice, whipping around to face Foxy whom in which slouched over tiredly. "O-Oh!" Your face began to turn Red at the sight of him, remembering the kiss you shared. "N-No, not at all. I-I'm just..." Your voiced trailed off at the end, your gaze averting to the side. "Still upset over everything?" He finished in a question. Foxy started walking closer to you. Your e/c eyes immediately focused back on him, pressing yourself against the door to escape from him. Not that that was a bad thing. "I-I-.." "It's okay." He held his hand up as if to silence what you couldn't say, still walking closer. Your heart was thumping in your chest. "I'm not faulting you for being so upset. I just want you to be okay." Finally stopping in front of you, you stared up in to his vibrant Golden eyes, your face getting hotter and hotter by the second. His chest was practically against yours, and if personal space truly did exist, you'd be begging to have some right about now. Not that you wanted any when it came to him. "Hm?" Cocking his head to the side slightly, he blinked a few times in confusion. "Are you okay? Is something the matter?" You tensed slightly when he reached up to cup your Reddened cheeks, feeling as if your heart was to explode out of your ribcage at any moment. "Your face is like, really hot, and it's all Red. Can I get you something to help-" "No." Your voice cracked as you awkwardly cut him off, taking a breath in after realizing your mistake. "I-I mean, I'm fine." Flashing him a quick embarrassed smile, you went back to being frozen in place. Foxy stared at you for what seemed like ages before his eyes slowly grew wider as he began to back away from you, giving you the space you needed to breath. "O-Oh...I-I'm sorry.." You shook your head. "You're fine." "....." "....." "This is awkward.."

(Sincerely, Confused_Pwotato-)

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