What's Happening?

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(Is this a double update? Heck yeah it is! I mean, you guys do deserve it after all. You've all been patient enough with my slow updates, so why not do a double one? And besides, I really need a cute nickname for you all so why not ask you? But here we go-)

"Take two lefts, and go straight. Oh yeah, and then a right after that." Christopher said before going back to fighting with his Sister. You don't know how much longer you can take it anymore. Ever since Mr. 'I don't know how to shut up' joined along, you've had a headache the entire time and it's gotten progressively worse since Chris came aboard. Someone seriously needs to help you out of this mess. But hey, it kind of was your fault for wishing to have an interesting life. Sucks to be you and your headache I guess. "We have reached our destination!" Elizabeth happily cheered, waiting for you to park the car before jumping out with the three of you in tow. She excitedly knocked repeatedly on the neon green door, stopping when the door opened to happily wave at the person who stood in the doorway only for it to be shut in her face. She frowned as Christopher fazed his hand through the door to open it back up, revealing the Man once more. "I don't want you here, you need to leave now." He spoke, glaring mainly at William. "With all do respect Sir, it's very rude to shut the door in a child's face." You said. "Child or no child, none of them should be here Y/n." "How do you know my name?" "It doesn't matter at the moment. Just-Take them and leave, please." "Sorry, but you're coming with us." Elizabeth finally spoke, grabbing his pantleg and attempting to pull him to the car. "He is?" You asked. "He is." Chris responded, following the mumbling Man who was being dragged by a small child. Shrugging it off you decided to do the same, getting into the drivers seat and starting up the car once more. Not even two minutes into the ride, the two Men started fighting. "Why do I have to sit next to you out of all people?" "Because karma is cruel." "Karma? I never did anything!" "You never cared when I died!" "Because you deserved it!" "I did not!" "You are such an idiot!" "Y/n! Henry called me an idiot!" "Oh grow up, William! You're an adult!" You felt your eye twitch as they kept going at it, finally snapping when your name arose from the jumbled arguments once more. "Alright girls, calm the heck down! I don't care what happened between the two of you at the moment, but you better shut up before I take a crowbar to your knees!" (Thank you for acknowledging that reference-) They both immediately went silent as soon as you started yelling, silently glaring at each other as to not get in more trouble by you. "Henry, was it? Why are you apart of this adventure? are you apart of the Afton's as well?" "Heavens no. My full name is Henry Emily, and as for this little quest? I play a significant role just as the rest of you guys. You, however, are the most important." "It's not the first time somebody's told me that." You muttered under your breath. Elizabeth's directions lead you right back to the Pizzeria, leaving you confused as you parked the car. "Why are we back here? Didn't you say Aaron was going to kill me?" Lizzy nodded, placing her small hand on top of yours. "Don't worry Y/n, all of us will keep you safe. You'll run into him and you'll have to talk to him, but when things start to go bad we'll step in." You gave her a warm smile, placing your hand on top of her head. "Thank you Elizabeth." You said. "Don't thank me yet, wait until I save your life!" She giggled along with you before the five of you got out of the car, heading inside the cramped elevator. Everyone took turns crawling through the vent for obvious reasons, making sure to be cautious and slightly slow. "We have to split up now. Don't worry, we'll come back to save you." William said, patting your back in attempts to calm you. "Wow...That's the most reassuring thing you've ever said to me since we met, I'm actually quite shocked." You replied, watching as they walked away. You suddenly felt lonely after they left you, admitting to yourself that you enjoyed their company even if they did give you a headache. You walked in the other direction, heart pounding in your chest practically screaming for you to set it free. Yeah, not gonna happen little heart. "Y/n? There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" "H-Hey Aaron, what's up?" You mentally cursed to yourself for stuttering, giving him a kind smile that was definitely forced. "Where have you been? It doesn't matter, actually. I'm gonna need some help with the wiring if you don't mind. It's just, you know so much more than I do." "Sure, it's not a big deal. Where's the panel?" You questioned him. "Over there." You walked towards the panel, bending down to "examine" what was wrong with the wires. Your heart continued to race as you felt his presence behind you, trying not to make a sound when you noticed the knife in his hands thanks to the reflection. Before he could plunge the knife into your back, soft crying of a child could be heard behind him making him turn around. Aaron sighed in annoyance, putting the knife away before approaching the crying child. "Hey kid, what're you doing here? Don't you know you're not supposed to be here?" He asked. The child was suddenly replaced with a giant Golden Bear, making Aaron gasp loudly as he stumbled backwards. "What the heck?!" The Bear backed him against a wall, moving aside to let the rotting Rabbit have a turn. "Remember me? Probably not, but I'll make this moment memorable." You almost started to tear up, you didn't know why either. Circus Baby walked in, leaving you shocked as she grabbed him by the hair. "Don't even think about hurting her. Something bad will happen, trust me." Your vision started to blur slightly as you started to feel sick, saliva pooling from your mouth since you weren't able to close it anymore. Your entire body felt numb. Everything was blurred and  you could barely hear anything. "Any last words before we tear you apart?" The Bear questioned. "Yeah. Never leave a psychopath unsupervised!" He threw the knife in your direction, and the last thing you saw was a White and Pink blur.

You looked around you, walking through the amusement park with confusion. "What's with all this flashback crap?" You asked no one in particular, correcting yourself mentally. With every step you took an image of you and your friends appeared, eventually stopping when you walked out into the white abyss. An unfamiliar yet familiar Man stood at the end of the world in a doorway, his arms outstretched as if he was waiting for you to hug him. Your slow walk turned into a jog, in which it turned into a full sprint. As soon as you stretched your arm out to him, everything came back to you.

You violently coughed as people around you panicked, eventually coming to a stop when you've coughed up enough blood to breathe. You looked up to see Funtime Foxy who was staring at you with concern, not even bothering to let you go. "Are you okay?" He asked.

(Sorry for any mistakes, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I do apologize for it being weird, but we'll go with it, *shrugs* I'm going to go to sleep now since I feel like I'm about to pass out, so thanks for reading this double update chapter!)

When Funtimes Come To Life (Human Funtime Foxy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now