Day Two-

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(....Would you believe me if I said I forgot about this book? Please don't kill me-)

You woke up with a groan, grabbing your phone tiredly as you attempted to regretfully wake yourself up. You cringed at the brightness of your phone, holding your breath upon reading the text that had woke you up in the first place.

"Hey N/n, I've got a surprise for you! I hope you're okay with me coming over, and you're not too busy. I should be there at 12:35 or so. See you then!"

Oh lord. That's an hour and a half from now! You'd barely have time to spend hanging out with the Animatronics! You sighed and stood up, popping your back before slipping on a new pair of clothes. Y'know, sometimes you forget that you live here. I don't blame you Y/n. Ahem-Anyways-You shoved your phone into your pocket and headed out to the control module, waving to Foxy who greeted you happily. "What's wrong? You seem depressed." He asked you. "Ashly's coming over in an hour and a half, so therefore I don't have time to hang with you all." You unconsciously frowned. He placed a hand on your back, rubbing it slightly in a comforting manner. "It's alright. I'm sure the others would understand, and besides, it's not your fault." He reassured you. "I know, but-" "But? Uhm, no. No buts, Y/n! I told you, It's fine." You slightly nodded, your heart thumping against your ribcage. How did you come to grow feelings for a robotic Fox? Long story? Okay. One of the Minireenas crawled though the vent, giggling at the two of you whom in which was in very close proximity to each other. "What're you giggling about?" Foxy glared at the small child like robot. "Nothing!" She giggled further. "Get lost, twerp." She paused, making a sniffling sound before turning to crawl back through the vent. "I'm telling Momma you're calling me names!" She cried, disappearing soon after. He rolled his eyes, looking back at you who stared at him with an unamused expression. "What?" "That was mean, Foxy." You said, crossing your arms. "Please, she's fine." "She's done nothing wrong! All she did was giggle! And you, decided to be mean to her." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I guess." "Don't say sorry to me." And as if on time, Ballora came crawling out with what would've been a frown if she wasn't an Animatronic. "Foxy-" "I know, I know." He cut her off with a wave of his hand. "Look, I'm sorry. And before you say anything, I'm sorry for calling you names." He mumbled the last part, looking down at the floor in shame. "Fine. I forgive you." She spoke. You smiled warmly, a sad feeling residing within your stomach. "Oh yeah! Ashly's coming over soon, so we gotta get back into place like last time. And if you don't mind, can you tell Baby? I'd really appreciate it." Ballora nodded, going through the Circus gallery vent. "I'll tell Lolbit so his idiot self wouldn't teleport into the room while she's over." Foxy offered, walking away to find his twin. You checked the time on the clock above you that hung on the wall, sighing as you shook your head. 'Time sure does fly by, eh?' You thought to yourself, ushering Foxy back into his Auditorium when he came back from probably yelling at Lolbit. Soon after Ballora hurried to her Gallery Ashly made her dramatic entrance, hugging you tightly from behind as she giggled. "I missed you so much! I know it's only been a few days, but I can't help but miss you!" She fake cried. "I missed you too, Ash. How've you been holding up back at home?" You asked her. "I've been alright, for the most part. Things are surprisingly not as hectic as they used to be, but enough about me, I've got a surprise for you!" She giggled. It was only then you noticed the guy who awkwardly stood behind her, giving you a small wave. "This is Marcus Bail, your date for the night!" ....What? Your date? "Ashly-" "I'll be back to pick you up in a bit, I've gotta go meet my own date who promised to take me out on a late night picnic. See ya'!" She waved to the both of you with a wink, skipping off back to the elevator. Marcus shifted in his spot, his dirty Blonde hair bouncing when he flinched at the sudden banging sound from behind. "So, uhm..You must be Y/n, right?" He asked. "Yeah. It's nice to meet you, Marc, if I may call you that." "You're fine. Ashly told me a bit about you. Is it true you work on these things every night?" "Not exactly. Only when they need repaired, I do. Why? You interested in this kind of stuff too?" He shook his head, slipping his arms further into his sweater sleeves. "They intrigue me, but I think I'm too scared to come face to face with them. You're pretty brave doing this, y'know. I wish I was that brave." He casted his gaze onto the floor. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. Who knows? You might actually have the courage to meet them. You never know if you never try." You smiled at him, patting his shoulder lightly. "Th-Thanks.." He stuttered. You were unaware of the metallic Fox who stood behind the glass, watching in jealousy as you talked with Marcus. You talked for a while, finally letting silence fall over the both of you. "Uhm..Marcus? You're a nice guy and all, but honestly? I'm kind of not interested." He sighed in relief, giving you a huge smile. "Thank goodness. Ashly kind of pushed me to do this, and I was too scared to say anything to you about it. Friends?" You returned the smile, shaking his hand that he had outstretched a second ago. "Friends." "So, how'd the date go?" Ashly's voice rang out from behind Marc, the clicking of her Yellow heels echoing through the small room. "Well, I guess." You replied with a shrug. "Great! I'll take that as a good thing. Well, I better take you back home. It was lovely seeing you again Y/n!" She hugged you tightly like she had earlier, waving to you as her and Marc left the building. That took longer than expected.

(Am I..Am I dead? Thank goodness I'm not-Sorry for mistakes that I possibly always make, and I hope you enjoyed. I do apologize for forgetting about the book, I've just been busy with a lot of things and my mind just kinda rejected the existence of this book. Please don't be upset with me. :'( 

Sincerely- Bean)

(My Family calls me that for some reason, by the way-)

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