Explanations And Expectations

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"How am I supposed to keep her away from you all?!" Ballora gently placed a hand on your shoulder, slightly patting it before speaking. "Calm down. Take a deep breath, and let the answer come to you." Momma Ballora to the rescue! You slowly inhaled and closed your eyes, immediately opening them with a smile after a few seconds of thinking. "I've figured it out! Why don't I actually do my work like I was originally supposed to?" "What do you mean by that?" Funtime Foxy asked. "I mean, why don't I work the nightshift again? You'll all be in your gallery's and auditoriums', and I'll do my work!" ".....I still don't get it." You sighed. "Remember when I first came here and I was listening to the "cannibal"?" "Yeah?" "I was doing my job before you busted the glass." "Oh! I get it now!" You shook your head, a small smile tugging at your lips. "That sounds like a good idea, but what about the controlled shocks?" Baby asked you, a hint of fear showing through her soft voice. "Is there a way to get around that?" "They can just avoid it?" Lolbit suggested, a shrug following after his sentence. "Good point. Here's the plan," You explained to them in detail how to avoid the controlled shocks, and how to behave in certain situations in which they all nodded in understanding.(Mainly for the fact that it's 1 in the morning-) After getting them all in their places you placed your hands on your hips in confidence, freezing in place when you were hugged from behind. "I've missed you so much Y/n!" Ashly giggled, shaking you around slightly. "Ashly? What're you doing here?" You asked, honestly shocked for the fact that you never even told her where Circus Baby's Pizza World was located. Oh wait. The internet is a thing. I guess You and I both forgot about that. "I came to hang out with you, duh! You're lonely here, and besides, It's been forever since we talked." "True. I hope you don't mind me working during our conversation, it's just really important y'know?" "Of course. I don't mind, just as long as you get them up and running for the kids." She smiled at you. "I guess it's about time we get to hanging out." You laughed. "So, what do you do exactly?" Ashly asked you, following you over to Ballora Gallery. "I gotta check to see if they're on stage first," You pressed the light button, finding no one on the illuminated stage behind the glass window. "But...It's not there.." "Ah, that happens a lot. You have to give them a controlled shock, as they say you do. However, I'm never okay with it, just to be clear on that." You heard Ashly giggle, quickly pressing the shock button before switching on the light once more. "Oh! It's a Ballerina!" "Uh, huh. That's Ballora. Now, if you turn to the right you shall observe Funtime Auditorium. This is where Funtime Foxy resides." You said, proceeding to press the buttons on the control panel. "It honestly just repeats itself." You shrugged, motioning for her to follow you through the vent in front of you both. "This is Circus Baby's Gallery. It's for....Circus Baby." "Circus? Is she a clown or something?" Ashly asked you, staring at the big window in front of her. "Pretty much. Now, she doesn't ever show up but I still like to check, just to make sure." Ashly stared into the window unmoving, her expression contorting into a fearful one. "I..I see something on the other side..." She admitted, pointing at the spot she was staring at. You looked over and squinted slightly, trying your best to feign confusion. "I'm not seeing anything." You patted her shoulder before crawling back through the vent, muffling your laughter the best you could. "Sorry, I guess I'm just paranoid." "You're fine. You get used to it after a while, don't worry." You gave her a reassuring smile. "Anyways. Have you been talking to anyone lately? Maybe you even met a boy you like?" She nudged your side, making you groan. "Ashly, you know I'm not social. And besides, I don't think I'm ready to date anyone." "So? We can change that!" You gave her the "please don't" look, watching her smile grow into a grin. "I'll just get you to go on a blind date with one of my best friends-Don't get me wrong! You're my best friend, but I meant my best guy friend. It'll be fun!" "Ashly-"Please? You've never had a Boyfriend before! It's time to try something new for once in your life!" "I..I don't know about any of this, I-" You were cut off mid sentence by Ballora slamming her fists on the window, making Ashly scream and fall over backwards. "W-What the heck?!" You chuckled, pressing the shock button to make the Ballerina go back to her stage. "They do that sometimes. The stresses of being a children's entertainer, I guess." She looked at you as if you were diseased, opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water as she was unable to find the right words to describe your calmness. "I-Wha-HOW?!" She asked. "Like I said, you get used to it after a while." You simply smiled at her. "These are the WORST explanations in history!" "Yeah, well you have the worst expectations!" You replied. Ashly gasped, placing her hand on her chest dramatically. "I do not!" "You do too! You expect me, a lonely, anti-social piece of garbage to get a Boyfriend! Do you realize how awful that sounds?" Funtime Foxy pounded his fist against the window, scaring Ashly once more as you jumped in surprise. "Will you stop DOING THAT?!" She shouted at the Fox, making you giggle as you pressed the shock button. "Hey, don't blame them. They've got a lot of problems." She nodded, finally standing up from the floor. "I guess you have a point. Don't they have advanced AI, or something? Like, more advanced than usual?" "I believe so." You looked up at the clock and sighed, turning towards Ashly who had caught on to what you were sighing about. "I really don't wanna go." She pouted, giving you a tight hug. "I know. I'll see you whenever we hang out next." "Goodbye, Y/n!" She waved to you as she headed back through the entrance vent into the elevator, making you sigh in relief as everyone came back out. "Good job everybody!" You gave them a thumbs up. "Y/n, you're not a piece of garbage. You're a beautiful human being that I wish I could be like someday." Foxy told you, holding you by the shoulders as your face turned red. Oh dear.

(Hello! As usual, sorry for mistakes and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, I'm still heavily considering that Springtrap book, but I'll give it a few more days to see what I wanna do. I shall give you an update on what I wanna do in the next chapter, but I honestly don't know when that is. :)

Sincerely- A Very Tired Trash Can)

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