Fun At The Park

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"I'm so glad you and Marcus are getting along well!" Ashly's cheery voice chirped through the phone. "Me too. He's a really sweet guy." Your face turned Pink at your own reply. "Well, I've got to get going now. Talk to you later, Y/n!" "Bye, Ashly." And with that, the call ended. It's been a while since you've talked to her, hasn't it? At least you had a pleasant conversation. "I've got to get going you." You reminded yourself. You promised Marcus you'd meet him at the park today to hang out. So, not wanting to be late, you hurriedly slipped your shoes on and headed out to meet up with him. You could barely contain your excitement as you drove to your desired destination, biting your lower lip in attempts to stop the grin that tugged at the corners of your mouth. It seemed like ages before you got to park your car at last, getting out and looking around for that familiar head of dirty Blonde hair. It wasn't long before you noticed him, actually. "Hey, Marcus!" You greeted him, squeezing him in a hug before sitting down next to him. "Hi, Y/n. Sleep well last night?" He smiled at you. "I slept so good. Ugh, it's been forever since I had." It seems you had forgotten about the nightmares that kept waking you up. All of the hallucinations that kept you shaking in fear. The darkness that spread from the corners of your room. The sounds of creaking floorboards. The whispers of judgement who had even more on their faces. The screaming-"That's nice to hear. I'm glad you finally got some rest." You smiled back at him. "You know, it feels really nice today." You broke eye contact with him, looking to the sky as you spoke. "It is. I'm glad it didn't decide to rain today." He chuckled. "It was supposed to?" "Yeah, apparently. Thankfully the weather changed its mind." You shook your head. "If only it'd stay this nice." You noticed a Man glaring at you from a ways away, his expression harsh, and his stare cold. You felt like you recognized the Man, but you knew you had never seen him before in your life. "Hey, are you all right?" Marcus asked, placing a hand on your arm. You shook away the feeling, blinking a couple of times before turning your attention back to Marcus. "Yeah. I'm okay." You assured him. He sighed, making way for another smile. "Good. Say, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come over to my house next week and have a movie marathon?" This was escalating all too quickly, but you hadn't cared. "Of course! That sounds lovely!" You grinned at him. "Cool." His phone suddenly began to ring, turning his attention away from you and on the device. "I'll be right back." He excused himself, leaving you at the table while he answered the call. A little Girl walked up to you as you were awaiting for his return, looking up at you with an almost hopeful expression. "Hello. Do you need anything?" You asked, smiling down at her. She looked hurt as you spoke to her, watching the tears form in her eyes. She stayed a moment longer before running off. Thinking it to be strange, you brushed it off and thought nothing more of it.

Lolbit stuck his tongue out at Foxy as he chased him around the playground, using the slides as an advantage to get away faster. Lolbit laughed as he made yet another grand escape, climbing atop the monkey bars as he grinned down at his Brother. "And this is how you know this place was definitely made for kids." Baby shook her head with a smile. "It sure is." Ballora agreed, helping push Minnie on the swing as she asked nicely. Baby suddenly realized something, her smile quickly faltering as she looked around. "Finnian! Is Betty with you guys?" She called out to them. "No. Isn't she with you?" Foxy replied. "She was with you guys last!" The Boys stopped messing around, walking back to rejoin the Girls. Betty came running up to Baby, sobbing into her shirt as she held her close. "Betty? What's wrong?" She asked, pulling her away for a moment to look her in the eye. "I-I walked up to her, a-and sh-she didn't even recognize me!" She sobbed. Baby looked to the others with a frown, standing up with Betty in her arms. "Y/n's here. I think it's time to leave." She suggested, looking around to make sure everyone was there. "That might be best." Ballora helped Minnie off of the swing, holding her hand in hers as they all walked off back to the hotel. Foxy felt a sharp pang of hurt in his chest at the mention of you, looking over at his Brother who had placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not worth it." He spoke. With a nod, Foxy tried his hardest to forget about it, looking ahead with a blank expression. "At least we got to play for an hour or so." He said. "Still couldn't catch me." Lolbit let out a rather loud laugh as Foxy shoved him with a slight smile. "Whatever. You cheated." "How did I cheat? You were literally going after me for no reason!" "You called me an onion brain!" "So? That shouldn't matter." "Yes it should! And it does!" "Layers, Foxy. Layers." "I'll kill you when we get back, I swear!" "Do it! Come on!" The twins bickered the whole way back, glaring at each other when they entered the building. "Boys, am I right?" Bella spoke, crossing her arms as she looked to Bowie with a sassy expression. "Come on.." He groaned. At least they were back to fighting like normal again.

(Hi. Nothing suspicious here. Why are you looking at the text like that? What, you think I'm hiding something? Pfft, no. Absolutely not. You still don't believe me, but that's okay. :)


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