'I Didn't Listen'

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The tears burned down your s/c cheeks, your lungs desperately trying to grasp at the air that you hyperventilated, your legs aching and begging for rest. You kept running, ignoring your body's violent pleads as your Red and puffy eyes blurred. It was dark outside, making it harder to see through your tears. 'I made a mistake!' You thought, though everything had been frantic, you still managed to get a clear thought forth. 'I made such a mistake! I'm so sorry!' You couldn't stop now. There's no telling when he'd catch up to you. 'Please! I'm sorry!' It was supposed to be just a simple date. What went wrong? 'They were all right! I'm such an idiot!' You thought the ring was beautiful, but clearly, his soul hadn't been. What a shame. 'Please! Someone!' All that time wasted on him, all that time you spent rejecting the others, all that time you'd been giving yourself false feelings, it was all for nothing. 'Somebody!' You thought he loved you. 'Help me..' You finally slowed to a stop, dropping to your knees as you finally caught your breath. "I'm so stupid..." You whispered, reaching up to wipe your tears away. The feeling of something harsh pressed to the back of your head, causing you to freeze in fear, your e/c eyes going wide. This was it. You silently begged for someone to help you. You begged for the others to find you. There was no use in your efforts. No one was going to find you. No one even knew where you were, and you haven't seen the others in months. Why would anybody take pity on you and rescue you out of a situation you had clearly put yourself in? Especially the ones you had pushed away so coldly. You could only close your eyes, praying that the blow wouldn't hurt for long after he would pull the trigger. You gave in, accepting death with open arms. It gladly welcomed you back. Without hesitation, he had pulled the trigger, the sound of a deafening gunshot bursting your eardrums for only a second before you could no longer feel your living self.

"Lolbit, get out of the bathroom!" Baby shouted, banging her fist on the bathroom door. "Why does this seem familiar?" Foxy mumbled, looking to Ballora for an answer whom in which only shrugged with an amused smile. "I need to shower!" Finally, the door swung open, and Lolbit stomped out. "Nice shower while it lasted?" Foxy asked. "Don't." His twin replied. "My bad." He raised his hands up in defense, though he still had a grin plastered on his face. "Wanna play memory match?" Minnie asked Betty, doing a little excited dance when she had agreed. "Here, I'll help you two set up." Ballora offered, sitting down on the floor to help shuffle and set up the cards. "By the way, what's going on with Mary at work?" Lolbit rolled his eyes at the mention of his coworker. "She's so annoying, Foxy. Literally won't do her job until she's yelled at by half the crew, and all she really does is just make stupid, offensive comments about me and a few other people." "And she still works there, why?" He shrugged. "I have no clue. I wish she didn't though." "I get it." "I got one!" Betty threw her arms up in victory, putting her match in what would soon be a pile. "Nice going, Betty." Lolbit commented, giving her a thumbs up just as she had done. "I was thinking about going out somewhere, all of us, maybe tomorrow? I don't know." Foxy suggested, piquing his Brothers interest. "Oh? Where to?" "A park, or something. You know, for those two." He pointed to the children. "I was just thinking, you know? I don't want them getting upset being all cooped up and all." "That sounds like a good idea, actually. Me and Baby have the day off tomorrow, so I think we could pull that off." Foxy let out a laugh. "What a convenient coincidence!" "Yeah, it is." Lolbit laughed along with him. "Oh, you almost got it!" Ballora spoke, watching as Betty immediately took the match that Minnie had missed. It wasn't long before Baby emerged from the bathroom with a towel on her head, smiling down at the two as she passed by them. "Did I miss any riveting conversations?" She asked the boys, sitting down on the other side of the bed. "Nah, not really. Foxy wanted us to go the park tomorrow, but that's about it." Lolbit shrugged. "Ooh! That's a great idea! It's been a while since you've gotten sunlight. I mean, look at you! You're pale!" Foxy playfully punched her arm. "You're one to talk!" The three's laughter died out when a knock on the door caught the rooms attention, Baby volunteering to go see who was on the other side. She cautiously opened the door slightly, poking her head out just enough to face the person. "Sorry We're late to the party. Is there room for three more?"

(The chapter may be short, but, I mean, it is what it is. ;) Also, I'm reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyy thinking of changing the name of the book, courtesy of @iamMOTHERLOLY and the things that were said courtesy of Marcus. I'm sure I'll find it absolutely amusing. [Don't worry, I'm just joking. I'd never change the title-] But anyways, sorry for mistakes, and of course, NOT sorry for making Marcus exist. ;) ;)

Sincerely, Lol, Dude Thought They Were Having A Party-)

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