What A Surprise...

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Baby jogged to her destination after hugging Lolbit and bidding him farewell, making it to work just in time before she would become late. "Sup Bailey. How's it hanging?" "Hi, Corey. I'm doing well." She replied to the Male, hastily tying the apron after slipping it over her head as she sped behind the counter. "Sick. Almost ran late, though." "Ugh, don't remind me. My hair was such a hassle to put up this morning." Corey shrugged. "Wouldn't know how that's like." He grinned up at her after she gave him a look, rolling her eyes as he walked off to stock the shelves. The morning started off slow as usual, though Baby still tried her hardest to look inviting. She noticed a Mother with her child walk through the entrance out of the corner of her eye, taking note of it as she checked out another customer. A few people left without buying anything, a shame, but they didn't have what they needed. "Excuse me?" A quiet voice pulled her out of her thoughts, blinking a couple times before looking down to find the little Girl looking back up at her nervously. "Hello. Do you need something?" She asked. "Uhm...I can't find the ice cream I need.." She replied, now avoiding Baby's gaze. "What kind is it, do you know?" She shook her head sadly. "I'll help find your Mother, and then she can tell me, okay?" "Okay." Walking away from her post, Baby held the little Girls' hand, walking towards the back where she assumed her Mother would be. "Tammi! You need to stop walking off like that!" The Mother sighed in relief when she saw her child, the expression of panic she wore a moment prior now faded. "She came to the front to tell me she couldn't find the ice cream she wanted." She giggled. "Oh, yes. She can't have any of these brands, and this is the brand we need, but not in the right flavor. These ones hurt her stomach." The Mother pointed to the various brands of ice cream. "We might have what you're looking for. What's the flavor?" "Orange cream." She replied. "Got it. Hey Corey!" Baby called to her coworker, catching his attention. "Can you grab a thing of ice cream for me? Orange cream." Nodding, Corey went off to fulfill Baby's request, swiftly coming back with the product. "Thanks. Here you are." She passed it over to the Mother after taking it from Coreys' hands. "You're quite lucky. We just got an order for these a couple of days ago." "Thank you so much." "No problem. But anyway, once you're all set, I'll check you out up front." With a smile, Baby headed back to her post, waiting for someone to walk up to the counter. It was a few minutes before the two were ready, setting the small basket of stuff on the countertop. "Find everything you need okay? Aside from the ice cream, that is." The Mother chuckled. "Yes, thankfully. Again, thank you so much for the help." "Like I said, it wasn't a problem. I am here to help, after all." Baby read the total of the purchase once she was finished, wishing the two a great day after accepting the payment. Babys' smile faltered upon seeing the next customer, feeling the anger bubbling in her chest. "Oh. Aren't you..Bailey, Wasn't it?" He asked. "I mean, the name tag says it all." She replied, unamused. "You're Y/n's roommate." He was seriously asking her that? "Who?" She feigned ignorance. "Y/n. You know her. She's funny, smart, good friend?" How dare he. "Look, I have no idea who you're talking about, and I most certainly don't know you." He held a hurt expression. "Sir, are you going to pay for your stuff, or not?" He acquiesced,(It means to do something hesitantly, but without question) setting his stuff on the counter and pulling his wallet out when she announced the price. "Have a nice day." She seethed, her smile nothing more than a desperate attempt not to reach out and choke him. Once he had left, Baby sighed in annoyance. "Wait 'till Lolbit hears about this.." She mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

It was a few hours before another familiar face walked through the door, a small smile making way on to her face. "Hey." She waved to Lolbit who still had his work visor on. "Hey." He greeted back, passing by Corey, but not before giving him a high five. "I thought I'd spend my break here, see what you're up to." Baby suddenly frowned. "You wouldn't believe who showed up earlier." "The muffin Man?" "I'm serious. Marcus did." Lolbit scowled, muttering things under his breath. "He had the audacity to bring Y/n up. Said that she was funny, smart, and a good friend." "Tch, not anymore. She used to be. What'd you have to say?" "I told him I didn't know who he was talking about, and that I didn't know who he was either. This stays between us, though. Foxy shouldn't have to know." "I get it. Can we tell Ballora?" "If we have time. Foxy doesn't exactly get out." She sighed. "I wish Marcus wasn't in the picture. We'd still be happy like we were, and Y/n wouldn't have changed." Lolbit nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's just how it is, even if we don't want it to be. I got to head off now. See you later." "Yeah. see you later, dork." Lolbit stuck his tongue out at her, laughing as he walked away and back out the door. She began to wonder if you'd ever come back around. If you'd realize how big of a mistake you made. How you just threw your friends away like they were nothing but a bunch of  Mr. PaperCuts. That crumpled up paper was a better friend than you, and that most certainly said something. She realized that you were too far gone to even think of you returning back to normal, shaking her head to rid the thought from her brain. 'It's useless.' She thought. 'We'll never get her back.'

( ;) I didn't wink. What? Nothing. ANYWAYS- Let's make a deal. You give me a good enough reason to, and I'll kill off Marcus. Sounds tempting, yeah? The catch? Oh, right. I get to choose how his expiration date comes about. More specifically, how he expires. I'll let you think about it a bit. Until then, I'll be waiting patiently. ;)

Sincerely, Not A Diabolical Person At All, What Are You Talking About-)

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