Surprise Visit

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"Look! Look, it's so cute!" You heard faint excited whispering. "What? That? That's..Not cute." "Yes it is! I mean, just stare at it for a few more seconds and you'll understand!" "I don't think so." You started to stir, slowly stretching your limbs with struggle. "She's waking," You finally opened your eyes, staring at the three with slight confusion and concern. "Good morning," You started, your voice groggy and your throat sore. "Why are you watching me sleep?" You questioned. "No reason. Just thought about waking you up, but you already did that for us, so," Baby replied, swinging her arms with a grin. You definitely didn't buy it. "I heard you talking." You stood from your..Squishy seat and walked past Baby whom in which nervously smiled at you. "I'm sure you were just hearing things." Was all she spoke to you. "Way to go, genius." Lolbit nudged her with his elbow, unhappy with the outcome. "You were talking too, it wasn't just me." She frowned, looking back to the couch where Foxy was still passed out. "Geez, how long do you think it'd take for him to wake up?" "I know I'm close with him and all, but why are you asking me? We haven't been in these forms for long, I wouldn't know." Lolbit said, crossing his arms over his chest. "It was worth a shot." Baby mumbled, walking away into the kitchen. "Is it just me, or is she getting into worse of a mood by the minute?" "What are you talking about?" Ballora asked. "She's just fine. She's just talking to you." "Why doesn't anybody like me except for myself?" He muttered beneath his breath. You walked out of the bathroom, making your way to your bedroom sluggishly so you could dress into clean clothes. "That's right," You spoke aloud as you opened your top dresser drawer. "I have to take them shopping." You bit your lower lip, pulling out a sweater and some comfortable pants. After putting on your new clothes, you headed downstairs and into the kitchen where you were met by Baby spreading cream cheese on a bagel. "I see you found the bagel stash." You spoke. "I sure did! Here, I let everyone pick their own stuff to put on it." She gave you a plate, continuing to perfect her breakfast before finally taking a bite. "I have some plans for today that I think you might like." "Really? What is it?" She asked after swallowing. "I was going to take you all shopping." She grinned, clasping her hands together. "Ah, shopping at last." "It hasn't been that long since it was mentioned." You chuckled. "Yeah, I know. But it feels like it's been forever. I think Foxy's still asleep though." Your face turned a light shade of Red, looking down at the counter as if it were more interesting than your upcoming question. "Is that why you were watching me? Because I fell asleep on Foxy?" Baby paused, giving you a small smile. "Yeah. It was wrong and kind of creepy, but I thought it was cute. I won't tell anyone else you like him. I'm sure Ballora knows already, but Lolbit doesn't. Just like his Brother, he's as oblivious as could be. He just follows along, you know? Or maybe he does and just refuses to confront you about it? Lolbit has loose lips anyways, you couldn't really count on him to keep a secret if you wanted to." You returned her kind smile, your face darkening as she continued to speak. "Thank you, Baby." You coughed awkwardly, walking over to the sink to quickly wash your plate before turning back around to face her. "Anyways, I think we should get going now. Don't want the store to get too crowded." She nodded, following you out to the living room where the rest were seated. "Morning Y/n." "Good morning Foxy. Are you guys willing to head out today?" Foxy's eyes widened only slightly, glancing over at Lolbit who shrugged. "Uhh, yeah. I suppose." "Okay," You stood up straight after slipping your shoes on. "Let's go then." Everyone followed you to the car, standing cluelessly as you hopped into the drivers seat. "What are you, vampires? Get in." You chuckled. Ballora got into the passengers side while the other three hopped in the back, Foxy obviously disappointed he couldn't sit up front again. The ride was lively. Baby couldn't stop chatting about how cool the store must've been, and how much stuff was in there. Lolbit even asked you a few questions. Foxy sort of stayed silent. You found it to be quite odd. Lolbit knew why he was silent, but he couldn't speak about it. Even if Baby had told you he was unreliable, Lolbit could keep a secret if he had to. Especially his Brothers'. "Hey, we're here." "Hooray!" You smiled as everyone piled out of the car, all following you inside as you told them to. "Where to first?" You asked, pushing the cart ahead of you. "We can get clothes for you guys, but there are separate sections for each department." "Uh, Ladies first." Lolbit replied. "Righty-o." You navigated through racks and shelves to find the Women's department, finally reaching your destination after a minute of searching. "look at these!" Baby sped up a little, holding up a pair of light Blue underwear. "This is kind of cute!" "I feel uncomfortable in here." Foxy muttered beneath his breath. "You're telling me." Lolbit responded, giving Foxy the same look he was giving him. "If you want, you can get those so long as they fit." She hummed in thought, putting it back up on the rack. "Do they have different colors?" "We can look." "I'll be over here, if that's alright?" "Okay." You smiled to Ballora, watching as she walked off not too far from where you stood. "I'm not sure if they have the color you're looking for in the exact style. You might need another one." "Aw, but I really like these." She sighed in disappointment. "Yeah, it's a bummer. Sometimes you can't get what you're looking for." You pointed to another set. "But what about those?" You saw her face light up in delight as she laid eyes on what you had pointed to. "These are perfect!" "Shopping for Women really make you feel like you're trespassing." "I hope they won't take long. I feel awkward." When their time finally arose after a painfully long wait, they were quite disappointed with the results. "This is it?" Lolbit asked. "At least give us cool patterns like you guys have." Foxy sighed, walking around to find the perfect outfit. Or at least attempt to considering it was all plain and boring. It hadn't taken them long to find what they wanted, plopping the clothing into the cart with what you would assume to be accomplishment. "One last thing while we're here," You quickly made your way over to the beauty aisle, walking down to the nail polish where you picked up a few colors. "There. All done." You smiled, turning back to face the others. "Are we all ready?" "I believe so." Ballora responded for the group. "Great. Lets go pay for it, and then we could head home." You had to admit, it felt strange to be saying 'we'. But even if it felt weird, it filled you with joy knowing that you get to go home with your best friends. As you payed for everything, you felt eyes on you. It wasn't because you were in a crowded area, this felt different from normal. You hurried as fast as you could without seeming strange, sighing in relief when you made it out to your car. "Y/n? Are you okay?" You looked over to Lolbit who stared at you in confusion. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Help me put this away." You opened the trunk, loading the bags inside before slamming it shut and getting into the drivers seat to head home. While you were in the store, people did stare at your friends weirdly. Though, you didn't want to tell them. But they already knew about the stares. And even though they did, they didn't want that to ruin their day so they pushed it all aside to forget about. Once you had made it back, you opened the door forgetting that it was locked. Wait-You opened the door. How could it open if it was locked? Your eyes landed on a full head of White hair, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared yourself for the worst. The person turned to look at you, their eye widening as the other remained droopy and sad as they smiled, flashing their sharp teeth at you. "Ennard?!" "Welcome home! You took too long!" He stood from the couch, taking his hands out of the pocket of his oversized Gray hoodie. "Uhm, who?" Foxy piped up, looking at Ennard with suspicion. He laughed, patting the Males' back. "Foxy! Looking good! You never changed." "We've never met." "But we have, all of us! Not in person, you moron!" Ennard smiled after his outburst, a more than common occurrence with him. "Having fun in your new bodies? I sure am!" He spun around, his arms outstretched. "Fascinating, isn't it? And to think he didn't want me alive! That old coot!" "How'd you get inside?" Baby questioned him, stepping forwards with her hands on her hips. "Easily. I used the key." You knew you should've found a better hiding place than in the flower pot. "You should change that." "Yeah, I know." You sighed, walking over to the couch and setting the bags you carried down. The others followed. "I tried doing a double take to see if I was wrong, but turns out I was unfortunately right. That's the most stupidest hiding place I've ever seen!" He shouted at the end. "Oh come on, give her a break." You whipped your head around to find Michael leaning against the kitchen archway with a cup in hand. "She just got back home and you're already making fun of her poor choices." He began to walk over to you. "Eggs Benedict?" Ballora spoke, her eyes open wide in shock as the others stared in disbelief. "Long time no see. It's been a while." "We thought you died?" Foxy barely whispered. Michael sat down across from you. "I did. But yet here I am, still kickin'. All thanks to Ennard over here," "Present!" The White haired Male chuckled. "Anyway, I'm here for an important reason. If you all would excuse us for a minute?" The four looked at each other before leaving the room, Foxy giving you one last glance before walking away. "What is it Michael?" He took a sip of his beverage, looking up at you with a serious expression.

(Oops, my bad. Did I forget to write the rest of that? :)

Sincerely, A Not At All Sorry Person-)

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