Chapter [ 4 ]

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[ Flow in the media❤ ]

"You comfortable yet?" Mojo asked me.

I tried my hardest to plaster a smile onto my face. I was the complete opposite. Her family is a trip.

"Yeah, somewhat." she gave me a sympathetic look.

"Babe, if you're not we can go back home because we don't have to stay here with these people."

I smirked. Look at her being all sweet.

"It's fine. Really." I rubbed her hand that was planted on my thigh.

We've been here the whole weekend. We were leaving Tuesday. It was only Sunday. Thanksgiving.

"Well, moms cooked breakfast. You want to just eat in here?" she asked.

"Nah, we can join them."

I got up and followed Mojo out of the room. She held my hand as we walked down the hallway. I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes. I'm trying to get the attitude out of my system before I ruin this holiday for Mojo.

"Well if it isn't the two gay boys." Mojo's sister, Netty joked as we walked in the kitchen.

Her mom, Ms. Barbara cracked a smile and they started laughing. These motherfuckers need an ass whooping and I ain't talking belts or switches.

Mojo rolled her eyes and grabbed a plate for me and her. I shook my head and began to prepare my food. I picked up the spoon for the eggs and I felt a quick smack on my wrist.

"Maaa, what the fuck?!" Mojo exclaimed. I frowned rudely at the lady.

"Let Monica fix your plate. I don't know you like that." she looked me up and down.

Monica. That's Mojo's real name. And she hated being called that.

"It's Mojo. Yo, you buggin. Acting up for what? She ain't did shit to you." Mojo shook her head and looked at me.

"Bae, go sit down. I'll bring you your plate." I went and sat at the table where Netty was.

She looked up at me from her phone and snickered.

"What's funny?"

"You don't have any titties." she burst out laughing. I smirked sarcastically.

"You wanna bet? I promise they there." I started to lift my shirt up but Mojo's cousin walked in the kitchen.

"Whoa, chill. I'm not gay." Netty looked away quickly with a disgusted look on her face. Mojo smiled and winked at me.

Her cousin though. She was cute. Dark skin. Dreads. She was very feminine though. I think her name's Yonna or something like that.

"Goodmorning everybody." she smiled bright and sat doen next to Netty, across from me.

I nodded and licked my lips while everybody greeted her back. I'm hungry. Just in cue, Mojo came over with two plates in her hand. She sat mine down in front of me, kissed my forehead and sat down next to me.

"Don't eat until I say grace." Ms. Barbara said.

She brung her plate to the table and sat across from us with Netty and Yonna. Mojo rubbed my thigh underneath the table. I bit my lip slightly and looked at her grinning face. She's so beautiful.

"Uh-um." Ms. Barbara looked sternly at the two of us and we both closed our eyes for prayer.

"Dear heavenly father, I come to you thanking you for all that you have given me. I ask that you bless this food that we're about to eat and let it be nutritious to our body. I thank you for my kids. Especially Netty. I'm grateful for Monica too lord, but I ask that you touch her heart. She's not in her right mind lord and I ask you to rebuke the devil that has corrupted her mind into thinking that she's gay....." I frowned and opened my eyes and looked over at Mojo.

Her eyes were no longer closed. Her jaw clenched and her fists were balled up. I knew this wasn't a good sign. I touched her thigh and her nose flared. She was burning a hole right through her mother's head. If looks could kill, she'd be long gone.

"....Lord, I knoe you can make a way out of no way and---" her mother tried to continue.

"That's enough!!!!!" Mojo hit the table forcefully with both hands making everybody's plates shake. I jumped.

"Babe.." I grabbed her face but she gently moved it away and stood up.

I looked to the three women sitting across from us and they all were shocked at Mojo's outburst. I wanted to smile but I didn't want to make things worse.

"Ever since we got here, y'all been disrespectful as hell and I am SICK OF IT!" Mojo yelled.

I looked down because I knew she was pissed. I didn't like seeing her this way but there was nothing I could do. They brought it out of her.

"Monica, who the hell do you think you're talki-" Ms. Barbara voice was shaky.

"You!! All of y'all. Especially YOU." she pointed at her mother.

"Mojo, sit yo ass down somewhere damn." Netty chimed in.

"Bitch, shut yo dick breath having ass the fuck up! Acting like you're just so innocent. You've had sex with a few girls I know so you can shut ya fucking trap before I do something I regret." Mojo squinted her eyes at Netty.

Netty looked to their mother, who was staring wide-eyed at her, then looked down.

"I will not allow you to talk to me in my house like you run things up in here because you don't!" Ms. Barbara rose from her chair.

"I don't give a fuck. I don't care. You're sitting here judgimg me because I'm happy with my lifestyle. What the fuck is the problem? Ever since dad died. you've been bitter as fuck." she spat out.

Ms. Barbara circled the table and charged at Mojo. I stood up and got between the two. Netty and Yonna grabbed Ms. Barbara while I held onto Mojo.

"Babe, calm down. Please." I looked her in the eyes.

"No, baby! They don't respect me and that's fine. But I will not allow mistreatment towards you. Fuck that." she said. Her eyes were starting to water up.

My baby was really upset. She never cried unless her anger hit rock bottom.

"You bitches can go then!!" Yonna snapped. I turned and looked at her crazily. Mojo got free of my grasp and tackled Yonna.

"Get off me bitch!" I hear Yonna yell. All I heard was Mojo fist connected to her jaw repeatedly.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Bitch get off--"

"Shut up bitch. You're the reason I'm this way. You turned me out!! You hear that ma? Your neice molested me when I was just a little girl." Mojo was crying now.

"You liar. How dare you say something like that!" Ms. Barbara said. Wow, this lady is a mess.

I immediately grabbed Mojo before she beat Yonna unconscious. She started bawling in my arms. I was now disgusted.

"She's lying Aunty. That bitch is nasty." Yonna had blood dripping from her mouth. She got up trying to gain her composure but fell back down.

Ms. Barbara stared at us. I stared back.

"Man, fuck yall!" Mojo grabbed my hand and pushed past them. I couldn't agree anymore with her.

Once we made it to the room, Mojo knocked everything on the dresser off. She ripped the sheets from the bed. She went to the bathroom and hit the mirror with her fists until it cracked. I had to stop her.

"Baby baby baby.. Calm down please." I felt tears rolling down my cheek.

I grabbed her and just held her. She struggled to get free but I kept holding her. After a few minutes, she gave up and fell to the floor. I fell with her. I rubbed her back and listened to her sobs.

"We're leaving first thing in the morning." I told her as her breathing slowed down. She shook her head.

"Naw, we leaving today."

I nodded and got up looking for our suitcase.

"You sit in there while I pack our stuff. I got you." I demanded. She sat indian style on the bathroom floor and wiped her face.

Man.. this is the worst thanksgiving I've ever had.

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