Chapter [ 11 ]

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[Mojo in the media❤]


This doesn't feel real. My baby is laying in this hospital bed fighting for her life and I'm just here, by her side, feeling as helpless as ever. Why did this have to happen to me? I've been trying not to think negative. I've prayed for 3 days straight, asking God to give my baby enough strength to wake up. I want to see her eyes. I want to hear her voice.

When I got the phone call about the car crash, my world seemed to have flipped. My heart doubled over and fell out of my chest. It felt like someone had snatched my soul out of my body. When I reached the hospital, I sped through the building and finally got to her room with the help of numerous nurses.

I remember seeing her fragile body. She seemed to have casts everywhere, her rib cage, her legs, her neck. I broke down crying instantly and felt myself get dizzy. I hit the floor hard but it didn't measure up to the equal amount of pain that rushed through my body seeing my girlfriend in that bed.

"Oh my god, baby.." I crawled over to the bed and touched her face. Cuts and scratches were everywhere, her lips were busted and her eyes were red and swollen.

Anger and excruciating pain filled my body as I shook tremendously. I felt like I could vitiate everything in sight. I grabbed onto her hand but not too hard, I didn't want to hurt her.

Even though she was asleeo, I still talked to her.

"You're still as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you, baby." I whispered playing with her dreads.

"..This is my fault. I sh-should've.. I should've been there. I should've driven you like I said I was gonna do." I broke down again.

This was all my fault. If I had tooken her to work and went and got her, she'd be with me, in my arms, at home right now. I should've went with my first instincts. Man, if she doesn't wake up, I'm never gonna forgive myself for this.

"I need you to.. to w-wake up baby." I sobbed all the through the first night at the hospital.


7 days later..

"Monica?" Dr. Gilmore walked into the room. I stood up and shook his hand.

"How are you?" he smiled softly. I shrugged and looked at Flow.

Her face was no longer bruised up. She had a few scars but for the most part, she looked great. She still had her casts but the doctor said she didn't break anything. Just fractured some bones in a few areas.

"I'd be a lot better if she was awake."

"Well, she's getting stronger. Real trooper. Healing much more quicker than I expected. We're hoping that she starts responding soon." When he said that, my heart started pounding.

"That's great!" I exclaimed.

He hugged me and patted my back.

"I'll be just down the hall if you need anything. Hey, you're a great spouse. She's lucky to have you." he winked then walked out.

I blushed because I knew that if Flow had heard him say that, she'd be blowing it up. I smiled and bit my lip facing her.

"Baby, get stronger for me. Keep fighting and come back to me, okay? Dont you make me have to wake you up myself." I giggled as a single tear flowed out.

I hated crying, ugh.

I kissed her forehead and got ready to leave. I was going home to freshen up then I'd be back. I took time off from work--thank goodness my boss was considerate enough to let me take off.

Just before I reached the door, I heard a voice.. that raspy voice that I so long ago fell in love with. The one that made me first actually believe in love. I turned around slowly and gasped...

There she was. Wide awake. Teary-eyed. Grinning. Her arm extended slighlty towards me. I dropped everything and gazed at her, more shocked than anything else.

"Leaving me already?" she whispered.

I looked down and watched my tear drops fall onto my shoes and shirt. I smiled and looked back into her beautiful face, making my way back over to her. I grabbed her hand and she squeezed it.

"Not in this lifetime."


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