Chapter [ 6 ]

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[ Flow & Mojo ❤ ]


"Sttooopp..Yes, hello?" I answered my phone in the middle of laughter. Mojo kept tickling me and I couldn't breathe.

"Finesse Gorman?" the voice said. I stopped laughing. Whomever it was didn't know me personally because they were calling me by my first name.

"Who's this?" I sat up. Mojo stared at me.

"Hi, this is Sheryl Youngstown. I'm calling because I have a position opening in the yoga department and I just looked over your application." she explained.

I jumped up in excitement as I listened to her continue talking.

"I am aware of your success in yoga. I looked at the video you submitted online and was very inpressed. I see here that you want to be an instructor..?" she asked.

"Yes. Yes ma'am, that is correct. Yoga is one of my many special hobbies." I smiled at Mojo.

"Well, if you could. Come down to the studio and we can talk about it more. When is a good time to come?" she asked.

I bit my lip. Mojo and I have plans today but I was free tomorrow.

"Is tomorrow okay?"

"Sure. Tomorrow is fine. See you then, honey." she hung up. I squealed and jumped onto Mojo.

"Who was that baby?" she giggled.

"That was the manager of the yoga center I've ben trying to get hired at for the longest! She said she's interested in meeting me and possibly hiring me."

Mojo eyes lit up and she hughed me tight. I was overwhelmed I had to lay down. I've been waiting for a position at this place for so long. I've been to plenty sessions and the vine there is just awesome.

"I'm proud of you baby." Mojo kissed my cheek studying my face. She rubbed her fingers through my dreads and I looked up at her.

"I'm proud of you too. You know that right?" I bit my lip.

Mojo blushed and shook her head.

"Yeah, sure. I'm not even doing much. I don't think my boss likes me." she sat up on the bed and scoffed at nothing in particular.

"Baby, regardless of any type of ignorance that goes on in your work place, do not let it get to you. That's what they want. Don't give them the satisfaction of thinking they got a hold on you. I know you.." I cupped her chin and turned her face toward me.

She looked me in the eyes and I returned the same daze.

"You're a king. My king. And they'll soon realize that they need your clever ass more than anything. I see it in your eyes." I was more than serious

"See what? Stop being all gay." We both laughed.

"Success." I smiled softly and leaned in for a kiss. She opened up and let me in.

"Baeeee.." she struggled to get out. I had her bottom lip in my mouth. She hated when I did that because she couldn't break free from the lip lock I had her in.

"Hm?" I giggled and bit down on her lip even more. I loved this. I overdo it sometimes but I know she likes it too.

I finally let go and she tucks her lip in pulling away from me. I double over in joyful laughter. Everything in my life is amazing because of this girl.

"Let's go! Thought I forgot?" I got up from our bed pulling Mojo along with me.

We headed to the shower. We had a loooong day ahead of us.



We were at Flow's favorite skating rink. She coukd skate her ass off but I was another story. My legs buckled whenever I tried to lift one foot and I always lose my balance. I disliked skating but anything for my baby.

"Chicken legs." Flow skated around me. I was basically in the middle of the floor standing in one spot while everyone skated around so effortlessly.

"Whatever. This isn't easy." I rolled my eyes.

My girl friend bit her lip and skated up behind me wrapping her arms around me. I couldn't do anything but smile. She kissed my earlobe and whispered into my ear,

"I won't let you fall. Just take it slow."

I did as she said. I lifted one foot and then the next. I got nervous when we started moving. Flow's hands tightened around me and I gripped her hands. She had me, like she said. That eased me a little.

"It isn't that bad right?" she said. I could tell she was smiling.

I grinned. We've been skating, slowly but surely, for about 5 minutes and I was getting the hang of it. Flow still had her arms wrapped around me. We almost fell twice but we kept it together.

"Yeah, it's cool." I looked at other couples skating around.

The day was wonderful. After we finished skating we went for wings and bread sticks. My favorite.

"Mmm, it smells sooo good in here." I lick my lips as we sat down in a booth. Flow smiles at me.

"I know you bout to get this job babe."

"You think so?" she blushed. Her blonde dreads in a cute ponytail. Some of them still free.

"Of course. You're my baby. I know that you want this and I want it for you. For us." I held onto her hand as the waitress came to take our order.

I just looked at Flow for the longest while she ordered. My baby was fucking awesome.


Author's Note: I've decided to continue writing. I want to thank you all for the encouraging words yesterday. It helped me out with my decision. I almost deleted all these stories but I realized that I shouldn't penalize you guys for being great readers/supporters. Thanks to my REAL readers. And the votes. I have a lot of silent readers and I don't know why. Although it sort of bothers me, I'm gonna push it aside. .. but yeah, I'm not leaving. Hopefully nothing like that happens again. Anyways, vote, comment! Support. Thanks -Tash 'xox (;

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