Chapter [ 15 ]

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[ Flow & Mojo in the media ❤ ]


I just proposed to Finesse. My lover. The one who's always here. The one who  never gave up on me. The same girl I fell in love with 4 years ago remains that girl I'm in love with today.  I'm going to show her how much I fucking adore her tonight.

"Baby, come on." I call out for Flow.

She runs downstairs wearing black skinnes, a black hoodie and black vans. She looked really nice. It was raining out. I had on se white levis, red northface and black forces. I was taking her on a lunch date. We were going to our favorite Chinese restaurant.

"Yeah, let's go." she smiled at me.

I licked my lips and walked out. I held the door open for her as she got in the car.

"Such a gentle lady." she jokes. I smirk and close the door s she settles. Making my way over to the driver's side, I licked my lips.

I was hungry. Not for food, but for Flow. I had a big appetite for her sweetness. I brushed all sensual thoughts away as I got in the car. I didn't want to spoil our date. We haven't been on one for a while.

15 minutes into traffic, Flow reached over and kissed me. Good thing we were at a red light. I sucked on her tongue as she did the same with mine. My hormones ran crazy as I felt my adrenaline start to rush. My first instincts were to turn this damn car around but I held on.

"Mmm.." she moaned into my mouth.
Fuck it. I parted from her and waited for the green light to turn green. When it did, I did a hard U-turn. Flow looked at me confused but laughed.

"Baby, what--"

I held my fingers to her lips. I didn't want to hear anything else escape from behind her lips except the sounds of pleasure. She got the hint and sat back while I drove back home.

It didn't take me half as long to get gome than it was when we were on our way to the restaurant. I was yearning for my baby. Y'all don't understand that I crave her so much.

Tonight was gonna be different. She was going to submit to everything. I was going to remain in control until my job was done. Until she's fast asleep.

It was almost 5. Good.

When we got home. I oulled into the driveway and met Flow around. We held each other's hands. I unlocked the door and Flow went inside first. I looked around our neighborhood, more specifically the neighbors on both sides of us. They were going to hear Flow's screams all night.

Smirking, I walked inside. Flow was standing by the couch. Anxious. Eager. I closed the door slowly, eyes never leaving hers. I stared at her with ease and hunger.

The way she bit her lip and looked down let me know that she knew what was up.

I walked up close to her. Inches away. We weren't touching yet we were so close. I liked to start off slow. My first command was,

"These clothes? Gotta go.." I whispered into her ear.

She obeyed. She started undressing. I sat on the couch and removed my North face as well as my shoes.

"Turn around." I had my index finger in my mouth as I stared up at baby girl's body. Slim and curvy. Thick in my favorite area.

Flow blushed as she looked at me. I motioned her over to me. She sat on my lap and with one swift movement, I laid across my lap. She gasped but said nothing. I traced my fingers from her neck, to her back, to her booty then I stopped.

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