Chapter [ 12 ]

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[ Flow and Mojo in the media❤ ]


"Babe, where are you?" I yelled as I came in from outside.

I just off of work, my head is killing me and I miss my baby. I called up her boss the other day and let her know that Flow needed time off. So she's basically on bed rest. I've been making sure she's been getting the rest she needs. Her ribs were sore as hell still but at least she didn't need the brace anymore. I cannot explain how happy I am to have her back home.

"Babe!!!" I yelled again.


I started growing worried. Where is she? I know she didn't leave. Maybe she's asleep. I slid out of my shoes and clothes then headed upstairs. I heard music playing behind our bedroom door.

Smiling, I opened it and peeked in. Flow was laying on the bed sound asleep. Just like I had thought. I walked in and closed the door. I turned the music off and crept in bed behind her. I didn't want to wake her but I needed to be close.

"Hi baby.." she moaned when I wrapped my arm around her waist. I kissed her shoulder and made her hush.

"Shhh... just rest."

She obeyed. I showered her shoulder and neck with kisses. She'd gasp or moan every now and then. It made me smile. I missed doing this to her. Holding her. Making her feel secure, which she was in my arms. I didn't plan on letting anything happen to her ever again. That accident wouldn't have happened if I was there. I was not there to protect her. But I won't fail in that area anymore. I'll be with her every step of the way.

"Babe?" I whispered.

"..Hmm?" she responded.

"Im sorry I wasn't there. I should've been there. I prayed and prayed that you'd wake up man and I--" I felt my eyes tear up. I choked.

"Baby, are you blaming yourself?" Flow sat up and faced me. I saw her face squinch up as she sat indian style. She rubbed her ribs.

"If I was there, it would not have--"

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Tears were flowing down her face. I knew she was trying to comfort me.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have gotten so upset. I ran that red light, not you Mojo. Don't you dare blame yourself for one of my silly mistakes." she argued.

I shook my head and buried my face in her lap. I couldn't help but cry. I mean, I could've lost the love of my life a few weeks ago.

"Baby, I could've lost you. I mean, what if you hadn't woke up when you ddi?" I asked.

"But I did. And that's all that matters." I sat up and sat indian style with her. Her fingers intertwined.

Her light complexion shone so beautifully. I could stare at it and get lost for days. Her eyes are so dreamy.

"I'm here. I'm right here. With you. I don't plan on going anywhere, you hear me?" she cupped my chin. I nodded and sniffed.

"Yeah, I love you more."

Shs smiled and kissed me softly. Her lips quivered against mine. I knew the accident had scared her but surprisingly she was more stronger than me at this moment. The possibily of her dying in that accident away haunted me whenever I was away from her.

"Hey, I have an idea."she hopped up excitedly.

I grinned at her and she giggled.

"Let's play house." she bit her lip nodding at me. She quickly got up from the bed and ran out of the room.

I burst out laughing and went after her. I loved this game. She wasn't being naughty but I was daddy in this game. I could punish her whichever way for whatever reason. I didn't even have a reason to ne honest. I just missed her so I wanted her to know that.

"Come here girl. Daddy just want a kiss!" I screamed out playfully as soon as I exited our room.

I saw her at the top of the stairsdown the hall. She was removing her bra. That was the last piece of clothing on her that she removed. Her panties and tank top was trailing down the hallway leading to where she was standing. She gave me that look. That sexy, seductive look. I licked my lips at her.

"Come here!!" I fake whined.

She squealed and ran down the staircase. I smiled to myself, stripped completely naked and ran after her. I knew where this was headed.


Vote, comment, stay tuned! -Tash xo'

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