Chapter [ 24 ]

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"I miss you so much man." I whine into the phone.

Flow laughs causing my heart to warm a bit. I needed her back here with me. I was going crazy.

"Just a few more days and I'll be back on your arms beautiful and I promise not to leave you again.. and if I do leave again, I'll take you with me." she says.

I smile. I knew she meant it. My heart still fluttered when I heard her voice. My stomach still knots up when I see her face. Like how did I become so blessed with her? Five years have gone by and this woman still gives me butterflies.

"You're right. But hey look, I have to some important things to do in the morning. I'll talk to you later baby."

"I loveee youuuuu!" Flow sung into the phone.

"Love you too," I giggled and blew kisses thru the phone while she did the same.

What a dork, I think to myself.

I plugged my phone up and turned over hugging my pillow tight. Fuck, I miss you Flow......


The next morning..

"Babe!" I scream out as I jump up in bed.

My breathing was heavy. I was sweating. I looked around my room frantically. I could not understand why I just had the worst dream ever. A dream I never wanted to think about ever again.

I dreamt of a dark secret that I chose to never speak of ever again. No one knows about what I had just been reminded of. My nightmares were coming back. And I was scared.

Scared for me. Scared for Flow. Scared of losing her...

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