Chapter [27]

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Oh, how I miss you. My heart felt completely empty. A tear dropped onto my hand as I stared at the beautiful ring that Mojo gave me. Where are you?

I haven't left the house in days. I'm too sad to go out. I'm so unhappy and broken, I can't do anything. My appetite is vitiated. I no longer feel the need to communicate with anyone.

I just want my baby back. I sleep in her clothes cause it's the closest memory I have of her. It's been almost 3 months since Mojo disappeared.

Was she thinking of me? Was I on her mind as much as she was on mine? Will I ever see her again? I needed answers. None of this made sense.

"Why God..Why..." I started to sob and shake tremendously. The pain was unbearable.

I felt as if I no longer wanted to live. If I didn't have Mojo, what was my purpose on Earth?

I got up from my bed and walked to the kitchen. Grabbing the sharpest knife I could find, I sat on the kitchen floor and stared at it.

Thoughts of killing myself never felt so painless in my life. I'm sure if I just ended it all, I wouldnt hurt anymore. Or maybe I wouldn't end my life, but I needed relief.

Bringing the knife to my forearm, I sniffed. I felt a sharp pain and I cried out as I saw blood began to seep out of my arm.

"Sss..." I hissed as the pain subsided and became relieving. I prepared to cut myself again. I gasp as I feel the same sharp pain I felt before. I watched the blood flow out. I cut again. And again. Soon, my left forearm was covered in deep cuts.

I started to laugh as I felt my hand become weak. The knife fell onto the floor and I leaned against the counter.

I heard a door shut and someone calling out for me. "Flow!!"

The voice became louder. I was so far gone I didn't recognize Mojo's voice. She ran into the kitchen and yelled for me grabbing me up.

I smiled weakly at her as I felt myself become frail. I was losing tons of blood yet all I could think about was Mojo. She was so beautiful.

..My surroundings blackened and my heart felt as if it had stopped.

My Mojo. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now