Chapter [ 28 ]

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The machines beep. I lay here listening to them beep as nurses come to switch my medicines every three hours or so.

I keep hoping that Mojo walks through the door and tell me everything will be alright. I was hoping that I hadn't imagined her and that she was somewere in this hospital.

I felt weak. My body felt limp. I felt as if I could give in any day and this would be all over. What would I have to lose anyway? The most important person in my life was no longer apart of it so why live? I let my thoughts take over.

I looked around the room. Everything was so organized. My life was organized when I had Mojo but now I was a mess. My life was a mess. I've become a disaster.

My eyes filled with tears as I cried. My chest hurt and my whole body shook as I laid hopelessly in this hospital bed. Waiting for Mojo. But who was I kidding? She made it clear that she wasn't coming back.

"Why me?!" I yelled out. I heard the door open but I didn't bother to look. I didn't want to see another nurse's face.

A warm hand touched mine and their fingers intertwined with my fingers. My eyes opened and through the blurriness, I saw Mojo standing over me.

"Babe?" I said weakly. She raised my hand to her lips.

"I'm here. I'm here. Just rest." She assured me. Her voice was enough to calm me down. I felt the need to get up but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me.

"No, relax. You have to get better. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for leaving you. I should've known you wouldn't have taken it lightly." Mojo apologized over and over until I fell asleep.

I had already forgiven her. She came back for me. She loves me and I knew this. I was finally at peace again. Or atleast for now.

3 days later..

"Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to make you something to eat." Mojo said helping me to the bed.

I climbed beneath the sheets and grabbed Mojo's arm before she took off to the kitchen. I didn't want her to leave my side.

"Please come back. Don't leave me." I whined. She saw the fear in my eyes and her face softened.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." she kissed me softly and I let her go.

After healing, I was sent home. The wounds were still fresh but the blood was restored. I had questions. A lot of them. I just hope she's honest.

I will let it go for now because I had her back. Nothing made me happier than having Mojo back in my life. My arms. My presence. Her existence alone is my happiness. It's what brings me peace. I went crazy thinking about her.

I didn't know if someone had hurt her or was planning to. Who knows. But what mattered at the moment was I had my wife back.

I looked at the beautiful ring she gave me months ago. I smiled and felt my eyes watering. Tears. Tears of joy. Tears of relief. I needed this. I also needed something I've went months without. Mojo. Her hands on me. Her making my body shake. Her being the beast she was.

I got out of bed and stripped down to nothing. My body felt good as new, Mojo was just trying to be careful. I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen.

Mojo was nowhere in sight. I saw and smelled the bacon cooking though. Other food was laying on the counter waiting to be cooked.
I gasped as Mojo came up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"What are you doing out of bed." she whispered against my shoulder. I closed my eyes.

"I started to miss you." I bit my lip. She turned me around and picked me up. She walked me into the kitchen and sat me on the table. She walked over to the stove and turned it off.

"You need to be resting babe." she said, taking her shirt off. I bit my lip and smiled shyly.

"Maybe I want you to put me to sleep." I teased. Mojo walked up to me staring hungrily at my body. She gripped my thighs.

"Yeah?" she asked. I nodded. My hands found their way to her messy dreads as Mojo attacked my neck. She rubbed me softly but enough to get me wet.

I gasped letting her fingers have their way at my entrance. This is what what I missed. What I needed.


Short, I know. But I wanted to update. I haven't in a while. Show some love. Next chapter will be juicier.

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