Chapter [ 7 ]

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Can I just say that my life is spectacular? It's more than what i hoped for. Mojo is more than what I had once hoped for. She's brought so much joy in my life, I'm scared that I may go insane if I even lose her as my best friend. Let alone my lover. Although that will never happen, the thought still haunts me.

"You want me to drop you off or you're gonna drive yourself?" Mojo kissed my cheek as I put my dreads up neatly on top of my head.

I shrugged. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want her to go with me. But it's time I be a big girl.

"I wouldn't mind you going but I guess I'll go by myself." I looked at her through the mirror.

"I'll be in the car." she patted my booty and walked out of the bathroom. I giggled to myself and rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to go--" she cut me off.

"I know how nervous you get. I can't let you look whack." she winked at me.

I started to run after her for teasing me but she sprinted out of our room and down the stairs before I could even reach her.


I looked myself over and met Mojo in the car. I buckled myself in and hit her shoulder playfully. She started laughing.

"I love you too, girl." she smiled at me so sweetly. I looked away so I wouldn't smile.

It took us maybe 10 minutes to get to the yoga center. I inhaled deeply and exhaled before stepping out of the car. Mojo cheered me on while I made my way in.

"Kick some flexible ass!" she was leaning out the window with the biggest smile on her face. Her goofy ass.

I flashed one back and waved at her. I walked in and looked around. There was a session going on so I looked towards the desk. A high yellow woman, maybe mid 30s sauntered over to me with a soft smile on her face.

"Hello, you must be Finesse." she extended her hand and I gradually shook it.

"Yes, that's me." I laughed nervously. She giggled and gave me flirty eyes. I rubbed my lips together and she pointed to a door that I'm guessing led to an office or something.

"This way. We have a lot to look over." she said.

I walked to the door and let her lead the rest of the way in. She walked in and I followed quietly. It was a nice size office. Cream carpet, a nice wooden desk and a black leather chair sat behind it. The desk consisted of an expensive looking laptop and papers everywhere. There were very artistic paintings everywhere on the walls. I waited until she sat down before I sat down. I had to remember the proper interview manners that I learned in high school.

"Now, let's look over your résumé again." she was a beautiful woman.

She had short wavy brown hair. She was fit and had a nice behind. Her nails were did. Her eyebrows were nicely waxed and she had a freckles that covered her nose.

"Sure." I rubbed my hands on my legs due to my nervousness.



I was playing Candy crush on my phone for about an hour when I noticed Flow exit the building. I couldn't tell if she was happy or upset. Her face was blank. I opened her door and she got in.

"Well?!" I leaned forward and she looked down.

"I.. uh.. I start next week!!!" she screamed hugging me. I yelled with excitement.

"See, I told you that you had it in the bag!" I kissed her all over her face.

"I was so nervous babe, ugh. I hope this goes well. I don't want to end up looking like a dumb ass." she sank into her seat looking out of the window.

My baby is such a worrywart.

"Yo, none of that trash talk. What did I tell you the first time I met you?" I asked her.

She looked at me.

"Mojo, you told me a lot."

"Naw, what did I tell you when you were about to give up on your project?"

She looked away for a second and then started to smile.

"You said that I was the best at whatever I knew how to do that you didnt."

I nodded and started the car up.

"Exactly, so don't go second guessing yourself. You're a pro at this yoga shit. Down be-" she cut me off.

"Yoga isn't just "shit" babe. It's a form of art. It's a stress reliever. You should try it." she tickled my side and I jerked my body a little too hard because I felt a sharp pain rise up my side.

"Ah shit.. Hell no. See, fucking with you, I just got a cramp." I hissed at the pain.

Flow snickered and rubbed my side. I didn't see anything funny.

"See, if you stretched those limbs of yours out more often, you wouldn't be so tense and stiff." she grinned.

I turned the music up loudly so I wouldn't have to respond to her. She just laughed and looked back out of the window as we cruised through the streets.


Excuse the length of these last few chapters. I know theyre short. I've been writing off the top of my head. I'm just really in the mood to write. Just deal with my laziness for now, please? It'll get better. Oh and for some reason, it's not showing my pictures so I won't be adding them until I figure out what the problem is. -Tash❤

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